Resistance 2 review

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The most important aspect, and what lets all the individual elements shine, is the game’s pacing – it’s immaculate. It constantly mixes up boss battles, races against the clock, switch pulling, vent crawling, ambushes, sieges, corridor blasting and open battlefields in such a way that you never feel overwhelmed or idle.

So R2 is a compelling one-player game that at around 10 hours isn’t given a chance to outstay its welcome. But it’s the multiplayer options that it will probably be remembered for. First up is a class-based co-op mode that demands teamwork beyond the obvious blasting, and then there’s the competitive option that allows for up to 60 players online to let rip. While being a technical and innovative success, the way the online options cater to both the newbie and the hardcore in the same space is the real victory for Insomniac.

R2 isn’t the perfect game: the Campaign is too short, the story too confused and the action too derivative. Also, for such a polished game, the sight of fallen foes hovering in mid-air or getting caught on scenery and sent spinning really stands out. But there’s so much done right, so many ideas that have clarity and have been followed through, and so much to stand in awe of, that Resistance 2 is surely a must-buy for anyone with a PS3.

Nov 4, 2008

More info

DescriptionThis amazing sequel expands in scope and action everything that was great about the first.
Franchise nameResistance
UK franchise nameResistance
US censor rating"Mature"
UK censor rating"18+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)