Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Episodes 1-4 Collectibles Guide

Claire Redfield and Barry Burton are back with a couple of new faces in tow in Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Capcom are offering up weekly servings of zombie-mutant goodness in this episodic adventure and the first instalment does a brilliant job of setting up the pins of the narrative before knocking them down at the end with a big old ball of "you didn't see that coming".

There are, of course, a buttload of collectibles to pick up along the way - the majority of which, in true Resident Evil fashion, are totally random and utterly pointless. But I know you still want them. So in the spirit of saving you a few precious minutes, scroll through the next few pages to get the drop on where you can find them all.

Now relish the time we've bestowed upon you, for it is a gift. Go outside and breathe the fresh air, spend time with a loved one, or run through the entire episode again with invisible enemies turned on for the ultimate spook-fest!

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Shabana Arif
Shabana was born looking like a girl wearing a Pikachu hoodie, so when such things became popular, she fitted right in. She writes guides, reviews and features for GR+ when she isn't screaming at Dark Souls 2 on YouTube.