Resident Evil 5 Full treasure walkthrough and guide

Written by Craig Sedgwick // Wordlife03

V E R S I O N /  1.3





This walkthrough is dedicated to the treasures of Resident Evil 5. 

The walkthrough will tell you the location, sale value and the 

certain conditions which you need to meet in order to gain 

certain treasures. Unlike Resident Evil 4, you don't have 

the ability to combine any treasures to increase their value. 

Finding all the treasures will drastically help your fight against

your relentless foes. Have fun! 

The walkthrough will also reveal farming locations and techniques

in order to help you buy and upgrade weapons much earlier than you'd

normally be able to. Check our Resident Evil 5 BSAA Emblem Guide for help with those. 

Treasures are not needed for story progression, so it's safe to sell

all available treasures. How does one loot said treasures? You can

loot treasures in the same way you loot items and weapons, with a

quick press of the Square or X buttons as soon as you're given the

correct onscreen prompt. 

NOTE: There are 50 unique types of treasure to find. 





001. Full treasure guide

002. Treasure Farming

003. Frequently Asked Questions

004. Version History

005. Credits

006. Copyright






LOCATION: chapter 1-1. Dropped by the Executioner Manjini. The 'Big man

Manjini' will also drop this in chapter 3-2 just before the refinery 

blows up. Kill him and his pack of dogs to snag this treasure. 

SALE PRICE: 5,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 1-1. After encountering the first Manjini and 

jumping out of the window. A cutscene will occur where countless

Manjini will apeear from the abck alleys and attack Sheva and Chris. 

Normally you would enter the house to escape the horde, but fighting

it out will yield the Marquise Topaz. Defeat every single Manjini

and the last of the lot will drop this treasure. 

SALE PRICE: 3,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 1-2. Urban district. Southernmost building. Before

performing the partner action with Sheva which knocks down the door

or gate. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 1-2. Dropped by Alison/Cephalo, the blonde women. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 1-2. A second Gold Ring can be looted if you decide

to kill Uroboros instead of incinerating him.  

SALE PRICE: 5,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-1. Port. Next to the boat underwater. Note: 

Grab this treasure before you open the port door. Else you'll be on

the wrong side of the boat. To be more precise, when you reach the port

door, head left and into the large body of water. 

SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-1. Port. On top of the building where you found 

the port key. 

SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-1. Port. Around the corner to your left

as soon as you enter, located in the large body of water. 

SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-1. Port. Behind a destroyable stall. To destroy

the stall you'll need to aquire a grenade. There's one hidden in a 

pile of fruit next to the stall. Aim the grenade so in lands inside

of the stall. 

SALE PRICE: 3,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-1. Port. Dropped by the Big Man Manjini. Further

bangles will drop from these Manjini in other chapters and levels. 

SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-2. Trainstation. This treasure is firmly attached

to a fence on the eastern side of the map. Instead of ascending the

trains, head around them. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-2. The mines. Roof of the first long tunnel. Keep

looking upward 'til you spot this red gleaming gem. 

SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-2. Mines. Stuck to the apparatus in the 

centre of the main chamber. If you're positioned on ground level, look

upward at the machinery in the centre and you should spot a red

shining gem. After shooting it, you can claim it from the walkway


SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-2. Mines. Just before you reach the crank, there is

a tunnel to your left which is sneakily concealed. Follow the tunnel to

a dead end where you will find a chest containing the Oval Diamond. 

SALE PRICE: 4,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-2. Outer Mines. In a trunk next to the building,

and rusty truck. 

SALE PRICE: 4,500 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-2. Outer Mine. After exiting the mines and after 

the initial cutscene, dispatch the enemies outside of the building 

and make your way toward the first large ladder which you need to climb

in order to progress. Look up and you'll notice this treasure shining

at the very top. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 2-2. Outer Mines. This gem is located above the

ladder where you perform the assist jump with Sheva. Shoot it to 

dislodge and then collect it after making your way upward. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-1. Marshlands. The southern dock, attached to 

the tree to the east of the first key slate. 

SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-1. Marshlands, poultry farm. Treasure is in a chest

inside the lone hut/shack.  

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-1. Northeast dock in the marshlands, there are two

assist jumps to perform here. One yields a key item and the other, this


SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-1. Marshlands. There is an altar as you enter, a

skull is firmly attached to the altar which is concealing a hidden

emerald within. Shoot it to claim this treasure. 

SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-1. Inside the tunnel before you jump onto the 

gondola. Sitting in a chest at the end of the tunnel. 

SALE PRICE: 4,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-1. Marshlands. The Giant Manjini will drop this

valuable gem. This gem can also be found in the 4.1-4.3 chapters

due to the Giant Manjini making more appearances. 

SALE PRICE: 3,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-2. Execution Grounds. Inside the musty cave like

tunnel are two hanging torches. Shoot these two torches to yield your


SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-2. Execution Grounds. This treasure is located 

nearby to the two Tricell tents. It is placed next to the barrel. 

SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-2. Defeat the chainsaw manjini in the oil refinery.

There are two of these Manjini to defeat, both drop a fang each. 

SALE PRICE: 3,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 3-3. Oil field - drilling facilities, located

on a drawer at the top of the bridge. 

SALE PRICE: 3,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-1. Caves. Inside a chest at the dead end,

north of the map.

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-1. Ancient village. South chest in "+" corridor. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-1. Ancient village. East chest in "+" corridor. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-1. Ancient village. West chest after the 

sarcophagus trap, "+" corridor. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-1. Ancient village. Above the first ruined doorway.

SALE PRICE: 1,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-1. Labyrinth, treasure chest in southwest 


SALE PRICE: 3,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-1. Labrinth. Pull the coord on the red statue. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-1. Defeat Popokarimu instead of fleeing.  

SALE PRICE: 10,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-2. Western room in the worship pyramid.

SALE PRICE: 3,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 4-2. Worship area. Above the exit gate. 

SALE PRICE: 4,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-1. Dropped by certain Lickers in the facility. 

SALE PRICE: 2,500 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-2. Missile area, first floor. On the conveyor belt.

After pushing the first switch. Run up the conveyor belt, but becareful

of the motionless zombies(?). 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-2. Dropped by Reapers in the missile areas. 

SALE PRICE: 5,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Oruboros research plant. 

Inside safe after beating boss, west side of room after ascending the


SALE PRICE: 3,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Missile area, second floor in the control room

SALE PRICE: 5,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Monarch entrance, inside a locker.  

SALE PRICE: 3,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Monarch Room. In a vase in the northwest corner. 

Loot before Wesker leaves. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Monarch Room. Inside a sarcophagus, 

north western area of the map. 

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Monarch room entrance. Embedded in rock,

far side of the bridge. 

SALE PRICE: 2,500 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Monarch room entrance. 

Embedded in tunnel roof before main chamber. 

SALE PRICE: 2,500 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Monarch room. Inside sarcophagus,

northwestern corner. Requires partner action. 

SALE PRICE: 2,500 gold



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Found during the boss fight with Wesker and

Jill. It's located on the eastern balcony next to a tricell container.

Must be aquired before the fight with Jill ends. 

Thankyou to Zack Titze for informing me on this treasure, which was 

missing from the guide.



LOCATION: chapter 5-3. Monarch Room. Injure wesker a certain amount 

of times and this gem will appear betwen the two staircases, grab it

before you fight Jill. 

SALE PRICE: 10,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 6-1. Ship Deck. Shoot the manjini close to the crane 

at the starting checkpoint

SALE PRICE: 2,000 gold



LOCATION: chapter 6-3. Only obtainable in the final battle with Wesker. 

before Chris falls down during the cutscene, you'll notice some loose

rocks, shoot the right most rock and you'll be able to claim this

well hidden treasures. Don't forget to jump to the newly created

platform to bag this treasure. 

SALE PRICE: 5,000 gold





What is farming you ask? Well, it's the process of revisiting already

completed chapters and re-looting all the treasures and items. 

The main benefit of farming is to increase your gold in order to fully

upgrade and buy additional weapons in order to beat the harder 


Any chapter can be revisited for this purpose, but there are chapters

which are more beneficial than others. These chapters are listed


Once you've aquired your treasure, simply quit and save your ivnentory

when prompted. Easy. 




The best chapter to farm if you're wanting to loot without

encounteringany crazed African's or BOW creatures. 

Start by visiting each ofthe docks, collecting the numerous idols,

chalices and beetles. Refer to the guide if you're having trouble

finding them. 

There are two additional areas of interest. The poultry farm and the

sunken ship. The poultry farm will yield a random egg, the gold

and rottene ggs inparticular are very valuable. The golden egg can

be sold for 1,000 whilst the rotten egg can also be sold for 2,000. 

Once you're done with the chicken chasing, head to the sunken ship

in the northwest section of the map. Loot the beetle in the water and 

the rocket launcher in the silver case. 

NOTE: Do not pickup any key-items or countless Manjini will spawn. 




Collect some rotten eggs, through the chicken farm area. Get as many 

as you can. Start a game, invite your online friend. Give him all 

your rotten eggs. You quit, and press B, so you DON'T save. He 

presses A, so he DOES save. You will then still have all of your eggs,

but he'll have duplicates.  Repeat this until you both have 45 rotten

eggs ($90,000).


Then trade them back and forth at $90,000 a time. 

This also works in split-screen




This is a very profitable level to farm if you're prepared to kill

everything in your path. This sub chapter has alot of gems and

sarcophagus' to get your mitts on. 

You can also avoid having to fight your way through waves of enemies

if you simply encounter Popokarimu and defeat him for an easy

Soul Gem. Rush the bosses position and a cut scene will occur,

which will result in all other enemies being removed from the map. 




Your aim here is to run through this quick subchapter as fast as you

possibly can whilst dispatching the lickers in the numerous hallways.

Each licker has a chance to drop a Lion Heart gem, which is worth

2,500 gold. A typical speed run of this sub chapter should only take

you around 6-7 minutes while yielding 7000 - 10,000 gold, if you're

lucky with the gem drops that is. 

Set the difficulty to amateur for an easier time. 




A big thankyou to Skylar for e-mailing me with with another farming

spot for sub chapter 5-2, see below. 

"Also, in regards to farming, I found the fastest and easiest way to 

get cash is to farm the Lickers in '5-2 Experimental Facility'. 

It's the third point, after you take an elevator, and directly 

following the first dudes with guns. The room is called Passageway, 

It has around 10 or so Lickers, and it's a U shaped room with fencing

in the middle. When you kill them all, which should only take around 

two minutes, you will acquire 5 Lion Hearts every time, netting 

12,500. As soon as you nab the fifth Lion Heart, QUIT and SAVE. 


and you'll be right back in Passageway ready to nab another 12,500. 

You can get around 100,000 in roughly twenty minutes as opposed 

to ' 4-1 Caves'  40,000 in thirty."




The easiest and most simple way to earn money. When this sub chapter

begins, head out the door to the west, ascend the ladder and open the

safe to net yourself an easy gem which is worth 3,000 gold. This

is the chapter you'll want to do if you haven't aquired the luxury of

infinite ammo. 


003. FAQ


Q.) Can I combine treasures like in Resident Evil 4? 

A.) No, no you can't. Sell the treasures as soon as you receive them. 


Q.) I see something gleaming in the wall, HELP?

A.) A well placed bullet or knife slash will result in the treasure 

being dislodged and promptly falling to the ground. 


Q.) Is it possible to revisit chapters to collect more treasure? 

A.) Yes. It's a common method in Resident Evil 5 to farm money

in order to upgrade weapons without having to wade through a full 

game. See above for farming information. 


q.) Is it possible to buy treasure maps like in RE4? 

a.) Unfortunately, no. You'll have to use my guide or your keen

eye! HA! 


q.) Can I go back if I missed any treasures? 

a.) Yes. Use the chapter selection screen. 


q.) Where can I find my obtained treasures? 

a.) During each mission at the item management screen. 


q.) I have a few suggestions. Interested? 

a.) Sure thing. If you have anything you'd like to clarify

or add to this walkthrough, please e-mail me at 

[email protected] - Thanks! 


q.) Is there any reward to finding all treasures? 

a.) Yes, aside from the money. Finding treasures will count toward

your game completion and also net you a trophy and achivement in 

the process. 





Version 1.0 - [ 16th March 2009 ]

Initial guide. 

Version 1.1 - [ 16th March 2009 ]

Updated with FAQ and farming information

Version 1.2 - [ 18th March 2009 ]

Updated with missing treasure, new farming location and removal of

a few spelling mistakes. 

Version 1.3 - [ 25th March 2009 ]

Re-ordered treasures, added the egg glitch trick and added several

new treasure locations. 





Kwaphy - For being an awesome co-op partner! Without him, I wouldn't

have been able to find all the treasures! 

Capcom - For making one of my favourite games, ever. 

Piggyback - Helping with the wesker and crane treasures. 

Skylar - For providing an excellent method of farming in sub chapter


Zack Titze - For contributing the Brilliant Emerald treasure, which I


Marc Sharpe - For information on an additional gold ring. 

Big thankyou to the following people for e-mailing me regarding

farming and the missing emerald; Jason Culpepper and Brian Crowdis.  

Thank you to the following contributors:

DJ Reese, Jess Sladen, Joshua House, Matthew Mcknight, Richard

Griffith, Josh Vandagriff, Dan Quick, James Clary, Dan Quick, 




Resident Evil 5: Treasure guide

Copyright Craig Sedgwick 2009. 

Written for the Playstation 3, X box 360 and PC versions. 

You may not alter or reproduce this walkthrough under any given

circumstances whatsoever. The guide should only be hosted via, and and no other website, 

unless you're given permission by myself and nobody else. 

This guide may only be hosted on the following;

Resident Evil 5 is the copyright and property of Capcom LTD. 


© Craig Sedgwick // Wordlife03

[email protected]


Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website. 

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