Resident Evil 3 Remake prices: get the best and cheapest deals available

Resident Evil 3 Remake prices: get the best and cheapest deals available
(Image credit: Capcom)

Getting the best Resident Evil 3 price or deal going now is the best way to enjoy the follow up to last year's fantastic Resident Evil 2 remake. But instead of only being judged against its predecessor, Resident Evil 3 Remake has its own merits that it can be judged on. It's a smart makeover for sure and if you haven't picked up a Resident Evil 3 Remake deal, then you'll still have a whale of a time - for a reduced price. 

And in terms of a nudge on how good the game is, Leon begins our  Resident Evil 3 Remake review with: "When everything hits its mark, Resident Evil 3 is almost every bit as good as last year’s Resident Evil 2 Remake. A tense, jumpy retelling of the PS1 classic in a modern gaming language, it tries a few new ideas but works best when it sticks closely to the previous game’s template of undead crowd control and crisscrossing hub areas to unravel." Get primed and excited even more be giving his review a full read.

If you missed it the first time around, this third entry in the series technically begins a few hours before Resident Evil 2. Racoon City is crawling with the undead, everything's gone a bit pear-shaped, and you're doing your best to escape without becoming zombie food. Unfortunately, a new biological terror emerges to scare the bejeesus out of us and hunt you down.

For those who need a quick refresher, Resident Evil 3 is set amidst the nightmarish outbreak of the T-virus, a biological weapon developed by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella Corporation. The game marks the debut of Nemesis – a towering humanoid bioweapon designed for both brutality and high-functioning intelligence – whose dogged hunt of S.T.A.R.S. member Jill Valentine made him an icon of the Resident Evil series. Armed with an arsenal of high-powered weaponry and wrapped in a black suit to hide his mutilated features, Nemesis will destroy any obstacle on the path to his target. In terms of 3's relationship with the previous game (and remake), Jill’s escape takes place in the hours leading up to and following the events of Resident Evil 2. Intense combat and puzzle-solving combine to deliver the heart-pounding final chapter of Raccoon City’s collapse.

Get the best Resident Evil 3 Remake prices

All the normal players in the retail game to jump on board the Resident 3 Evil Remake price train as they battle it out for your custom. Keep an eye out for retailers throwing in their own extras in order to make versions stand out, you might find you can get an extra bit of merch or steelbook or something so it pays to interrogate the deal a little.

Resident Evil 3 Remake prices - Collector's Edition

Resident Evil 3 Remake prices

(Image credit: Capcom)

The biggest version of all gets you a ton of goodies, the Collector's Edition is the boldest and biggest way to celebrate the latest terrifying instalment. The only slightly limiting factor here is that it is exclusive to GameStop in the US and GAME in the UK. Stock levels will fluctuate wildly so it's worth checking a few times. The Collector's Edition gets you:

  • Raccoon City Double-Sided Map Poster
  • Digital Double Album Soundtrack
  • 11-inch Jill Valentine Figure
  • Collector's Art Book
  • A physical copy of the game
  • Special S.T.A.R.S packaging box

US Resident Evil 3 Remake Collector's Edition links

UK Resident Evil 3 Remake Collector's Edition links

Resident Evil 3 Remake price - Standard Edition

Resident Evil 3 Remake price

(Image credit: Capcom)

Getting the most out of Resident Evil 3 Remake

Naturally, the best way to enjoy you're Resident Evil 3 Remake deal is going to be with the most optimal gaming setup as you can possibly manage. This means you'll want to check out the best PS4 Pro deals and the best Xbox One X deals to get the best out of the game's visuals - or indeed one of the best gaming laptops or best gaming PCs. To enhance this further, it might well be worth considering one of the best gaming TVs to soak up every detail and shade of those environments as well. And finally, ensure you have a gaming sound system that will fill the room with the game's audio or go for one of the best PS4 headsets or best Xbox One headsets money can buy.

Looking to pre-order or buy another big game of 2020?

There are a few incredibly exciting upcoming titles available for pre-order, and recent ones that will have deals going on them, right now, and if you're looking to get all your big-game purchases done on some of the biggest games of this year, then these select pages will help you to do so:

Rob Dwiar

Rob is the Deputy Editor of sister site, TechRadar Gaming, and has been in the games and tech industry for years. Prior to a recent stint as Gaming Editor at WePC, Rob was the Commissioning Editor for Hardware at 12DOVE, and was on the hardware team for more than four years, since its inception in late 2018. He is also a writer on games and has had work published over the last six years or so at the likes of Eurogamer, RPS, PCGN, and more. He is also a qualified landscape and garden designer, so does that in his spare time, while he is also an expert on the virtual landscapes and environments of games and loves to write about them too, including in an upcoming book on the topic!