What's Renslayer's secret? Loki fans have two big Marvel theories

(Image credit: Disney Plus/Marvel)

Warning! We’re getting into major spoiler territory for Loki season 2 episode 3 below. Proceed with caution if you’re not up to date on the Disney Plus show.

Well, that ending to Loki season 2 episode 3 has left us desperate to know more. After being pushed through a Time Door to the End of Time, Revonna Renslayer finds a rotting He Who Remains as she tries to work out exactly what is going on. 

After she freed Miss Minutes from her TemPad, the AI then tells her: "It was foolish for [Kang] to make an enemy of someone who knows all his secrets. I know a really big one about you. I can tell you, but it’s going to make you real angry."

Right… So, just what is this secret, and what is it to do with He Who Remains? Loki fans have been debating the reveal, and it seems it’s come down to two big theories. 

Did He Who Remains wipe Renslayer’s mind?

He Who Remains

(Image credit: Marvel Studios)

The first major theory is that Renslayer and He Who Remains have some big history that’s been erased from her mind. This all revolves around the reveal in Loki season 2 episode 1 that Renslayer was involved in the early days of the TVA

If you’ll recall, Loki heard a tape recording after time slipping into the past. In this, He Who Remains is saying: "You are quite a marvel, I would be proud to lead with you." Then, after Loki rewinds even further it becomes clear he is speaking to Renslayer as he says, "For us, for all time," before she replies, "Always".

Earlier in the season, it was revealed that when He Who Remains hid his involvement in creating the TVA, he also wiped the memories of all of its staff. Could Renslayer have been an early victim of this?

Several Reddit users certainly think so, as one viewer speculated: "I think the secret is that she was in charge of the TVA alongside Kang, as heard in the first episode of the season, and he kicked her to the curb."

This theory has been backed up by another viewer's insight into Renslayer’s comic book history too. "Renslayer in the comics was Kang's lover if I remember correctly," they suggested. "I think we're going to find out that this was the case with He Who Remains as well, but that either she pushed him too far to rule by his side or Miss Minutes got jealous and convinced him to wipe her memory."

Is Renslayer a Kang variant? 

Loki season 2

(Image credit: Marvel)

The other major theory about Renslayer’s secret is that she is actually a Kang variant. We’ve met quite a few variants of the MCU’s big bad, including Victor Timely, who plays a prominent role in this episode. However, we’ve yet to meet any who don’t look similar to Jonathan Majors. 

This being said, based on Loki’s variants explored in season one, there can be infinite different versions of the same character. Sylvie is a prime example of this, and maybe an indication that the same could happen with Kang.

One Redditor thinks so at least, speculating that: "I feel like the secret Miss Minutes has is that Renslayer is a Kang variant." Another agreed, arguing that this would make for a really satisfying twist in the show. "While in the comics she's been a kind of love interest (sometimes, but not always), it would be so in line with this show to have her be a Kang variant and a love interest," they theorized. While a third added that a "variant like Sylvie is to Loki makes sense".

These theories certainly offer a lot of food for thought. The former makes a lot of sense in terms of what we know so far, but the creators of this show have also been discussing a "definitive Kang" yet to come. 

Whatever the truth is, it’s clear this is going to have huge consequences going forward. Producer Kevin Wright exclusively told 12DOVE that there’s more to be revealed about Renslayer. 

"She has a rich history in the comics of playing multiple roles and being more than you think she's initially going to be," he said. "You know, Renslayer is somebody that we wanted to be really careful about, and like, she does some pretty horrible things. But I think you understand where she was coming from, and why she would be so angry and why she would be so hurt with the things that are revealed throughout the season."

For more on episode 3, here's our guide to who Balder the Brave is, a breakdown of what exactly that arc reactor in Kang's lab could mean, and our theories on what Miss Minutes is up to. We also have guides on all things Loki to help you navigate this latest Marvel Phase 5 series:

Fay Watson
Deputy Entertainment Editor

I’m the Deputy Entertainment Editor here at 12DOVE, covering TV and film for the Total Film and SFX sections online. I previously worked as a Senior Showbiz Reporter and SEO TV reporter at Express Online for three years. I've also written for The Resident magazines and Amateur Photographer, before specializing in entertainment.