Red, White & Blue review

An unconventional horror yarn

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A twitchy revenger’s tragedy that veers from offbeat indie towards torture porn, Brit writer/director Simon Rumley’s follow-up to the equally vivid The Living And The Dead shows three lives messily intersecting in Nowheresville, Texas.

Amanda Fuller is the promiscuous little girl lost, Marc Senter her one-night stand and Noah Taylor her would-be saviour, though salvation’s in short supply here.

Not a horror film, but an undeniably horrifying one, it depicts believable characters in credibly desperate situations, with none of the usual genre comforts on hand to halt the path to damnation.

Freelance Writer

Matt Glasby is a freelance film and TV journalist. You can find his work on Total Film - in print and online - as well as at publications like the Radio Times, Channel 4, DVD REview, Flicks, GQ, Hotdog, Little White Lies, and SFX, among others. He is also the author of several novels, including The Book of Horror: The Anatomy of Fear in Film and Britpop Cinema: From Trainspotting To This Is England.