Red Dead Redemption 2 guide: Complete Gold Medal checklists and guides for everything in the West

Red Dead Redemption 2: Chapter 2 Gold Medal Checklists

Who is Not without Sin

  • Win 2 hands of Poker
  • Return Reverend to camp within 2 minutes 5 seconds

Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego

  • Track the bear within 1 minute 30 seconds
  • Shoot the bear at least 6 times
  • Complete within 12 minutes

The Spines of America

  • Loot everything from Carmody Dell
  • Don't get spotted
  • Deliver the wagon to Emerald Ranch within 1 minute 10 seconds

Polite Society, Valentine Style

  • Return the lost wagon horse to its owner
  • Find Karen within 45 seconds

Good, Honest, Snake Oil

  • Stop Benedict Allbright falling off the cliff
  • Hogtie Allbright within 1 minute 15 seconds
  • Return Allbright to the sheriff within 1 minute 30 seconds

Americans at Rest

  • Save Javier within 15 seconds
  • Defeat Tommy within 1 minute 30 seconds

The First Shall Be The Last

  • Silently kill the Bounty Hunters by the river with Javier
  • Shoot the rope to free Sean
  • Get 10 headshots
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Paying a Social Call

  • Silently kill 4 O'Driscolls
  • Get 12 headshots
  • Complete with at least 80% accuracy
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

We Loved Once and True - III

  • Peacefully convince the Chelonians to let you take Jamie
  • Return Jamie to Mary within 2 minutes

Money Lending and Other Sins - III

  • Complete within 2 minutes 10 seconds

A Quiet Time

  • Try to make amends with an old rival
  • Catch Lenny in the act
  • Don't get arrested

Pouring Forth Oil - II

  • Deliver the wagon to the drop off within 1 minute 45 seconds

Pouring Forth Oil - IV

  • Kill all the train guards before Sean fires a shot
  • Clear the baggage car of loot
  • Escape the Law within 1 minute 30 seconds
  • Get 10 kills in Dead Eye
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

A Fisher of Men

  • After arriving at the river, catch a fish within 1 minute 30 seconds
  • Complete with 7 minutes 20 seconds

Blessed Are The Meek?

  • While escaping, kill all mounted Lawman within 55 seconds
  • Get 15 headshots
  • Complete with at least 70% accuracy
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

The Sheep and the Goats

  • Herd all the sheep in the pen in Valentine
  • Get 25 headshots
  • Complete with at least 70% accuracy
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

A Strange Kindness

  • Return the captive to his family within 1 minute 40 seconds
  • Get 5 headshots
  • Complete with at least 80% accuracy
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

An American Pastoral Scene

  • Headshot each of the mounted guards protecting the wagon
  • Get 10 kills in Dead Eye
  • Complete within 6 minutes
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

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Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 550 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.