Red Dead Redemption 2 has a 3GB day one patch to "ensure the best possible gameplay experience" in time for launch

Less than 24 hours from the release of Red Dead Redemption 2, and Rockstar has released its final news post before the open world western hits stores everywhere. Entitled Get Ready for Red Dead Redemption 2, the newswire article outlines the specifics of a "Launch Day Title Update" for the game, alongside a few other housekeeping notes in preparation for the big day.

The day one patch, which is 3.30GB on PS4 and 3.2GB on Xbox One, is already available to download for those who have pre-ordered Red Dead Redemption 2 digitally and can install it ahead of launch, but physical owners of the game will have to beam down the megabytes once they insert the disc into the system. 

While the patch isn't a mandatory requirement before booting up Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar "strongly recommends making sure you’ve downloaded this update before launching the game", as it includes a number of "last minute tweaks, bugs and fixes." 

In other words, we all want Red Dead Redemption 2 to be the best version of itself for our first playthrough, so it's worth waiting the extra hour or less to get this patch downloaded before starting it up. 

Rockstar also detailed the embargo lift times for streaming Red Dead Redemption 2 and, long story short, you'll be able to start watching people play it online at various times around the globe from today onwards. Meanwhile, the studio promised that the Red Dead Online beta is still scheduled for this November, and we even got our first look at it in the PS4 exclusive content trailer earlier this week. 

Will Red Dead Redemption 2 make it to the top of our best games of 2018? Check back later today on 12DOVE to read our full review!

Alex Avard

I'm GamesRadar's Features Writer, which makes me responsible for gracing the internet with as many of my words as possible, including reviews, previews, interviews, and more. Lucky internet!