RadioRadar+ Podcast 58: Giving thanks to Dishonored 2, Watch Dogs 2, and Nier: Automata

The Big Topic: Dishonored 2's devilish level design
Further Discussion: Watch Dogs 2 is… fine?
What we’re into: Nier: Automata is looking hot

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We show our thanks to some nice-looking sequels by talking about them for about ninety minutes. We open with another (slightly spoilery) dive into Dishonored 2 and its incredible level design. We also played a little bit of Watch Dogs 2 and… actually liked it? Weird. Last, we have Lucas onboard to chat about Nier: Automata, Square Enix and Platinum's unlikely action-RPG sequel to cult hit Nier.


Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
David Roberts (@davidrobots)
Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)
Lucas Sullivan (@ljrepresent)

Intro: "Inspiration" by BoxCat Games, used under CC 3.0

Outro: "Forever Believe" by Jason Shaw, used under CC 3.0

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