Rabbids Go Home review

A clever, hilarious, varied action platformer – NOT another party game

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Early levels suggest Go Home is a game devoid of challenge, but tough enemies and tricky platform bits soon come thick and fast. Later stages can be difficult, and occasionally frustrating due to the game’s lack of camera control. For the majority of the time it’s not a problem, but in some platforming sections the choice of perspective can seem incredibly dim.

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you can’t accuse the Rabbids of stupidity. The game’s consistently clever on a visual level, but it often has surprises under the hood too, delivering an unexpected twist just when you think it’s in danger of becoming formulaic.

To get past certain locked doors you need to trample through plates of food, leaving a trail of gooey mush all over the floor. You use this trail to lure a cleaning robot towards the door, which will then unwittingly open it for you – but be careful not to venture across puddles of water along the way, as it will clean your cart’s wheels and make the robot slink back to its post. It’s a nice little puzzle that takes advantage of the game’s cart-pushing antics, and it wouldn’t seem out of place in a point ’n’ click title.

Unlike something frequently ingenious like World of Goo, however, Go Home is only this clever every so often. Most of the time it coasts by on being funny, varied and entertaining – all of which are great accomplishments, but not quite enough to push the game into 9-scoring territory. The occasional camera problems and frustrating later sections bring it down a notch as well.

For your cash, however, you get a charming and original action title, which makes the best use of those Raving Rabbids yet. And as a special bonus, Rayman’s not in it, so you don’t have to spend the game gawking at his freaky floating extremities.

Nov 1, 2009

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DescriptionEven if you're not a fan of the demented bunnies this is the best example of the physics puzzle genre we've seen in ages, though the menu screen music nearly drove us to madness.
US censor rating"Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+"
UK censor rating"7+","7+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)
Tom Sykes
When he's not dying repeatedly in roguelikes, Tom spends most of his working days writing freelance articles, watching ITV game shows, or acting as a butler for his cat. He's been writing about games since 2008, and he's still waiting on that Vagrant Story 2 reveal.