R-Type Dimensions review

Playing against type

12DOVE Verdict


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    Still plays solidly

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    Provides relief from difficulty

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    Swap between old and new graphics


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    Ego-destroying without infinite lives

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    Appears somewhat quaint

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    Won't amuse for long

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You’d be forgiven for thinking that R-Type consisted of just one level; one rock hard level that, with your paltry three lives, you’d never seen the end of. R-Type is a gaming Everest; you’d climb it, carve your initials on the high score table and then swagger off, content with your life.

Well, no more. With this 3D bundling of R-Types I and II, it’s now possible for mere mortals to complete thanks to a welcome new game mode that bestows you with infinite lives. The 3D treatment’s a bit bland but you can swap out the original and remade sprites at any time by pressing Y. It’s more amusing than you’d imagine; a telling real-time demo of how far graphics have come in two decades.

Dozens of Live’s retro remakes are shallow and outdone by modern titles but R-Type’s inspired bosses and weapons remain strong to this day. Nearly every side-scrolling shooter released in its wake owes it a considerable debt, but R-Type plays as good as any of them and for that reason alone, it’s still worthy of your time.

Feb 4, 2009

More info

DescriptionAt one time it was called the perfect shooter, the R-Type series is showing its age with this Xbox Live Arcade translation, though it still offers some good times.
PlatformXbox 360
US censor ratingEveryone
Release date4 February 2009 (US), 4 February 2009 (UK)
Tom Sykes
When he's not dying repeatedly in roguelikes, Tom spends most of his working days writing freelance articles, watching ITV game shows, or acting as a butler for his cat. He's been writing about games since 2008, and he's still waiting on that Vagrant Story 2 reveal.