Psychonauts 2 gets new trailer at Xbox Games Showcase, release date delayed to 2021

(Image credit: Double Fine)

Update: Psychonauts 2 has been delayed, as evidenced by a new Xbox Wire post that says it's now slated for release in 2021. Originally scheduled to launch back in 2019, it was announced at last year's E3 that it would instead release in 2020. Developer Double Fine was acquired by Xbox Game Studios in 2019, and with the ongoing pandemic affecting game development across the board, it's unsurprising Psychonauts 2 is taking a bit longer to complete.

Original story as follows...

Microsoft and developer Double Fine Productions have given us another tasty look at Psychonauts 2 at today's Xbox Game Showcase, which will be launching on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X later this year. 

The much anticipated sequel to the cult classic platformer of 2005 is very much continuing in the tradition of Double Fine's kaleidoscopic visuals, offbeat storytelling, and smart, subversive gameplay. Check out the new look at the game in the video below: 

Like every other title showcased at Microsoft's next-gen live stream today, Psychonauts 2 will feature optimisations for Xbox Series X via Smart Delivery, though Double Fine has confirmed the game is also launching for current gen consoles too, including the PlayStation 4 (no word on a potential PS5 port just yet). 

Centred around the exploits of returning protagonist, special agent Razputin "Raz" Aquato, Psychonauts 2's story will see our mind-hunting hero "unravel dark mysteries about the Psychonauts team and his own family origins."

It also stars esteemed actor, singer, and video game YouTuber Jack Black, who once again lends his voice to another Double Fine production to play the role of "Brain in a Jar"; a "magical mote of light" who can also sing like nobody's business. 

For all the latest announcements to arrive from the Xbox Game Showcase, including news on Halo Infinite and more, stay tuned to 12DOVE. 

Here's everything we know about the upcoming Xbox Series X pre-orders too, or watch the video below for a look at the next generation of Unreal Engine.

Alex Avard

I'm GamesRadar's Features Writer, which makes me responsible for gracing the internet with as many of my words as possible, including reviews, previews, interviews, and more. Lucky internet!