Prius Online Anima Redux closed beta key giveaway

Most MMOs have you playing as a single character. Prius Online lets you use three. The MMO’s three-character (3C) combat system has you using skills from your personal avatar, an angelic Anima companion, and a Gigas beast that can be summoned. Billed as an “emotional” MMO, publisher Gala-Net is promoting Prius Online’s focus on storytelling with cutscenes that emphasize the MMO’s over arching plot and the bond between your main character and the mysterious Anima companion you team up with.

Prius Online's unique battle system and interesting look caught our eye, so we talked to publisher Gala-Net and got a bunch of closed beta keys to share so you can try Prius Online out for yourself as soon as the closed beta phase begins on April 28...

Above: The production values look pretty high for a free-to-play MMO. You can see more screenshotshere

Above: A trailer for Prius Online

How to get your Prius Online closed beta key

1. Login to If you’re not already a member, click here to register. It only takes a moment.
2. Head to ourPrius Online closed beta key pageto get your code.
3. Make a note of your code and follow the instructions to register for the game and download the client. Remember, the closed beta phase doesn’t begin until April 28.

Apr 13, 2011
