Previous issues

Here's what you've missed of our printed edition in recent years...

Click here to buy back issues online - the last half dozen are usually available for a limited time.


March 2013 (SFX 231)

It’s that time again… yep, it’s movie preview time! We’re looking at a very exhilarating, overloaded 2013 with such geek-thrilling features as Star Trek Into Darkness , Beautiful Creatures , Man Of Steel , Jack The Giant Slayer and Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters . We also have some snippets from Being Human season five and we press play on what Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph is all about, as well as which videogame characters (like Super Mario ’s Bowser) are in it.

February 2013 (SFX 230)

Doctor Who ’s snowed under this issue as we get Christmassy looking at his special snowman episode. Game of Thrones’ 10 unanswered questions are finally asked and speculated upon (because we need to know who Jon Snow’s parents are), and most importantly, we give you 20 Reasons We Love Buffy – and if you haven’t already watched it, stop reading this and go do it. Now. No, really, go watch it.

January 2013 (SFX 229)

Our unexpected journey into Middle Earth continues with an exclusive on The Hobbit. Elsewhere we’ve got interviews with George R.R. Martin about his other, non- Game of Thrones books and TV’s new Green Arrow Stephen Amell. We also the eight season of Canadian hit Supernatural and look forward to the sci-fi videogames of 2013.

December 2012 (SFX 228)

Howling is on the horizon as we find out how “ X-Men meets The Terminator ” in The Wolverine , the Japan-set Wolverine spin-off. The familiar orange boiler suits are back in Misfits series four and the new people wearing them tell us what kind of trouble we’ll be in for, and also - beware, corpses are stirring! - we have a look at The Walking Dead season three.

November 2012 (SFX 227)

We go bonkers for Bond by celebrating 50 years of the British super-spy on the big screen with a preview of his latest cinematic adventure, Skyfall , a chat with Bond-title maestro Danny Kleinman and Christopher Wood tells us how to write the perfect Bond movie. Elsewhere we chat to the boys from the Dwarf about Red Dwarf X , the cast of Merlin tell us what to expect from the show’s final series and in reviews Looper gets a whopping five stars.

October 2012 (SFX 226)

A world exclusive chat where Steven Moffat talks Doctor Who series seven (and beyond) heads up our awesome TV preview featuring over 20 genre shows. We go on set for Resident Evil: Retribution , look back at The Evil Dead II and go doolally for Dredd with a 4.5 star review and interviews with Alex Garland and Karl Urban. Plus our new TV section, View Screen, debuts.

September 2012 (SFX 225)

We celebrate Marvel’s past and future in film with a peek at what’s next in the run up to The Avengers 2 and a retrospective on how X-Men 2 saved the day (to be expected really, all those superpowers!) for Marvel back in 2003. The Lonely Island ’s Akiva Schaffer explains his move to the big screen with The Watch , we recommend our 10 must-see movies of 2013 and Colin Farrell explains what it’s like stepping into Arnold Swarzenegger’s shoes in Total Recall . Not too smelly, we hope.

August 2012 (SFX 224)

Batman returns this issue as the man himself Christian Bale, purr-fect Anne Hathaway and producer Emma Thomas lift the veil on The Dark Knight Rises with insider info on the trilogy’s final instalment. Merlin ’s co-creators hint at the return of Emrys as the series come to a close, and it all gets a bit revealing as we talk sailing, grease and minimal cloth with Elliot Knight, star of Sky1’s Sinbad .

Summer 2012 (SFX 223)

We plunge into the realm of Star Trek to celebrate its 25th anniversary, including a look back at the series and sharing our 20 Reasons Why We Love The Next Generation . Extra-terrestrials and “sparkling” romance will be dropping to earth in Falling Skies season two as we chat to executive producer Remi Aubuchon, and ex- Eastender Lacey Turner reaches new heights as a London spellcaster in Switch and a sixth-sensed paramedic in Bedlam s second series.

July 2012 (SFX 222)

Men In Black 3 director Barry Sonnenfeld gives us the skinny on the latest instalment in the time-travelling, sunglasses-sporting, alien-fighting franchise. We speak to on-screen President Benjamin Walker about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and the axe as a weapon of choice, and screenwriter-producer Damon Lindelof explains the story behind Prometheus’ creation and why watching Alien made him scared of food.

June 2012 (SFX 221)

Webs are spinning at SFX as we find out more about The Amazing Spiderman , speaking to the Spidey himself, Andrew Garfield, and love interest Gwen (Emma Stone). Joss Whedon lets loose a few hints from Cabin In The Woods , explaining just why he uses so many of the same actors in his creations. There’s also a preview of freaky space-prison film Lockout featuring Misfits ’ Joe Gilgun (Rudy), for whom orange boiler suits are clearly a favourable fashion choice.

May 2012 (SFX 220)

Look at them, Starfleet’s finest, staring out across the universe looking for trouble – marvellous! We tell you everything you could possibly want to know about Star Trek 2, talk A Song Of Ice And Fire with George RR Martin, begin the countdown to The Dark Knight Rises (with a feature on Catwoman, meow!) and check out The Avengers.


April 2012 (SFX 219)

We return to Middle-earth and find out what’s in store for Peter Jackson’s return to Tolkein with The Hobbit. We also round up the rest of 2012’s fantasy action, including Game Of Thrones second season, Wrath Of The Titans and John Carter. Perhaps most importantly, this is the issue where we unveil the winners of the SFX Sci-fi Awards 2012.


March 2012 (SFX 218)

The Winchester boys are back and talking season seven, we look ahead to Joss Whedon’s Cabin In The Woods, Dark Shadows and Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters, and talk to Charlaine Harris and Debora Ann Woo (that’s Jessica t you True Blood fans) about southern vampire shenanigans.


February 2012 (SFX 217)

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Or is it Henry Cavill, all suited up as the new Superman! We uncover all the juicy details about Man Of Steel, get an exclusive first look at the new Red Dwarf series, speak to the cast of The Walking Dead and go on set with Matt Smith for the Doctor Who Christmas Special.


January 2012 (SFX 216)

Those sultry Southern bloodsuckers are the cover stars this month as we celebrate all things vampire, including Twilight: Breaking Dawn, The Vampire Diaries and Underworld 4. We also talk futuristic tech terror and Black Mirror with Charlie Brooker, and have a chat with Andrew Lincoln about The Walking Dead.


December 2011 (SFX 215)

They're back and they're as bad as ever - the UK's premier orange-suited superheroes are the cover stars this month as our Jordan goes on set to find out what to expect in series three of Misfits. Exclusive interviews with everyone from Terry Pratchett to the cast and crew of The Walking Dead, Fringe and Chuck also dwell within, alongside a look at Henry Cavill-starring Immortals and our annual Hot 50 run down of the movers and shakers in the world of sci-fi.



August 2011 (SFX 211)
Captain America is asking you to do your duty in this issue of SFX , whilst continuing the Superhero theme over at DC, there’s everything you need to know about the new Superman movie Man Of Steel . Also, world exclusive pictures and interviews from Merlin series four, a look at hairy new TV show Teen Wolf and a celebration for 25 years of Aliens .





April 2011 (SFX 206)
Zack Snyder and the ladies of Sucker Punch blindside the cover of our latest issue. Elsewhere, we reveal the winners of the SFX sci-fi awards, Nicholas Cage drives while mildly irritated, or indeed Angry; Jamie Bamber and Wil Wheaton (in a fez!) get the profile treatment; and we look back on The League Of Gentlemen and The Incredible Hulk (the TV show obvs).


March 2011 (SFX 205)
Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and director Greg Mottola talk little grey men. One little grey man in particular – Paul . The God of Thunder gets a, er, thunderous reception in our Thor feature. While over in TV land we go in-depth with the new season of Supernatural , Being Human USA and Outcasts . Jason Ritter, Alexander Siddig and author Ben Aaronovitch get the profile treatment while Gulliver's Travels gets a kicking over in reviews.


February 2011 (SFX 204)
’s back from the dead and we have the evidence – an on-set exclusive look at season four as we brave a warehouse in Ireland to bring you the inside scoop. Relive the Doctor Who Christmas special and find out what Karen Gillan would buy Matt Smith for Chrismas in our “A Christmas Carol” preview. Edgar Wright tells us his Heroes And Inspirations, Guillermo Del Toro is subjected to a Fannish Inquisition and we preview The Green Hornet and Being Human series three. There's even a classic Couch Potato. Value for money or what?

January 2011 (SFX 203)
Tron: Legacy takes over the cover for our first issue of 2011 as we take a look at the long anticipated sequel, while Mr Matt Smith reveals the common link between Christopher Walken, Stuart Pearce and ninja movies as we talk Heores And Inspirations with the Doctor. Elsewhere, we speak to Monsters director Gareth Edwards, explore the world of online gaming, take a wander through both sides of the Fringe universe and don our finest shell suit to explore the best films of the ’80s. We really are spoiling you…

December 2010 (SFX 202)
Merry Christm… hang on, the December issue went on sale in October? What’s all that about? Temporal anomalies aside though it’s still an issue with more treats than Santa’s workshop with on-set exclusives behind the scenes of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part One and the new season of Misfits , a look back at 25 years of Back To The Future , Iain M Banks answering your questions in the latest Fannish Inquisition, retro features on He-Man , Godzilla and Tim Burton’s Batman ; not to mention a grand total of 105 reviews. That’s a lot of stars you know.


November 2010 (SFX 201)
The Walking Dead
terrorise our US fall season TV preview alongside Supernatural , The Vampire Diaries , The Event and Fringe . Elsewhere the producers of Despicable Me tell us why Toy Story 3 isn’t the only animated big boy at the box office this summer, everything you need to know about the new season of the Sarah Jane Adventures (including a chat with Matt Smith), the real director of Poltergeist revealed, a look at HG Wells adaptation First Men In The Moon and 20 reasons why we love The Avengers .


October 2010 (SFX 200)
Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us! It’s SFX ’s bumper anniversary edition as we celebrate 200 issues of the best sci-fi magazine in the galaxy by, what else, half-killing ourselves to put out a 200 page issue! It was worth it in the end though because as well as headlining world exclusive coverage of Star Trek 2 there’s 200 Science Fiction Secrets you won’t find anywhere else from the genre’s leading lights. Elsewhere there’s the history of SFX in one nifty timeline, A World Without Star Wars , interviews with Terry Pratchett, Terry Gilliam and Jonathan Ross and the glorious return of Couch Potato. With bush gags! It’ll go down in legend.

September 2010 (SFX 199)
The Man Who – Russell T Davies talks exclusively to SFX about Torchwood ’s transatlantic fourth season while we take on Edgar Wright and level up for Scott Pilgrim Versus The World . Elsewhere there’s news on Fringe ’s third season, Mark Hamill tells us about his Heroes And Inspirations, we look back at Batman: The Animated Series and Dave Golder ponders: “Is it better to have lost love with Lost than never to have loved Lost at all?”


August 2010 (SFX 198)
Blimey Charlie, 2011 is looking so exciting we decided to look to the future in our blisteringly early 2011 preview featuring Thor , The Green Lantern , Captain America , Paul , Cowboys And Aliens , Tintin , Super 8 and many others. The makers of breakout Syfy hit Warehouse 13 tell us about the show’s tricky second season, rewind reminisces about much-missed Whedon show Firefly and as the summer of SF reading comes to a close we look at the works of Neuromancer author William Gibson.


Summer 2010 (SFX 197)
gives us the sequel we’ve been waiting for with Nimrod Antal taking the helm, and we line up the SFX Hot 50 – only the top talents shaping the world of science fiction need apply. Elsewhere we continue our guide of what to read in the sun this year with The Summer Of SF Reading Part two, delve into True Blood season three with a profile on shapeshifter Sam Trammel and chat to Battlestar saviour Ronald D Moore as well as Jonah Hex ’s Josh Brolin. We also reveal exclusive news on Futurama ’s long awaited return, it’s the show that can’t die folks.

July 2010 (SFX 196)
The one and only Terry Pratchett sits in the captain’s chair for one month only (and relegates Dave Bradly to tea boy) as the Discworld creator guest edits SFX to celebrate the launch of The Summer Of SF Reading. As well as oodles of bonus books coverage we chat to the fearless females leading the charge in the new wave of British sci-fi telly, go behind-the-scenes on the latest Terry Pratchett adaptation Going Postal , A Nightmare On Elm Street scares us silly all over again, an fond look back at Blade Runner and we tell you about the weirdest Australian soap you’ve never heard of. We guarantee you’ll want to pick up the boxset after reading about Chances.

June 2010 (SFX 195)
The summer’s nearly here and that can only mean one thing: no it’s not the World Cup or time to dust off the sun bed, but summer blockbusters! We speak to the cast and crew of Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time to find out why it’s much more than the next Pirates . Also don’t miss our exclusive interviews with Matt Smith, Alex Kingston, Charlaine Harris, Mark Pellegrino and Robert Englund as well as features on top vampire drama Ultraviolet , retro collectables and female videogame icons. And want to know what we think of How To Train Your Dragon , Being Human Season Two and The Lord Of The Rings on Blu-ray? Find out here.


April 2010 (SFX 193)
You voted it your favourite show in the SFX Sci-fi Awards 2010, so we decided to chat to the Demon-slaying duo themselves, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki about the red-hot new series of Supernatural. Plus we speak to James Purefoy about his Puritan warrior Solomon Kane, clash heads with Titans director Louis Leterrier, step through the looking glass with Alice In Wonderland and pull back the curtain to reveal the full list of winners of the SFX sci-fi Awards 2010.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Row 0 - Cell 0 March 2010 (SFX192) Iron Man 2 heads up our Massive Marvel Meltdown along with a feature on the return of Captain America. Plus: On-set for The Wolfman and the final season of Lost, Miyazaki under the microscope, Astro Boy taking flight and a look back at the weird world of British Girls’ comics. Also don’t miss retro features on Tremors, The Storyteller and The Company Of Wolves.
Row 1 - Cell 0 February 2010 (SFX191) Being Human bites back as the second season makes a spectacular return to screens. Plus the ultimate 2010 preview, a look at post-apocalyptic Cormac McCarthy adaptation The Road and the final Tennant-era interview with New Who maestro Russell T Davies. You'd be mad to miss out.
Row 2 - Cell 0 January 2010 (SFX190) Blue movies special! But it’s not what you’re thinking as we chat to James Cameron ahead of the release of his return to science fiction after an 18 year absence with Avatar. Plus: an exclusive interview with New Moon director Chris Weitz, a celebration of 50 years of The Twilight Zone and SFX’s definitive Gift Guide.
Row 3 - Cell 0 December 2009 (SFX189) Doctor, Doctor! We have a rare chat with the men who defined Doctor Who for a whole new generation, Russell T Davies and David Tennant, about the 10th Doctor’s most terrifying adventure yet. Plus: on-set reports from the new series of the Sarah Jane Adventures and The Vampire’s Assistant, a long-overdue look back at Red Dwarf and a 9-page Hollywood Video Games blowout.
Row 4 - Cell 0 November 2009 (SFX188) I am not a number, I am a re-imagining! We speak to the writer and stars responsible for the most controversial remake of the century. Plus: we take a couple of minutes to look six months into the future of FlashForward, sit down to chat with the two Terry’s: Gilliam and Pratchett, revisit Eerie, Indiana and take a trip down to the terrifying Tomb of Terror.
Row 5 - Cell 0 October 2009 (SFX187) The aliens are invading… again! We speak to the talent behind the slimy new remake of V, as part of our massive US TV preview. Plus: we get scared silly on the set of psychological horror Pandorum, spend some quality time with Tom Baker and Brian Bendis, look back at the twisted world of Phantasm and relive the cause of many a childhood nightmare as we delve into terrifying kids TV.
Row 6 - Cell 0 September 2009 (SFX186) There really is no stopping Stargate! We speak to the showrunners behind the latest addition to the SF franchise that will not die, Stargate Universe! Plus: we talk to director Neill Blomkamp about District 9, have some friendly chats with Grant Morrison and Rob Zombie, look back on Terrahawks and Robotech, and explore the world of slipstream SF.
Row 7 - Cell 0 August 2009 (SFX185) Summer's hotting up and so is our August issue - we count down the 50 most influential and important players in SF and fantasy today! And we chat to Moon director Duncan Jones, go on set for Land Of The Lost, discuss the steampunk subgenre and look back on some spooky kids in American Gothic and Village Of The Damned!
Row 8 - Cell 0 July 2009 (SFX184) There's magic in the air... we've been on set for Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince! We've also talked to Michael Bay about Transformers 2, Bryan Fuller about everything that makes him tick, and legendary author Raymond E Feist about Riftwar, realistic villains and ratty clothing, as well as presenting our personal guide to some of the finest SF-themed t-shirts on the market!
Row 9 - Cell 0 June 2009 (SFX183) McG gives us the full lowdown on the newest instalment in the Terminator series, Terminator: Salvation! Plus, we talk to Harlan Ellison about his involvement with the original Terminator, have a look at Sam Raimi's new film Drag Me To Hell, and list the ten most influential novels in British SF - how many have you read? And as an added bonus, every copy also comes with a free sheet of Transformers 2 magnets!
Row 10 - Cell 0 May 2009 (SFX182) It's almost here! We talk exclusively to JJ Abrams about bringing Star Trek back to the big screen. Plus - a massive feature on videogames, an exclusive chat with the legendary Alan Moore, on set for the second series of Ashes To Ashes and loads more besides!
Row 11 - Cell 0 April 2009 (SFX181) Russell T Davies talks about the final days of the Tenth Doctor, we go on set for the third series of Primeval, Bruce Campbell answers your questions, we bring you all the behind-the-scenes info on 3D animated movies Coraline and Monsters Vs Aliens, and welcome Lost, Battlestar Galactica and Heroes back to Spoiler Zone!
Row 12 - Cell 0 March 2009 (SFX180) We celebrate the return of Lost to our screens with a huge behind-the-scenes feature, as well as looking at the fourth season of Supernatural, answering (nearly) every question you could have about time travel (including the upcoming movie, Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel), interviewing some fantasy artists and providing you with a free board game for those rainy spring afternoons!
Row 13 - Cell 0 February 2009 (SFX179) Our first issue of the new year delivers a load of behind the scenes material! We've got the lowdown on X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Battlestar Galactica, Chuck, Being Human and True Blood, as well as retrospectives on Farscape, Ghostbusters and Clash Of The Titans. And we put your questions to the lovely Claudia Black!
Row 14 - Cell 0 January 2009 (SFX178) Happy New Year! And what a year full of promise it looks set to be. We kick things off with a full breakdown of all the films, TV shows, books, comics and videogames that 2009 has to offer, and we go behind the scenes on one particular TV show that we're all really looking forward to - Joss Whedon's Dollhouse. We also talk to Frank Miller about The Spirit, go on set for ITV's new series Demons, and reveal the long-awaited results of the 2008 Reader Awards!
Row 15 - Cell 0 Christmas 2008 (SFX177) We've been waiting a long time, and now it's almost here at last - we go on set to bring you an in-depth report on the live-action version of Watchmen, as well as giving you the lowdown on The Day The Earth Stood Still, Inkheart and Life On Mars USA - plus a look back on Twin Peaks, Superman: The Movie and The Champions, and a free 2009 calendar to boot!
Row 16 - Cell 0 December 2008 (SFX176) Doctor Who is 45 years old this year, and we're celebrating! This month we give you the choice of ten different Doctor Who covers, each bearing the image of a different Doctor, from William Hartnell to David Tennant. And the celebration continues on the inside, as we talk to Russell T Davies, Steven Moffatt, Stephen Fry and others about the past, present and future of the show. We also talk to JJ Abrams about Fringe, go on set for the remake of Survivors, and look back on the original version of The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Row 17 - Cell 0 November 2008 (SFX175) Zachary Quinto graces our cover this month, and with good reason - not only do we talk to him about playing Spock and list the 50 things you have to know about the new Star Trek movie, we also talk to the cast and crew of Heroes about the show's third season! We also go on set for Apparitions, put your questions to James Marsters, look back on Deep Space 9 and Children of the Stones, and get the Couch Crew to watch some comedy episodes of sci-fi dramas to find out if any of them are really funny...
Row 18 - Cell 0 October 2008 (SFX174) One summer may have gone but we've still got the other one this issue, and she's hot as hell! We've gone on set with the lovely Summer Glau and the rest of the cast of The Sarah Connor Chronicles to bring you all the gossip from the second season. And that's the not the only reason why this issue is smokin' hot - we've also got our annual Legends of the Fall guide to all this year's new and returning shows from across the pond, a report from the set of BBC's Merlin, Amanda Tapping's answers to your questions in the Fannish Inquisition, and so much more that we'd burn our very fingers off if we listed it all!
Row 19 - Cell 0 September 2008 (SFX173) We've gone Star Wars mad this month, and this time it's all because of Clone Wars! As well as having three different covers to choose from, we've also looked ahead to all the upcoming new additions to the Star Wars franchise, including The Force Unleashed. We also go behind the scenes on The Mummy 3 and Stargate Atlantis, put your questions to Brent Spiner, look back on Knightmare, Halloween and Starship Troopers, and much, much more!
Row 20 - Cell 0 August 2008 (SFX172) It's a Bat-tastic issue this month as we go behind the scenes to bring you everything you need to know about The Dark Knight, including an interview with the man who first created the Joker! We also look into both the past and the future to examine the mega-franchise that is The Terminator, have an in-depth look at WALL-E, look back on Knightmare and The Owl Service, and loads more besides...
Row 21 - Cell 0 July 2008 (SFX171) Do you want to believe? We do! This month we take you behind the scenes on the new X-Files movie to try and uncover what exactly Mulder and Scully will be facing off against after their long hiatus. We've also gone behind the scenes on The Incredible Hulk, Prince Caspian and Wanted, looked back on Bride of Frankenstein, Quantum Leap and Mysterious Cities of Gold, and interviewed Mike Mignola, Chi McBride and Ben Browder, and much more besides! And since we're in an X-Files mood, every issue also comes with a double-sided X-Files poster.
Row 22 - Cell 0 June 2008 (SFX170) We've got another packed one this month, with features from the set of Hellboy II and Indy IV, cast reunions for both Buffy and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, interviews with Jared Padalecki and Dario Argento, and loads of book-related goodness to accompany our summer of reading! And just in case you're in need of something to read, we're also giving away a free spin-off novel with every issue!
Row 23 - Cell 0 May 2008 (SFX169) It's the summer of the superheroes! With three comics-inspired movie adaps due out this summer, we've got interviews from behind the scenes with all the big names behind Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and The Dark Knight. Our short story-writing competition, Pulp Idol, also kicks off for its third year, we've got features on Battlestar Galactica's fourth season and 2001: A Space Odyssey, and we've put your questions to Peter Davison. And that's just the tip of this month's sci-fi iceberg...
Row 24 - Cell 0 April 2008 (SFX168) Doctor Who's fourth season is almost upon us, so we chat to Russell T Davies about the future of everyone's favourite Time Lord. We also chat to Bryan Fuller about Pushing Daisies, Terry Pratchett about The Colour of Magic, and Neil Marshall about his favourite visions of the Apocalypse. Plus we've got the second half of our Win a Dalek competition, our guide to the best science fiction-inspired songs and albums, and loads more besides!
Row 25 - Cell 0 March 2008 (SFX167) We know you like to know what's happening behind the scenes on all your favourite sci-fi films and TV shows, and this month we've got a bumper crop of behind-the-scenes reports! Take your pick from Heroes, Ashes to Ashes, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Jumper, and The Spiderwick Chronicles. And for a bit of variety, we've also got interviews with Iain M Banks and Stephen Donaldson, a look at the DC comics that are in line for the big screen, and the first part of our fantastic competition to win a life-sized Dalek!
Row 26 - Cell 0 February 2008 (SFX166) This month we celebrate the return of two great Brit sci-fi TV series, Torchwood and Primeval, as well as going behind the scenes on an all-new BBC pilot, Phoo Action. We also go on set for Cloverfield, talk to Joe Dante and Robert Rankin, look back on Flash Gordon and The Empire Strikes Back, and walk through some of the greats in the sci-fi canine hall of fame.
Row 27 - Cell 0 January 2008 (SFX165) The massive monster mash-up sequel, Aliens vs Predator: Requiem, is almost upon us and we've gone behind the scenes to talk to the cast and crew about giving audiences some hardcore gore! We've also gone on set for Tin Man, spoken to Katee Sackhoff about Battlestar Galactica and Bionic Woman, looked back on Battle Beyond the Stars, and provided you with all you need to know about the coming year's films in our 2008 Movie Preview!
Row 28 - Cell 0 Christmas 2007 (SFX164) As 2007 draws to a close, we go behind the scenes on Smallville, The Golden Compass and Transformers, as well as interviewing with the lovely Hayden Panettiere, special effects legend Dennis Muren, and Silent Bob himself, Kevin Smith. Meanwhile, the US Fall TV season has kicked off and we've got all the latest reviews in spoiler zone, and we're celebrating the Bath Children's Literature festival by looking over the best of kids' books, both old and new.
Row 29 - Cell 0 December 2007 (SFX163) All the new season shows have started in the US and we've gone behind the scenes on a few, talking to David Eick about Bionic Woman, and everyone we could find on set for Stargate Atlantis. We've also got interviews with Smallville's new Supergirl Laura Vandervoort, the legendary Terry Pratchett, and Masi Oka, talked to people in the know on the film version of 30 Days of Night, and had a candid discussion with Brian Aldiss about what's kept him going over the years.
Row 30 - Cell 0 November 2007 (SFX162) It's that time of year again: the Fall TV season is about to kick off in the US and we've got a full report on what's hot and what's not this year! And that's not all: we've also spoken to Heroes executive producer Dennis Hammer, asked legendary cyberpunk author William Gibson about his heroes and inspirations, been on set for Stardust, and revealed your top ten sexiest men and women in sci-fi of all time! All that and much more besides...
Row 31 - Cell 0 October 2007 (SFX161) We know you want to know all about the next Indiana Jones movie, so that's what we're giving you this issue! Our massive ten-page feature will tell you all you need to know, plus we've got some rare Indy photos! We also go behind the scenes on The Sarah Jane Adventures, talk to Freema Agyeman and look at some of the Henson Company's finest offerings in Couch Potato.
Row 32 - Cell 0 September 2007 (SFX160) It's a Trektacular issue this month! We've gone behind the scenes on Star Trek XI, celebrated the 25th anniversary of The Wrath of Khan, and even found a real Red Shirt to talk us through his photo collection from the set of the original series! We've also gone on set of the new Flash Gordon TV series, talked to makeup genius Karl Derrick about his work on 1408, and given you the chance to be the journalist with our look back on the Fighting Fantasy novels!
Row 33 - Cell 0 August 2007 (SFX159) We've gone Transformers mad this issue, and to celebrate we not only have an enormous feature about the history of the franchise, this issue we've also done some split covers! Choose whether to protect or destroy with our fantastic Optimus Prime and Megatron covers! We've also gone behind the scenes on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, spoken to John Landis about his movie-making history, and looked back on supernatural sleuthing kids' show of the '70s Ace of Wands.
Row 34 - Cell 0 July 2007 (SFX158) Flame on! Summer's coming and it's not just the weather that's getting hotter - check out our EXCLUSIVE Human Torch cover that those creative types at Weta were kind enough to provide us with! This issue we've been behind the scenes on Rise of the Silver Surfer to speak to Tim Story and the main cast about what's in store for the sequel. We also look forward to the upcoming fourth season of The 4400, look back on movie classic Forbidden Planet, ask Ray Bradbury about where he gets his inspiration from, nip behind the scenes on Jekyll, and so much more besides!
Row 35 - Cell 0 June 2007 (SFX157) Have you gone Heroes crazy? We have, and if you haven't then you'd better have a really good excuse! We've gone on set to talk to Tim Kring, the creator of this season's biggest TV series, as well as several members of the cast. That's not all either - we've also gone on-set for 28 Weeks Later, talked to uber-producer Jerry Bruckheimer about Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and spoken to horror master Stephen King about his new book - it's only taken him 34 years to get this one published!
Row 36 - Cell 0 May 2007 (SFX156) This issue comes with a great free gift - the new Doctor Who sticker book! Inside, you'll find a comprehensive feature on Spider-Man 3, and the Spidey theme continues with a retrospective look at the creation of the comic strip, and a special Spidey edition of Couch Potato. Plus, there's the results of this year's SFX reader awards, an interview with new Doctor Who companion Freema Agyeman (holy cow, she's only a Trekkie!), a chat with The Prestige director Christopher Nolan about his heroes and inspirations, and the traditional "much, much more".
Row 37 - Cell 0 April 2007 (SFX155) With Doctor Who's third series just around the corner, we've gone Who-crazy this issue! We've got a huge interview with Russell T Davies, loads of great photos, and a fantastic free gift of Doctor Who fridge magnets so you can spruce up your fridge and other white goods! We also talk to Danny Boyle and Alex Garland about Sunshine, reunite four of the original Addams Family cast, ask some big name authors to share their tips of the trade and still find time to bring you Sean Connery in a red nappy. You lucky, lucky people.
Row 38 - Cell 0 March 2007 (SFX154) We splashed out on some birthday cakes this month as two big names in sci-fi celebrated their respective 30th birthdays! First is the big one, the godfather of sci-fi movies, Star Wars, and we pulled out all the stops to deliver the biggest, brightest Star Wars retrospective this side of Tatooine. Then there's 2000AD, the place where all the cool kids in British comics cut their teeth, and we've looked back on its history. Plus we've got the start of this year's Pulp Idol, a chat with Edward James Olmos, a look back at Highlander, and much, much more!
Row 39 - Cell 0 February 2007 (SFX153) We've got a behind-the-scenes extravaganza for you this month! We kick off on British shores by talking to the cast and crew behind both the BBC's massive hit series Life on Mars, and ITV's new Saturday night offering Primeval. Then we hop across the pond to visit the set of Heroes, the biggest new US TV hit since Lost, and for all the movie fans out there, we've also got interviews with Darren Aronofsky and Hugh Jackman about The Fountain. You can also check out our guide to the hottest new film releases due out in 2007, our interview with Terry Gilliam about what makes him tick, our very special Couch Potato with guest stars Matthew Graham and Philip Glenister, and a whole lot more! Oh, and for the cherry on top of this sci-fi sundae, every issue also comes with free Doctor Who and Torchwood badges. We spoil you, we really do.
Row 40 - Cell 0 January 2007 (SFX152) As 2006 makes its last, dying gasps and 2007 gets ready to take over, SFX pays tribute to last year's final offerings. We've gone behind the scenes on two of the BBC's biggest Christmas offerings - the Doctor Who Christmas Special and the brand new adaptation of Bram Stoker's classic horror novel Dracula - while on the US side of things we've spoken to David Eick and the stars of Battlestar Galactica about the show's third season. We've also talked to the one and only Tom Baker about the things he loves and the things he loves to hate, as well as interviewing author M John Harrison and film director Peter Hyams. All this and we've still got all your favourite regular features to help your new year get off to the best start!
Row 41 - Cell 0 Christmas 2006 (SFX151) We're feeling festive here at SFX and to get you in the mood too, we've gone behind the scenes on one of this year's big Christmas TV events: the first ever live-action adaptation of a Discworld novel, Hogfather. We talk to the director Vadim Jean, stars Marc Warren and David Jason, and Terry Pratchett himself about the show. We've also got more behind-the-scenes goodness from Torchwood, where we reveal the dreadful behaviour that a certain Mr Barrowman likes to indulge in when the cameras aren't rolling, and we've got Guillermo Del Toro telling us what floats his boat, special effects legend Stan Winston taking us through his creations, and Joss Whedon inviting us to meet a few of his mates and talk about, well, anything and everything! Plus we have all the usual good stuff that keeps you coming back for more. Merry Christmas everyone!
Row 42 - Cell 0 December 2006 (SFX150) As 2006 draws to a close we've got another reason to celebrate, with the release of our 150th issue! To mark the occasion we banded together to bring you our top 150 things that we love about sci-fi: from the big stuff like the cyberpunk aesthetic and Harlan Ellison all the way down to the little touches like the teardrop design on the Cybermen and, erm, Princess Leia's metal bikini. That's not the only special treat we've got for you though: we've also gone behind the scenes on Torchwood and got not one, but two meetings-of-the-minds, introducing Russell T Davies to Verity Lambert and Mark Millar to the legendary Stan Lee. All this and much, much more! Although why it's our commemorative issue but you get all the good stuff, we're not sure...
Row 43 - Cell 0 November 2006 (SFX149) As those chilly Autumn nights start to draw in, we suggest you banish the blues by pulling on some slipper-socks, curling up with a nice cup of cocoa and reading our cover feature on Lost season three - reading about that desert island will warm you up. After that, get yourself a bowl of soup and flick through the piece on Spider-Man 3 (Careful! Don't spill it now...); check out the results of our James Bond poll; read all about Stephen Baxter's latest series of books; and look back at the top telly made by ITC. Turn the fire up a bar, will you?
Row 44 - Cell 0 October 2006 (SFX148) The latest issue of SFX is a momentous one: the culmination of many months of work. Every issue comes with a free 100-page book containing the best stories from our 2006 short story competition. Who knows, one of the writers contained within could be the next big thing! Inside, you'll find an extensive preview of American's Autumn season shows, including interviews with the stars of Supernatural. Other highlights include more of the producers of Smallville looking back at season five, a celebration of Judge Dredd, and a celebration of 25 years of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Row 45 - Cell 0 September 2006 (SFX147) If you love Dick, you’ll love this issue of SFX! Yes, because this month we’re very excited about the long-awaited movie of Philip K Dick’s classic SF novel A Scanner Darkly, which stars Keanu Reeves (this month’s cover star). Other highlights include a look at Sky One’s latest import, A Town Called Eureka (please don’t let it get cancelled...), the inside word on Smallville season five, and a chat with everyone’s favourite beardy-weirdy, comics guru Alan Moore!
Row 46 - Cell 0 August 2006 (SFX146) Back for a record-breaking 10th season, Stargate SG-1 racks up its 200th episode, and we were right there on set. Also in issue 146 of your favourite SF and fantasy magazine, you'll find two free Quantum Leap posters, plus a feature about the new movie from Pixar, the latest on Marvel's forthcoming movie spin-offs, the final part of our kids' TV series, an interview with Lady in the Water star Bryce Dallas Howard, and loads more. PLUS: BONUS GIFT! Buy your SFX from Morrisons* and you'll get an additional double-sided A3 sheet featuring movie posters from Cars and Pirates of the Caribbean 2. * Sorry, folks - only from Morrisons!
Row 47 - Cell 0 July 2006 (SFX145) Yaarrrrrrr! It's a pirate themed issue this month as we celebrate the return to the big screen of Captain Jack Sparrow and chums. We go behind the scenes and look at the making of the fantasy elements, including Bill Nighy as the spectacular Davy Jones. Plus, inside your barnacled bag, you'll find a poster of Billie Piper looking foxy - turn it over and you'll get a piccie of the cast from Lost too! Nice. There's also a free book: a sampler of novels coming out from Abaddon Books! Free booty indeed. Plus inside the mag you'll find our report on the new Omen film, an exclusive interview with comic guru Frank Miller, and some reflection on the merits of The X-Files. Plus: win an awesome LCD TV in association with spooky TV show Supernatural.
Row 48 - Cell 0 June 2006 (SFX144) Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a magazine, you fool! We've got very excited about Superman Returns this issue, since we went on set in Australia! So excited, in fact, that we commissioned genius comic artist Bryan Hitch to create a special Superman Returns poster for you! On the other side of this A2 freebie is the other thing that's floating our boats right now - the new-look Cyberman from Doctor Who. You can read our on-set report for that story too (we get about, don't we?) as well as for episode seven of the new series! Plus, we talk to Michael Moorcock and the producer of Lost in two more great features!
Row 49 - Cell 0 May 2006 (SFX143) We're so generous! There's a free "Ultimate SF and Fantasy Trivia Book" for every reader with issue 143. Plus, in this month's cover feature, we look at X-Men: The Last Stand - how will Professor X and the gang cope with Dark Phoenix? We also get to hear Joss Whedon's views on the X-Men franchise! We also discover Eli Roth's philosophy of horror, get the lowdown from David Tennant about his take on the Time Lord, and talk to brand new movie stars Ant and Dec. Elisabeth Sladen discusses her return to Doctor Who, and we continue our sneak peek at season two of Battlestar Galactica…
Row 50 - Cell 0 April 2006 (SFX142) Another great free gift for you this issue - world-exclusive Star Wars film cells! Every issue comes with one of five different cells containing genuine pieces of film from the original prints! Our cover feature this month is Doctor Who – we’ve been on set for season two and had another chat with our chum Russell T Davies. We also talk to James Gunn, writer/director of old school horror film Slither; Anthony Horowitz, the creator of teenage spy Alex Rider; and Battlestar Galactica producer Ronald D Moore. Plus, there’s the first part of a new regular series on classic kids’ TV!
Row 51 - Cell 0 March 2006 (SFX141) Our March issue comes with a free gift - a pack of playing cards! Even if you don't like card games, that's a good gift - you could leave the jokers as your calling card at a crime scene, or outwit your captors by teaching them the rules of fizzbin! Inside, we've got features on two of the most eagerly anticipated movies of the year: the controversial adapation of Alan Moore's comic V for Vendetta, and Superman Returns. Plus this issue is bursting with sex appeal, thanks to interviews with all three of the honeys from Charmed and (something for the ladies) that big hunk of musky manliness Nathan Fillion, the star of Serenity.
Row 52 - Cell 0 February 2006 (SFX140) Welcome to 2006! To ease you into the New Year, we've produced a great free supplement - a 48-page guide to the best movies, TV, books etc coming our way during the year. Inside the mag we've got features on Battlestar Galactica, Hyperdrive, Masters of Horror and George Romero. Plus, there's the chance to become a published SF/fantasy author with the launch of Pulp Idol, the SFX short story writing competition!
Row 53 - Cell 0 January 2006 (SFX139) With Doctor Who everywhere at the moment, it's time to celebrate the arrival of David Tennant on our screens - the January issue features a look behind-the-scenes, and there are two free Doctor Who posters tucked away inside the mag! Other mag highlights include an on-set report from Life on Mars, and a massive look at what we can expect from Lost season two. PLUS: FREE GIFT! Buy your SFX from Asda* and you'll get two additional double-sided A2 sheets featuring movie posters. Sadly, we had hoped to bring you some Star Wars film cells this month too, but these have now slipped into next year - watch the website for details… * Sorry, folks - only from Asda!
Row 54 - Cell 0 Christmas 2005 (SFX138) Our Christmas issue comes with a great extra, a free 48-page Christmas Gift Guide to help you decide what DVDs books, games and toys you want from Santa! Highlights of the mag itself include on-set reports from Peter Jackson’s King Kong and new sci-fi show Threshold, the results of our 2006 Reader Awards, and an interview with legendary SF author Ray Bradbury.
Row 55 - Cell 0 December 2005 (SFX137) FREE GIFT! Buy your SFX from branches of Asda* and you’ll get a little something extra - two double-sided A2 posters featuring the film posters for Serenity, Corpse Bride, Howl’s Moving Castle and Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-rabbit. * Sorry, people – only from Asda!
Row 56 - Cell 0 November 2005 (SFX136) Doctor Who leads the new wave of British SF shows. Plus, Battlestar Galactica '78, Lost, Singalong sci-fi, Doom, Corpse Bride, Serenity: the SFX verdict and Buffy's Spike hits Smallville.
Row 57 - Cell 0 October 2005 (SFX135) FREE GIFT! This month the mag comes with another of our double-sided A3 posters. On one side: Doctor Who - the new Doctor, David Tennant (resplendent in his rather cool costume) and Billie Piper; on t'other, the retro glory of Thunderbirds

Feeling the need to be more up to date? Discover what's in the latest edition !

SFX Magazine is the world's number one sci-fi, fantasy, and horror magazine published by Future PLC. Established in 1995, SFX Magazine prides itself on writing for its fans, welcoming geeks, collectors, and aficionados into its readership for over 25 years. Covering films, TV shows, books, comics, games, merch, and more, SFX Magazine is published every month. If you love it, chances are we do too and you'll find it in SFX.

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