Prepare your incredulity: Red Faction PSN download costs more than it would to buy the actual planet of Mars

Why? Why is this a thing that is happening? How can it even be? I'm all forthis increased frequency of full console games being available as digital downloads. Anything that divertsa bigger cut ofsales money towards developers and publishers is a good thing. But it is not meant to work like this. Digital sales are supposed to be cheaper than retail sales, because there are no manufacturing costs or retail overheads to deal with. They're supposed to incentivise the lack of physical product with a better financial deal for the buyer. That's what they're supposed to do.

What they're not supposed to do is cost two and a half times the current high street price for a brand new copy. THQ, this is madness. Terrifying, giddy, histrionic madness.

£57.99. That's whatRed Faction: Armageddon costs as a PSN download. And just to be clear that said lunacy-price is not a typo, it's translated into Euros, coming in at €69.99. On, a brand new disc copy currently costs £22.99 for either the standard edition or the DLC-included Commando and Recon Edition. Intrigued to know whattheUK PSN releasewould cost American buyers at a direct conversion rate?

Above: Kaz Hirai probably had nothing to do with this decision. And we don't even have an official price for a US PSN release. Or even word that one is happening. But never let an old meme die, right?

Right, that's it. I'm done. I have nothing to add. When I try to think about this any further than I already have, the sheercraziness of it all just makes me tired. So I'll leave you with this news. Judge it as you will.

Jul 6, 2011

What they're not supposed to do is cost two and a half times the current high street price for a brand new copy. THQ, this is madness. Terrifying, giddy, histrionic madness.

£57.99. That's whatRed Faction: Armageddon costs as a PSN download. And just to be clear that said lunacy-price is not a typo, it's translated into Euros, coming in at €69.99. On, a brand new disc copy currently costs £22.99 for either the standard edition or the DLC-included Commando and Recon Edition. Intrigued to know whattheUK PSN releasewould cost American buyers at a direct conversion rate?

Above: Kaz Hirai probably had nothing to do with this decision. And we don't even have an official price for a US PSN release. Or even word that one is happening. But never let an old meme die, right?

Right, that's it. I'm done. I have nothing to add. When I try to think about this any further than I already have, the sheercraziness of it all just makes me tired. So I'll leave you with this news. Judge it as you will.

Jul 6, 2011

David Houghton
Long-time GR+ writer Dave has been gaming with immense dedication ever since he failed dismally at some '80s arcade racer on a childhood day at the seaside (due to being too small to reach the controls without help). These days he's an enigmatic blend of beard-stroking narrative discussion and hard-hitting Psycho Crushers.