Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time / Darkness walkthrough


Section 5 - Walkthrough for post-credits


Yeah, there are more storyline stuff to come. Since there are no more chapters,

I will give subsections as I see fit.


5.1 Graduation from the Guild


"As a result of [starter] and [partner]'s heroic actions...

 the destruction of time was stopped...

 and peace returned to the world of Pokemon.

 Of course, not everything returned to normal right away.

 Some places remained where time was still out of control...

 But overall, thing were becoming better everywhere.

 As for [starter] and [partner]...

 They returned to Wigglytuff's Guild...

 and fell back into their daily routine of vigorous training.

 One morning, several months later..."

Graduation? Yup, you heard it right. Once graduated, you will no longer be

apprentices under the guild, and you no longer have to do stuff Wigglytuff and

Chatot tell you to do (which doesn't make much of an impact gameplay-wise...).

However, you must still pass the graduation exam first before all that happens.

Corphish pipes up and ask why are you offered the chance to graduate when most

of the other guild Pokemon, who have been around for far longer, weren't. The

answer is simple - Who else in the guild have saved the world from destruction?

Anyways, Loudred apparently took the exam last year and failed rather spectac-

ularly. So what's the exam? Wigglytuff comes at this point, and tells you to

explore the depths of a place called Mystifying Forest, find a place called

Luminous Spring, and bring back the treasure within. However, you have to watch

out for one thing - a frightening strong enemy: The Grand Master of All Things

Bad. (Who makes up these names, really?) It's a horrifying enemy no one ever

wants to meet... so good luck with that! Asking Loudred for hints gets you no-

where fast because he is sworn to secrecy, except that "you're in for a dread-

ful, terrifying time."

Anyways, set off to prepare if you will. If you ask around, you will find out

one thing quickly - The guild speaks of him as a terrible presence, one that

threatens to flatten you. As for everyone else, they speak of him as... wait,

who the hell is him? There's even a cutscene with Teddiursa and Ursaring to

tell you that apparently no one not from the guild have heard of him. What the

hell is going on here? You can't do much about it though - do your normal thing

to prepare, before you set off. Again, only you and your partner can come to

the dungeon.

Dungeon - Mystifying Forest

Length - 13

Resident Pokemon - Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Metapod, Rattata, Raticate, Spearow, 

     NidoranM, NidoranF, Venonat, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Exeggcute, Koffing,

     Scyther, Eevee, Chikorita, Bayleef, Aipom, Teddiursa, Wurmple, Seedot,

     Nuzleaf, Roselia, Gulpin, Flygon, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Bidoof, Stun-

     ky, Skuntank, Munchlax, Kricketot

My levels upon entry - Seth (41), Pikachu (41)

Fog in Floor 3, 5

Cloud in Floor 8, 9

Welcome to your first post-story dungeon. And let me warn ya - these dungeons

are a WHOLE different ball game than the ones you encounter pre-credits. As you

can see above, there are a whole slew of things you can encounter in the

dungeon, and only up to 14 Pokemon will be available at any given floor. Also,

the levels of the Pokemon are much more diverse - the first stage starters are

weak enough that you can just shove over with a normal attack. Finally, in

post-story dungeons normal Pokemon you encounter are CAPABLE OF LEARNING IQ

SKILLS, so expect to see them used against you. Don't be surprised to have

several hits fail in a row (due to some evasion up IQ skills), enemies using

items against you (Item Master), or you killing yourself on a blow (Counter

Basher), or stuff like that. Something to get used to, I guess.

Anyways, Stunky and Skuntank can blow up when dead with Aftermath, and the

elemental starters do crapload of damage at low HP due to their ability (which

can be bad if they also have Clutch Dodger, thus dodging the majority of blows

you send their way, or if they're protected by something with Bodyguard). You

don't have much to fear aside form those, but be cautious nevertheless.

At the end of the dungeon, you will find a clearing. You will meet Teddiursa

and Ursaring again, who goes off to Luminous Spring. You follow them - but

falls in a pit trap instead. Oh dear... looks like you have encountered the

grand master of all things bad and... Hey, what the hell? No spoilers will be

given about the scene (it's too funny...), but suffice it to say, you will


Boss Battle: The Grand Master of All things Bad + Minions * 7

Difficulty: Very hard

Yikes. This is one difficult battle. It's kind of like those big boss + minion

battle you've had before, but the minions are actually DIFFERENT, and they all

have their own talents to hit you with.

OK, not really. Not many of them have talents worth mentioning, but one of them

can use Earth Power (the smaller ground-type), and another one gets STAB on

Fury Attack (You should know who has it). One of them can also hit you with

Sucker Punch from two tiles away (the poison-type). And finally, of course, we

have the grand master himself to deal with. Thankfully, he does not have much

to use against you, but he can inflict status with Sing and Disable, and STAB

Double Slap is instant death if even two of them connects. Roomwide moves are

awesome as always, but if you don't have a good one - try to park GMoATB out of

the way first, then beat on the more dangerous one - the ones I mentioned above

(Earth Power user absolutely MUST go first if you have a fire/electric type).

You'll likely go through several Reviver Seeds - hope you have some ready. Good


Once you're done, you move forward. There will be a treasure chest, something

that is *quite* new to the Teddiursa... brothers/family/whatever. Anyways, you

try out your dimensional scream on it, and it turns out that Wigglytuff had put

it here, so it should be safe to open (barring any more surprises from the

GMoATB...). The chest turns out to contain... a perfect apple. It suits Wiggly-

tuff, I guess. Suddenly, sunlight is cast on Luminous Spring ahead. Pokemon can

once again evolve there! Teddiursa volunteers to be the first to try out and

indeed, he becomes an Ursaring. Your partner is eager to try it out but... the

spring rejects you, even though you likely have already met the requirement

(unless you're a Pikachu and you, unlike me, didn't steal from a shop full of

evolution items back in Mystifying Forest). Why is it? It's because of a

distortion in the fabric of space apparently. What the hell is that supposed to

mean? Anyways, it's too bad that you cannot evolve. However, opening up this

location means everyone else on your team will be able to evolve if their

requirements are met. 

Back at the guild, Wigglytuff happily announces that you have graduated from

the guild! You have brought back a fantastic treasure in perfect apple, and

defeated the horrifying GMoATB! Wait, how did he know we defeated GMoATB?


Wigglytuff: "...Um...We heard it somewhere?"

Also, wasn't Wigglytuff the grand master? Wigglytuff denies it, though, and so

do everyone else from the guild (though it's quite clear that they're having

just as much fun with this charade as Wigglytuff is) Anyways, this means we

are no longer bound by the guild's regulations, though like I said, it doesn't

make much of an impact to you gameplay wise, mainly because the next topic -

you STILL have to give 90% of your income to the guild, because you are still

affiliated with it and can only operate because of it. Still, your graduation

is an excellent feat - congratulations!

Now, how about some REAL awards for your graduation? You get your final inven-

tory upgrade (48 items), a whooping 10000P as help for startup. Also, you now

no longer room in the guild, so you will live in Sharpedo Bluff now. This means

no more Loudred every morning (gotta love that). You will have to save manually

from now on, though - there will be no automatic prompt for you to save in the


In town, if you go to Marowak Dojo, you will find a new maze have opened - The

Final Maze! Like all training mazes, you cannot bring any items in there, but

you WILL lose items if you die inside. Still, you can find several HMs in there

and stuff you can ONLY find in there, making it pretty much the saving grace

for the dojo there. At the crossroads, you will find Chimecho, who will tell

you that from now on, your team can be composed of ANY Pokemon - which means

you no longer NEED to use your starter and your partner... for the most part

anyways. There are still some dungeons where only your starter and your partner

may go, though. Also, if you talk to Loudred, you will be able to volunteer for

sentry duty, with the usual prize line-up (Reviver seed!). Finally, the Zero

Isles open up for you to explore any time. They are *very, very* tough and you

shouldn't even think about exploring them without some proper strategy going.

This section only deals with storyline stuff post-credits, so check the

Optional Dungeon section for more details, instead. 

Anyways, you will have to simply do jobs or do whatever for a couple of days,

before the next storyline dungeon can be unlocked.


5.2. The lost explorer of fame, Scizor


After a couple of days, you will notice a Mr. Mime standing beside the Kecleon

Stalls. talk to him, and he will tell you of a tale - one of a great explorer

named Scizor, who went missing in Blizzard Island years ago. Many rescue teams

set out to find him, but none succeeded. Perhaps we can go and complete what

others cannot complete? In any case, Blizzard Island is now open for you. You

can go at any time, of course, but what makes it different from before? I'd go

explore it as soon as you have the resources to.

Dungeon - Blizzard Island

Length - 20

Resident Pokemon - Golduck, Marill, Azumarill, Sneasel, Piloswine, Delibird,

     Smoochum, Vigoroth, Azurill, Nosepass, Swablu, Snorunt, Piplup, Castform

Snow on floor 4, 8 (There may be more weather changes, but Golduck nullifies

 them with Cloud Nine)

(I will no longer list "my levels upon entry" for dungeons where you are not

forced to enter with your starter and partner in lead.)

Ice-theme dungeon here, complete with post-story difficulty in enemies. Cast-

form is the #1 source for alarm, as it can set up a weather, then proceed to

1HKO you with Weather Ball (it can easily do 100+ damage on a NEUTRAL hit w/o

critical, and I've seen it does 250+ damage to something that happens to weak

to the weather ball in question). Sometimes you'll get lucky and a Golduck will

be on the floor, nullifying all attempts to change weather with its Cloud Nine

ability, but it's far more reliable to bring a Psyduck/Golduck of your own if

you're paranoid about it (Psyduck is found in Waterfall Cave). Aside from that,

the Marill family has Huge Power which randomly doubles damage on a physical

attack, and a rain boosted Aqua Tail from Azumarill is DANGEROUS when it's

boosted. Vigoroth is also fairly powerful, with both Slash and Fury Swipes

hurting for 50-60 damage per attack (and remember - Slash has a high critical

ratio and Fury Swipes can strike more than once), and while you can do a lot of

damage back, Counter Basher can make your life miserable if it activates.

Anyways, there are snowfalls on certain floors, which does nothing to damage

but gives all ice-types extra speed ala agility. At the end of the dungeon, you

will not find Scizor - rather, you will find the entrance to another dungeon,

Crevice Cave. You can move on now if you want, but it would make much more

sense to go back town to properly prepare. Anyways, once you are ready, enter

the new dungeon.

Dungeon - Crevice Cave + Lower Crevice Cave + Crevice Cave Pit

Length - 10 + 4

Resident Pokemon - Golduck, Jynx, Marill, Azumarill, Sneasel, Swinub, Pilo-

     swine, Delibird, Smoochum, Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking, Azurill, Nosepass,

     Swablu, Altaria, Zangoose, Snorunt, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Snover,

     Weavile, Glaceon, Mamoswine

Fog on Floor 3, 6, 10

Castform is gone (thank goodness), but the Marill family and Vigoroth is still

there. Zangoose is also something to watch out for, since it has similar attack

power to Vigoroth, but Crush Claw can also lower defense (and it happens rather

frequently). Weavile can also put hurt on with STAB Night Slash, which has a 

high critical ratio to boot, and it has pressure to eat up your PP. Finally,

Glaceon isn't particularly dangerous when it comes to attack, but it can be

difficult to hit in hail due to Snow Cloak, and Snover will gladly provide hail

with its snow warning ability. Those are basically the most of what you have to

watch out in the cave.

At the end of the cave, you will find Scizor, frozen in Ice. A figure then

appears, reveals herself to be Froslass, and attacks you.

Boss battle - Froslass

Difficulty - Very Easy

Froslass doesn't have anything powerful to hit you with, but she can be pretty

annoying - she sets up hail to activate snow cloak, then double teams until you

really can't hit her any more. She can also use Captivate to lower special

attack. Hit her with your best attacks, and hopefully you'll be able to bring

her down before she can rack up too many DTs down her belt.

once you defeat Froslass, Scizor will be defrosted. Back at treasure town, he

decides to thank you by bestowing the Special Rank on your team, which means

from now on you can do the Seven Treasures dungeon by accepting special wonder

mails. The seven treasure dungeon will be explained in the Optional Dungeons

section, as usual, since they have no place in the second storyline.

Again, two days or so need to be passed before your next storyline dungeon un-



5.3 The Prince of the Sea - Manaphy


You will be able to unlock this part of the storyline once you see Sunflora in

the guild (downstairs). She will tell you something about Surrounded Sea, an

ocean dungeon, which will promptly be unlocked for you. Get your diving gears

ready, because we are going to make a splash!

Dungeon - Surrounded Sea

Length - 20

Resident Pokemon - Tentacruel, Slowbro, Shellder, Horsea, Seadra, Starmie,

     Lapras, Slowking, Qwilfish, Remoraid, Octillery, Kingdra, Carvanha, Wail-

     mer, Clamperl, Finneon

Like Brine Cave, you get to see water tiles in room too, and sometimes they

"moat up" an item. If your leader can't cross water but you brought an ally who

can, try telling them to "Go the other way" and *hope* they walk across the

items. Aside from that, most (ok, all) of the Pokemon in the dungeon are water

types, so bringing something with storm drain will make your life easier.

Speaking of Storm Drain, Finneon has it so don't bother with water type moves

(they hit not very effective damage on everything here anyways...) Kingdra is

your main concern here, as it hits pretty hard with those hydro pumps, and it's

difficult to play the type advantage game with him when he's only weak to dra-

gon. The other Pokemon are not *quite* as dangerous but still keep a sharp look

out. This is a pretty easy dungeon anyways for post-story.

At the end of the dungeon (20th floor), you will find three Deluxe Boxes, and a

blue egg thing.  Make sure you pick up the blue egg.

The next morning...

Just as you two talk about the egg, it hatches! As it's the case with legendary

Pokemon in this game, while you may recognize it as a Manaphy, the heroes have

no idea what it is. They do agree, however, that it's really cute. Time to pay

a visit to Chatot to see if he knows what the heroes don't know.

And the wise Chatot comes and saves the day! He knows it to be a Manaphy, a 

very rare Pokemon that normally are sea-faring. Suddenly, Manaphy starts to cry

 - he must be hungry, or so says Chatot. You will then be asked to give it a

Blue Gummi. Time version players can easily find those by running Craggy Coast

a couple of times (I think... I don't play time), but Darkness version players

will have a HUGE problem finding those on a timely basis. I DID warn you to

save two blue gummies for this occasion, didn't I? If you didn't save them, try

using wonder mails for them. Here are two I have for you (one taken straight

from the Wonder Mail FAQ, and the other one generated so you can get two from

the same dungeon)

   Client: Pelipper

   Objective: Rescue Linoone.

   Place: Quicksand Cave B6F

   Restrictions: None

   Difficulty: Who cares

   Reward: Blue Gummi

   Wonder Mail:

   W & + 7 4 4 T 8 N 2 & =

   - M 2 # M S Q K 0 Q + H   

   Client: Magnezone

   Objective: Arrest Onix.

   Place: Quicksand Cave B8F

   Restrictions: None

   Difficulty: *1 (100)

   Reward: Blue Gummi + ?

   Wonder Mail:

   P 2 C 6 Y R T X # 7 S 6

   M M 1 1 W 7 N T S Q 7 -

Got 'em? Good. Feed one to Manaphy now. Manaphy goes totally ecstatic over the

Blue Gummi, and starts dancing around. Your partner then proposes to watch over

Manaphy for a while. Chatot doesn't think much of the idea because Manaphy is

supposed to grow up in the sea, and that we know next to nothing about him.

However, your partner manages to convince Chatot, so we get to look after him

for a while.

Back at Sharpedo Bluff, Manaphy wants yet another Blue Gummi, so give him your

other one. Now that he's all full up, he goes to sleep. And so do you, appar-


The next day, nothing much happens - you just gotta take Manaphy to the beach.

Manaphy is very excited to see the sea (After all, it was born in the sea), and

you three spends the day away playing on the beach. In the night...

The next morning, you find that Manaphy is gone! How could this have happened?

Better go look for him! Walk past Treasure town, and at the crossroads you will

see Chatot. Uh oh. He isn't very happy that you lost Manaphy, but he will help

you search. Go to the beach now. It's Manaphy, and he's unwell - he got a high

fever. Enter the wise Chatot again, who will tell you to find Phione Dew from

Phione in Miracle Sea. A new dungeon unlocks. If you have a key, bring one when

you get around to explore it.

Dungeon - Miracle Sea + Deep Miracle Sea + Miracle Seabed

Length - 18 + 4

Resident Pokemon - Tentacruel, Slowbro, Cloyster, Horsea, Seadra, Starmie,

     Chinchou, Lanturn, Slowking, Qwilfish, Remoraid, Octillery, Mantine, Shar-

     pedo, Wailmer, Cradily, Clamperl, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc,

     Finneon, Lumineon, Mantyke

Take Surrounded Sea, add in a few Pokemon, and you got Miracle Sea. Sadly, it's

the additions that are most dangerous. Mantine's STAB Wing Attack HURTS, and

its STAB bounce hurts even more. Sharpedo can reflect half the damage back with

Rough Skin, and Chinchou absorbs electric attacks with Volt Absorb, then hit

back with a room-wide Discharge. All in all, it's a rather tough dungeon for

anyone, but especially water types and fire types, so be careful here.

Also, maybe it's just me, but the dungoen seems to be littered with traps. I

was using eyedrop seeds in the dungeon and it seems there are a lot of rooms

with 2-3 traps in it, so watch yourself - don't dilly in the rooms, and don't

go out of your way to pick up stuff you don't need anyways (like sticks). 

At B3F in Deep Miracle Sea (the absolute last floor), there's a locked chamber

somewhere containing a single chest. These chests are not your average useless

gummi/seed containing chests you tend to find in the end of dungeons - it gives

you an item that boosts up certain legendaries, and quite useful boosts, too

(they're the equivalent of 3 star items). This particular chest may contain a

Silver Veil (which ups the PP draining rate from Pressure for Lugia), a Seabed

Veil (which allows Kyogre to attack twice in one move like Rain Dancers in the

rain, in the rain, which will likely happen due to Kyogre's Drizzle), or an Air

Blade which flat out boosts Palkia's damage by 50%. The Silver Veil is sadly

quite useless because ideally you shouldn't try to drain any opposition out of

PPs, but the other two are fairly useful on their targets.

At the end of the dungeon, you find the Phione playing around. However, as if

on cue, a Gyarados come out of nowhere and declares the Phione now work for

him. Obviously we can't let that happen, so it's time to fight!

Boss Battle - Gyarados

Difficulty - Easy

Again, if you can get here, you can beat him. Gyarados IS powerful - if you let

him attack you, his Hydro Pump and Aqua Tail can easily cause 80+ damage to

neutral pokes, and 120+ at least to Pokemon weak to water. However, simply keep

him under status. The only other thing you need to watch out for is Counter

Basher IQ Skill - make sure you have more HP than you're dishing out damage to

avoid getting killed by it.

The Phione are grateful for your help and gives you a Phione Dew for free. Time

to take it back to Manaphy! As a side note, the next time you clear Miracle Sea

you will get a Phione to join your team.

Back at Sharpedo Bluff, the Phione dew works its magic and Manaphy is healthy

again. However, the inevitable still comes - Manaphy must go back to the sea to

be raised there. The farewell is rather sad.

Again, two days must pass before the next storyline event will take place.


5.4 The Fabulous Team Charm


On the third day, if you go to the guild, you will find that the entire guild

is surrounding some new figures on the bottom floor. Who are they? Why, they

are Team Charm, a really famous team who had earned the Master Rank, and are

basically just really good at exploring and really strong, too. You then find

out that, surprise! Wigglytuff was a part of this team once. Anyways, Team

Charm isn't here just to catch up on old times - they are here to retrieve a

key they found a long time ago, because only now they have found the keyhole

for the key (I guess that does qualify for catching up on old times after all).

There are some slight difficulties in getting Wigglytuff to cooperate, but Team

Charm knows how to handle him (and so should you). Before they go, however,

your partner speaks up and asks to explore the dungeon with Team Charm. Every-

one else are also very excited about the idea, and who are Team Charm to say no

to such earnestness? A new dungeon unlocks for you. Loudred's sentry duty will

be off limits until you clear it, BTW. Also, if you have a Pokemon with the 

ability Illuminate, I would recommend bringing it along.

Dungeon - Ice Aegis Cave + Rock Aegis Cave + Steel Aegis Cave + Aegis Cave Pits

Length - 3 + 3 + 4 + 5

Resident Pokemon - Zubat, Golbat, Machoke, Machamp, Crobat, Unown (all 28 kind)

This is probably the easiest post-story dungeon, since Unown can only hit you

with a weak Hidden Power they often don't get STAB on, and the other pokes are

not much trouble. Sadly, "easy" and "annoying" are not mutually exclusive terms

because this also happens to be the most annoying dungeon in the game for many.

The basic gist of the cave is - Unown litter throughout the caverns, and it's

up to you to beat the crap out of them. They may drop an Unown stone upon de-

feat, which will correspond with the shape of the Unown itself. Your job is to

collect "certain" stones to move on to the next part. You will need ICE, ROCK,

and STEEL to move on. In other words, you will need the following:

C*2, E*3, I*1, K*1, L*1, O*1, R*1, S*1, T*1

Unown stones in general make nice throwing weapons as they do a fixed 60 damage

per hit, and if you have power pitcher it can do 90 (which is just short of

1HKOing them, sadly). However, they don't stack and can pile up quickly, so

throw the useless ones ASAP. And you'll be getting a LOT of the useless ones,

seeing that only 14 kind of Pokemon can appear in one floor (use Recruitment

Search to see what Unown you can find in this floor). You may go through a

section a HUGE number of times before you get that ONE stone you need to pro-

ceed, earning Aegis Cave the dubious fame as the most annoying dungeon ever.

You will simply loop in the same part of Aegis Cave until you collect the re-

quired stones to move on to the next part, at which point you will have to

defeat a boss, then start looping in the next part of the dungeon, and so on.

Boss battle information now:

Boss battle - Regice

Difficulty - Easy

Not a hard battle, since Regice likes to hamper itself as much as it attacks

you with moves like Explosion and Curse (and as far as I can tell, it has no

moves to take advantage of the "attack up" effect of Curse, just Ancientpower).

Status works well on it as usual.

Boss Battle - Regirock

Difficulty - Easy

Again, not hard. Regirock can use Explosion too, which hurts itself more than

it hurts any of you. It does get STAB on Ancientpower though, unlike Regice, so

that move will sting more. not hard.

Boss Battle - Registeel

Difficulty - Somewhat Easy

Registeel gets a bit higher difficulty just because it's difficult to score

even neutral hits on it due to its typing. Other than that, it's not hard to

deal with either. Mostly the same moves as before.

At the end of the cave, you will be in Regigigas chamber. However, this time

you will not be fighting Regigigas alone... in more ways than one.

Boss Battle - Regigigas + Hitmonlee*4 + Bronzong*4

Difficulty - Somewhat hard

Probably the biggest battle of the century, lol. On the other side you have

nine Pokemon, and on your side Team Charm will help you out - so there are a

lot of Pokemon involved by this game's standard.

Anyways, Team Charm can handle themselves no problem, and there's no penalty

for letting them die. They will hold up a couple of minions without difficulty,

and Regigigas is slowed for the first couple of turns due to its ability Slow

Start. This gives you plenty of time to wipe out whatever minions you can

before Team Charm dies off and/or Regigigas shakes off Slow Start, assuming you

don't just wipe out everything with a room-wide move. Regigigas himself is not

a huge trouble - Mega Punch hurts, but its other moves don't get STAB and are

all weak unless it hits a weakness. However, Bronzong can use Safeguard, which

will likely render status useless for the duration of the battle.

Once Regigigas is down, a stone marker appears and instructs you to close your

eyes and let your aura flow to the ground. Opt to close your eyes, and your

aura will indeed flow. Regigigas then gets up and causes a HUGE earthquake,

forcing all of you to get the heck out of there. However, this exploration was

not for vain - a new dungeon opens. Woopeedo. Since that dungeon is unimportant

to the storyline, it will not be listed in this section. Explore it whenever

you feel like.

Two days later...


5.5 The distortion of space, and the dastardly plot of Darkrai


On the night of the second day since the Aegis Cave expedition, you will see a

storm and somehow be reminded of the fact that neither of you can evolve due

to a "distortion in space". What's that mean? In the mean time, you get to see

some soliloquies between the prey, Darkrai, who seems bent on destroying space

now that he failed to destroy time (!!!), and the quarry, Cresselia, who vows

to catch Darkrai if it's the last thing she does. Hmm... things are getting

interesting again. But first, you must go and spend the day doing whatever you

feel like. 

During the night, you have a strange dream, of Cresselia... who informs you

that your very existence is bringing the world to ruins due to the space dis-

tortion thingyamajig. Whatever. Your partner is certainly peppy about the up-

coming day, so be peppy with him/her! One more day of normal routine.

Dream again in the night, and Cresselia explains that, as you are a Pokemon

from the future, you're not of this world - a presence that exists yet should

be impossible to exist, which interferes with the fabric of space (Huh? How?)

Your partner is still peppy as ever in the morning, though. Time for another

day of normal missions!

Wait... or not. Bidoof runs up and informs you of a big trouble about Azurill.

Better hurry to the guild to see what's going on with Azurill. Turns out he is

having a strange nightmare, and is somehow LOCKED in it, so he can't get out.

What can we do to end it? Bidoof pipes up and comes up with the idea of finding

out what the nightmare is about by entering the nightmare, but how the hell do

we do that? Chatot enters the conversation at this point and suggest you to go

find Drowzee. Yeah, that guy you arrested WAAAAY back, and he happens to have

the (somewhat dubious) honour of being your first capture, too. Sadly, Drowzee

isn't in a jail or something - since he expressed remorse, they let him go, and

while it is not NECESSARILY a bad thing for the community at large, it's a bad

thing to you because now you have to go through a whole dungeon - Mt. Travail,

to reach him. Bah. Oh well, we are the heroes - we have to do the job. Oh and,

Loudred's Sentry Duty is off limits again, because you have much more pressing

matters at hand than trying to obtain Reviver Seeds and Nectars. Finally, you

will have to go to Mt. Travail with just your starter and your partner.

Dungeon - Mt. Travail

Length - 19

Resident Pokemon - Fearow, Mankey, Primeape, Onix, Marowak, Hitmonchan, Kanga-

     skhan, Mr. Mime, Sentret, Furret, Ledyba, Ledian, Scizor, Heracross, Ur-

     saring, Tyrogue, Shedinja, Meditite, Medicham, Bibarel

My levels upon entry - Seth (49), Pikachu (49)

Rain on floor 2

Fog on floor 3, 11

Cloudy on floor 5, 6

Sun on floor 8, 9

Seriously complicated weather here, but except for Cloudy they don't help the

residents much since this dungeon is composed of predominantly normal types.

However, you do face danger in the dungeon. Marowak can draw away electric

attacks with Lightningrod; Hitmonchan can hit you with seriously powerful moves

that aren't even under STAB, and will probably demolish anyone weak to them;

Kangaskhan can hit you with a Double Hit that can do over 100 damage without

criticals (and they're not affected by Cloudy weathers); Medicham has Huge

Power and can dish out a lot of hurt with its STAB moves. Special mention also

goes to Shedinja - it isn't really dangerous as it is annoying, but 1) it's a

ghost and thus is known to hog walls to avoid hits and 2) Wonder Guard limits

the amount of actions you can do to hit it. The best Shedinja swatter out there

are thrown items, with pebbles and rocks working best due to the fact that they

can hit the undead critter even if it's in a wall, but if you're a Skitty,

Normalize affects items too so your partner will have to do the rock throwing.

At the top of the mountain, you will find Drowzee, who is indeed reformed, and

is only too glad to be given a chance to make up for what he had done to Azu-

rill (though to be fair, he didn't do much to Azurill back then, just scared

him a bit). Anyways, at the guild headquarters, Drowzee tells you that it is

indeed possible for you to enter Azurill's Nightmare. However, for reasons that

are best left unsaid, Azurill's nightmare is a FREAKING DUNGEON, so you better

get stocked up for it, because there's something rotten about Azurill's Night-

mare. SO yeah. Go stock up. Sentry is still off duty, so you'll have to just

go explore dungeons for items you need if you can't get them elsewhere.

Once you're ready, talk to Drowzee again to enter Azurill's dream.

Dungeon - The Nightmare

Length - 17

Resident Pokemon - Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Meowth, Lickitung, Cleffa, Espeon, Wo-

     bbuffet, Miltank, Blissey, Whismur, Skitty, Swalot, Spoink, Spinda, Wy-

     naut, Mime Jr., Croagunk, Persian, Igglybuff, Lickilicky, Grumpig, Happiny

     Clefable, Wigglytuff, Chansey

My levels upon entry - Seth (50), Pikachu (50)

Azurill is apparently having a nightmare of a 17 floors mystery dungeon, com-

plete with REAL ITEMS you can bring outside once done, REAL POKEMON that can

hurt you very well, REAL traps that annoy the heck out of you just like the

ones you can find in some other temple of doom. If this is not pure evil, I

don't know what is.

The dungeon isn't a hard one, but there are still some dangers. Wobbuffet wan-

der about in the nightmare (I guess its face is scary), and aside from all the

countering techniques it can use Destiny Bond, which surprisingly is just like

a counter move. Ditto with Wynaut. Wigglytuff is also here (haha, go figure)

and can hit you with disabling moves like Sing/Disable and hit you hard with

Double Slap. Not much else to go on with.

At the end of the dungeon, the screen suddenly turns black, and a voice starts

to ring out. Who is it? It's Cresselia! (Though isn't she supposed to CURE

Nightmares?) She is surprised to see you here, but happy too because she wants

to have a good talk with you, and you basically just went to her. She explains

that, because of your space distortion thing, you're locking Pokemon into these

everlasting Nightmares such as the one Azurill is having, and the nightmare

will eventually spread. How can we stop this? By disappearing, or so says she.

And she wants to do it... now. You're not allowed to fight back, either, be-

cause this is supposedly for a good cause. Damn. Suddenly, Drowzee interferes

and starts to calling out, and Cresselia began to retreat, but not before bid-

ding you to make yourself disappear first (wow... and this is supposed to be

a children's game?) Anyways, it's time to go back to the guild.

Back at the guild, you two report your findings and what Cresselia had said,

except for the part where you must suicide or die either way to make things

right. Chatot explains some basic facts about Cresselia, though they don't seem

to match up with the Cresselia you have been meeting. Anyways, the guild is

perky as ever about saving the world (don't they know that it's the HERO'S JOB

to do that?) But you are not. You can't decide on what to do, and going to

sleep certainly doesn't help you because you can't fall asleep. After thinking

about what your partner is going through, though, you get the resolve to keep

your spirit strong and to see things through. You sleep for a while but finds

your partner's bed empty, so you go out and have a talk with him. A discussion

about the situation you're in follows - shouldn't we have the resolve to sacri-

fice ourselves for the world, since you had that in Temporal Tower? But... you

have different ideas. Something is wrong with this scenario. Last time, you

sacrificed yourself because you know for sure that the world will become peace-

ful, but this time you would be sacrificing because of something Cresselia

said, which is not a proven truth. The sunrise reminds your partner of the last

time he saw it - with Grovyle, and the eventual outcome of his resolve is that

he should not be crushed. There's gotta be another way! So let us find it!

Anyways, since last time it was time that was at risk and now it's space, there

might be some connections. Lapras might know a thing or two - let's go find him

at the beach! Sadly, Lapras does not know much, but he DOES know that just as

Dialga governs time, so does a Pokemon governs space. That Pokemon... is Pal-

kia. Palkia lives in Spacial Rift, but Lapras can't bring you there. Maybe we

will try to investigate more tomorrow - except something more important will

happen tonight. Palkia pays you a personal visit, and after yelling at you for

being naughty with space, it whisks you off to Spacial Rift, where it prepares

to attack you. In a desperate bid for your life, you jump off a pit... and

somehow land in the entrance to the dungeon of Spacial Pit. Uh. Whatever.

Anyways, a new dungeon means that you have to go conquer it, so let's hustle!

Use the Kangaskhan rock to prepare (geez, it's been a while since we've seen

one), and let's go! If you have any Keys in your storage, bring one.

Dungeon - Spacial Rift, Deep Spacial Rift

Length - 15+9

Resident Pokemon - Bronzor, Charizard, Chatot, Chimecho, Drapion, Drowzee, 

     Dusknoir, Electivire, Gallade, Gligar, Honchkrow, Hypno, Jolteon, Kadabra,

     Lunatone, Magnezone, Porygon, Sableye, Solrock, Spiritomb, Toxicroak,

     Tropius, Xatu

My levels upon entry - Seth (50), Pikachu (50)

Cloudy on Floor 3, 4, 10

Sunny on Floor 8, 14, D5

Fog on Floor 12, D1

Rain on D9

More complicated weather, but not much Pokemon that can make use of them again.

The only Pokemon that can do that is Tropius, who (as you may remember from

Hidden Land) attacks twice AND get a power up from the sun. The residents are

all dangerous enough without the weather, however. Magnezone and Electivire

will annoy you to death with STAB discharge, and Spiritomb and Sableye, the two

"no weakness" Pokemon are both here. Charizard can also pour a world of hurt at

low HP due to blaze, and Chatot can rip you apart with Fury Attack. Don¡¯t un-

derestimate the foes here, and conserve your resources because a boss fight is

coming up.

At B9F in Deep Spacial Rift (that's the last floor), there's a locked room with

a single chest, which can either contain a Wonder Gummi, a Lunar Veil (allows

Cresselia to extend its support moves to the entire team), a SkyHigh Veil which

allows Rayquaza to make two attacks in one turn assuming the weater condition

is clear (and it WILL be due to Rayquaza's Air Lock ability), or a Plasma Veil

which gives Rotom a Static effect. It's quite odd that Rotom gets legendary

treatment when it comes to its own powerup item - I guess even Chunsoft is

confused on the legendary (or lack of) status of Rotom.

Also, this dungeon is quite useful to level up if farming Joy Seeds aren't your

thing. Keep it in mind.

At the end of the dungeon, Palkia will have caught up with you, and you will


Boss Battle - Palkia

Difficulty - Average

Palkia has less resistances than Dialga, but less weaknesses as well. Besides,

chances are, you don't have any dragon moves to hit him with. Palkia can hit

you with Ancientpower and Spacial Rend. Ancientpower is something you should be

familiar with after battling so many legends, but Spacial Rend you probably are

not - it's basically Dialga's Roar of time with slightly less power but no re-

charge turn and a high critical ratio, so it's actually a lot more dangerous.

Palkia can also randomly block you with Intimidator. Otherwise, fairly routine

single boss battle in which status owns, and shows you why other RPGS make

their bosses immune to status.

Palkia lets out a tortured roar upon defeat and suddenly stops moving. A voice

then rings out saying that, it too, has fallen into a deep nightmare, so you

should enter Palkia's Nightmare, and you do so, somehow. Don't worry, Palkia

is nice enough to not dream up a whole tangible dungeon (though it would be

funny because there had to be a Kangaskhan Rock, which would REALLY add on to

the ridiculousness). Instead, you go straight for the cutscene - Palkia is

clueless on why it's dreaming, and upon knowing it's in a nightmare, it gets

REALLY angry and tries to attack you again. You then asks Palkia why is he

attacking you, and the answer is obvious - you are distorting space, and Palkia

is basically doing its job. But why can't Palkia just bend space back? Seems

Palkia himself isn't sure why, but he IS sure that you are the cause. Damn.

Looks like we should just give ourselves up. Cresselia shows up to observe the

execution... or rather, she shows up to be the executioner. Your partner has

one last question - will our death really bring the world to peace? Seems like

it will, or so says Cresselia. Suddenly Palkia pipes up - Cresselia has been

telling him that you two are REALLY bad Pokemon, but you certainly aren't act-

ing up to Cresselia's alleged accusations. Something is not right here... It

seems everything so far have happened purely on Cresselia's claims! And right

on cue, ANOTHER Cresselia shows up with seemingly brighter colours, and she

emits some sort of weird light that exposes the first Cresselia for what she...

or rather, he, truly is - Darkrai! The real Cresselia promptly explains about

Darkrai's treacheries - seems like HE is the one that is distorting space, and

he simply have been masquerading as Cresselia so you can get isolated and eli-

minated from the picture. Darkrai then challenges you to stop him in Dark

Crater, then disappears. Well, glad THAT's cleared up.

At the town, Cresselia cures Azurill, then explains that Darkrai only meets you

and everyone else in dreams, and set up highly realistic illusion to fool

everyone. Also, Cresselia explains that the one who is behind the crisis of 

time, as well, is none other than Darkrai. Also, the distortion you two are

causing in the space is extremely small, just big enough so you can't evolve

and the developer don't have to make emotional face pictures and sprites for

all the evolution of starters as well. Finally, the motive behind Darkrai's

Gauntlet is questioned - why is he challenging you, when his style is to work

in the shadows and flee when found? It is definitely a trap, but we have no

choice but to spring it. Cresselia will accompany you, too. 

Back to town to prepare! For no coherent reason, sentry duty is open to you

again even though you know, you're supposed to be saving the world (again) and

all. But hey, more power to you if you think you need more Reviver Seeds or

Nectar. Anyways, once you are ready, talk to Cresselia and we are off!

Dungeon - Dark Crater + Deep Dark Crater

Length - 15 + 14

Resident Pokemon - Charmander, Cyndaquil, Chimchar, Hippowdon, Numel, Slugma,

     Growlithe, Ponyta, Torchic, Charmeleon, Flareon, Quilava, Combusken, 

     Monferno, Camerupt, Radpiash, Arcanine, Magcargo, Magmortar, Charizard,

     Typhlosion, Infernape, Torkoal, Mismagius, Blaziken

My levels upon entry - Seth (50), Pikachu (51)

You will have Cresselia's help in this dungeon. At level 47, she knows the

following moves: Confusion, Double Team, Aurora Beam, and Slash. Anyways, the

crater is damn long, with 29 total floors. It's also a fire dungeon - something

that is rather rare in the remake. Expect lots and lots of fire moves flung

your way, and they *will* sting on a grass type. You should know the deal with

elemental starters by now - leave them at low HP and you'll be sorry when they

smack your ass to next week with the help of Blaze. Combusken also knows the

highly broken Mirror Move which reflects ANY move (and orbs count as moves,

too) as long as you are in front of it. Aside from them, Camerupt can use

Earth Power to nail you rather consistently for 60 or so damage if you're weak

to the move, and it hits the entire room. Finally, Rhyperior knows Horn Drill,

which is an OHKO move, so be EXTRA careful around it. Cresselia is not going to

be of much offensive help in the dungeon, since pretty much half the dungeon

resists Aurora Beam, but if you are on low HP and Cresselia is behind you, she

can really save your ass with Bodyguard, and a habit of abusing Double Team

when she does not have anything else in her range of her other attacks.

At the end of the crater, Darkrai appears. He explains that indeed, he was the

one behind the crisis of Time, and he was also the one that attacks the time

tunnel you and Grovyle used to get to the world. So basically speaking he was

behind your amnesia and transformation to a Pokemon, all along. He explains

that he did it to prevent you and Grovyle from changing the future, but sadly,

the best made plans are foiled by fate. Therefore, he decided to get rid of you

FIRST this time, by breaking your spirits using a Cresselia impostor. However,

he had a change of heart - if you would be so kind as to join him to rule in

Darkness, he will accept it. Your partner at this point decides that it is use-

less to resist, so he will choose to join Darkrai. Will you go with your part-

ner? Choose your answer carefully.

Actually, either way turns out to the same. This is not real - it is just a

nightmare, another one of Darkrai's illusion! Too bad for him. Guess there is

no more thing to talk about but fight - well, one teesy detail that wasn't made

clear before is that, Darkrai had allies - Arbok, Magmortar, Rhyperior, Aggron,

Magcargo, and Mismagius. We'll have to fight them all together. 

Boss Battle: Darkrai + Minions

Difficulty: Very Hard

Another hard fight, kind of like the Grand Master fight. Darkrai can use Night-

mare, which is BAD if it hits you because its Bad Dream ability will damage you

as you sleep. On your first turn, throw a status seed at Darkrai to put him out

of commission temporarily. Then, focus on getting rid of the minions, which is

no small feat because they are varied and diverse. Discharge doesn't work due

to the presence of Rhyperior, so get rid of that first if you want to use Dis-

charge. Cresselia can largely take care of herself (though if you drag on the

fight she will hog a couple of reviver seeds), so prioritize offence. Once you

get rid of the minions, Darkrai becomes much more straight forward. 

Darkrai is down, but not out - he had a plan B, too. He opens up a dimensional

hole and gets ready to warp himself to some other age to continue his plan.

However, just as he is about to travel, Palkia appears and blast the hole to

smithereens, with Darkrai still inside. What happened to him? Well we know for

sure that he's hurt badly, and also - since your starter underwent the same

suffering and ended up losing your memory, that may have happened to Darkrai as

well - he will simply wander around the world, with no memory of his dastardly

plot to take over the world in darkness. Our job... is done. Time for the

second ending. It is nowhere near as emotional as the first one, but it is

still fairly nice. Enjoy.

The next morning, you will find Cresselia outside your base, wondering about

what she will do next. Her decision is... to join your team. You can choose to

refuse her, but it's much more sensible to accept (even if you plan on using

her, you can just leave her to rot in Chimecho Assembly, and this is your only

chance at getting Cresselia). After that, it's daily business as usual.


5.6 The last of your storyline


The next couple of event seems to be triggered after a certain amount of rescue

missions, so don't just go around recruiting legendaries - do missions!

A few days later, When you emerge from Sharpedo Bluff, Chatot will run in, all

out of breath. Someone is back on the beach... it's Manaphy! Manaphy is all

grown up, and more than happy to see you both. After an emotional reunion, Ma-

naphy offers to join your team. Again, choose to accept because this is your

only chance at getting Manaphy in your team.

Another few days later, Manaphy will run up to you much in the same manner as

Chatot did. He informs you of a location he found full of delicious gummies -

Marine Resort. At this point, your storyline is done - as long as you have

recruited Palkia (by revisiting Spacial Rift and defeating him), your starter

and your partner will finally be able to evolve. Congratulations! You can

pretty much consider yourself have beaten the game fully at this point,

although like the main series there are still much more for you to do -

dungeons that are not part of any storyline, Pokemon to be found in these

dungeons, and of course, the friend rescues. I can't cover friend rescues, but

I can and will cover the non-storyline dungeons. In the next section, that is.


Section 6 - Optional Dungeons


These are the dungeons that are not mandatory to visit for storyline purposes.

They are mostly there so you can recruit their inhabitants or hunt items.


6.1. Mission unlocked dungeons


These dungeons are unlocked by accepting missions that entails you to explore a

new dungeon. These missions all have ??? as their location name, and sees your

team escorting the client through the entire dungeon. You have to accept the

mission to unlock these dungeons, but you don't have to do the mission itself -

just delete the mission after un-suspending it.

Coming soon!


6.2 Seven Treasures dungeons


These dungeons are unlocked through specific wonder mails, and you can only use

those wonder mails after Scizor bestows the Secret Rank to your team (See 5.2

for more details). All of these dungeons have a legendary pokemon at the end

guarding an item that increases the recruitment rate of pokemon of a specific

type, and the legendary pokemon itself is recruitable.

Wonder mails for the seven treasures, copied straight from the Legendary

Recruitment guide by Drayano:



Objective: Search for the Icy Flute!

Amount of Floors: 19F / Peak

Wonder Mail:

4 M P = K 9 8 # C T % Y 

R @ - - & P 7 % % K 8 6



Objective: Search for the Grass Cornet!

Amount of Floors: 29F / Deep

Wonder Mail:

X % 8 S W Y Y + S - J F 

P F H @ @ # # K 5 W 8 K



Objective: Search for the Aqua-Monica!

Amount of Floors: B49F / Depths

Wonder Mail:

F N 0 1 H W N - 0 0 % F 

8 6 7 8 + X Y @ & % # 3



Objective: Search for the Terra Cymbal!

Amount of Floors: 9F / Interior

Wonder Mail:

# & S 6 N Y 2 & Y J N = 

1 P 5 7 F 0 M N M H 7 Y



Objective: Search for the Sky Melodica!

Amount of Floors: 49F / Apex

Wonder Mail:

H W + 8 6 6 % T 5 S 5 1

+ J 5 Y 4 - K # H @ P -



Objective: Search for the Fiery Drum!

Amount of Floors: 19F / Summit

F H 0 T H Y N H R 0 Q F 

8 6 N 8 + S Y @ & % Y N



Objective: Search for the Rock Horn!

Amount of Floors: B29F / Pit

W N W Y J X T K & 5 C 1 

4 N 3 - P 4 N M 8 K & C

Dungeon - Shimmer Desert

Length - 9 + Shimmer Desert Pit

Resident Pokemon - Sandshrew, Sandslash, Nidoking, Diglett, Dugtrio, Garchomp,

     Ekans, Arbok, Sudowoodo, Rhyperior

Sunny on Floor 1, 6

Sandstorm on Floor 3, 9

This is the dungeon to go if you want to recruit Groudon. It's also a desert,

so you will probably expect sandstorm to be raging in some floors, and you are

right. There are also some sand veilers in the vicinity so watch out for them

on the sandstorm floors. Also, Diglett and Dugtrio can hit you with Earth Power

so watch out for that, too. Finally, this isn't something to watch out for but

if you would notice, Sudowoodo likes to mimick a tree so much it will not move

until it is provoked somehow, so you'll be safe with them as long as you don't

get near them or attack them (though why would you want to be safe from them is

beyond me).

At the end of the dungeon, you will encounter an old face - Groudon. However,

this isn't an illusion - this Groudon is for real. And it challenges you!

Boss Battle - Groudon (the real one)

Difficulty - Somewhat easy

Groudon can hit you with STAB Mud Shot and a Sun-boosted Fire Blast, both of

which can hit you for a lot of damage. The thing that's annoying with it is

that Mud Shot can slow, and Groudon also has Scary Face to furhter the slow

problem, and unless you're high levelled you won't stand two attacks per turn

for long. Status it quickly. Groudon can also use Bulk Up, though it doesn't

power up any of its own attacks, so all it does is upping its physical defense,

and you can consider it a waste of his turn. Water attacks won't do too much

damage against it due to the sun unless you reset it with Rain Dance (which

isn't a bad idea, really), so stick with grass and ice attacks or just neutral


You will obtain the Terra Cymbal after the fight, which gives you a bonus when

recruiting ground-type pokemon. Groudon himself may also join you after the

fight, but if he doesn't, just clear the dungeon again (maybe holding the Terra

Cymbal?) and try to recruit him again by beating him up. Repeat as necessary.

Dungeon - Giant Volcano

Length - 19 + Giant Volcano Peak

Resident Pokemon - Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Ty-

     phlosion, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape,

     Slugma, Magcargo, Camerupt, Flareon, Rapidash

Sunny on Floor 3, 5

Cloudy on Floor 6, 8, 10

Fire Dungeon here, so bring a Pokemon with Rain Dance to make your life easier.

You have mostly the same things here as in Dark Crater, minus the non-fire

pokes there. In other words, watch out for the fire starters who can, as you

should know by now, kick your ass with blaze boosted fire attacks (a Quilava

managed to do over 100 damage on a critical fire blast IN THE RAIN), and Came-

rupt can make your life miserable with Earth Power, though it is fairly weak

relatively and can be somewhat shrugged off as long as you don't get too many

Special Defense drops. Ohter pokes here post no huge threats.

At the end of the dungeon, you will find Heatran, who attacks you like Groudon

does. I continously find it hard to imagine Heatran as a legendary for some

reasons, but hey, it is so prepare for a fight!

Boss Battle - Heatran

Difficulty - Easy

Heatran has, amongst other moves I'm sure, a VERY powerful Lava Plume attack,

and can easily one-shot weaker pokemon with a critical or super-effectveness.

He also absorbs incoming fire-type moves and turns his Lava Plume into a death

machine with Flash Fire, so refrain from doing that. If you have the option,

put up Rain to boost your water attacks and to halve incoming Lava Plumes, and

hit him with your best water, ground or fighting attacks. Otherwise, status

him quickly before he can get close and kill him before the status lifts.

Heatran will yield the Fiery Drum at the end, which gives you a bonus for re-

cruiting fire-type pokes. Heatran him/herself will also join you (Heatran has

genders, so yeah), and if you didn't recruit Heatran you can just clear the

dungeon again. The Firey Drum you got will help you recruit it, of course.

Dungeon - Mt. Avalanche

Length - 19 + Mt. Avalanche Peak

Resident Pokemon - Altaria, Azumarill, Azurill, Delibird, Empoleon, Golduck,

     Jynx, Mamoswine, Marill, Nosepass, Piloswine, Piplup, Prinplup, Slaking,

     Slakoth, Smoochum, Sneasel, Snorunt, Swablu, Swinub, Vigoroth, Weavile,


Snow on floor 2, 4, 6

Cloudy on 3, 5, 9

The dungeon's inhabitants are based on Blizzard Island, and for the large part

you worry about the same things. There's no castform here, but there are water

starters (as usual don't leave them on low HP), some normal-type powerhouses

that you don't want to take too many hits from, and ice types that get a free

speed boost from snowy floors. Nothing too threatening however. Just make your

way up to the peak. Articuno will challenge you.

Boss Battle - Articuno

Difficulty - Somewhat Easy

Articuno can hit you with Ice Beam and Powder Snow, and both of them can cause

a lot of damage similar to Heatran's Lava Plume. Ice Beam only hits one target

in front of a line but Powder Snow can hit the entire room, so you can't hide

from it well. Status it quickly to subdue it.

You'll receive an Icy Flute for your troubles, and possibly recruiting Articuno

as well.

Dungeon - Mystery Jungle

Length - 29 + Deep Mystery Jungle

Resident Pokemon - Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Metapod, Rattata, Raticate,

     Spearow, Nidoran, Vileplume, Venonat, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel,

     Exeggcute, Koffing, Scyther, Eevee, Snorlax, Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium,

     Aipom, Sunkern, Sunflora, Teddiursa, Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Wurmple,

     Silcoon, Cascoon, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Roselia, Gulpin, Flygon, Turtwig, Gro-

     tle, Torterra, Bidoof, Roserade, Lopunny, Stunky, Skuntank, Munchlax

Fog on floor 7, 8, 17, 18

Snow on floor 10

Sunny on floor 15

Rain on floor 20

Cloudy on floor 25

The inhabitants are based on Mystifying Forest, but there are a few faces,

mainly the Treecko family and Munchlax family. If you want to recruit them, you

will have to go through this dungeon. Nothing too threatening here, but keep

in your mind somewhere that Skunky and Skuntank sometimes explode when you kill

them, which is not fun, and of course grass type starters can be dangerous on

low health, particularly Sceptile who can do an alarming large amount of damage

with an Overgrow boosted Critical Leaf Blade. There are some weather condition

going around too but nothing too serious.

At the end of the dungeon you'll find Mew.

Boss Battle - Mew

Difficulty - Easy

I can't say much because I never even seen any of its attacks, but I'd wager it

can use Psychic, maybe Ancientpower, and maybe Metronome. Status it quickly in

case it can use Metronome (and promptly get a chance to blast you with some 

sort of game winning/breaking moves like OHKO moves and Perish Song), but use

items only because Synchronize will own anyone who tries to status with a move.

Psychic isn't a top notch defensive type and you should bring it down without

too much trouble, especially if you bring someone who can use Silver Wind.

You'll receive a Grass Coronet for your troubles, and Mew may join you as well.

The Grass Coronet boosts recruitment rate for grass-type pokemons, of which Mew

isn't one. Oh well.

Dungeon - World Abyss

Length - 29 + World Abyss Pits

Resident Pokemon - Delcatty, Electrode, Exploud, Loudred, Mightyena, Murkrow,

     Nidoqueen, Pidgeot, Pidgeotto, Pidgey, Poochyena, Swellow, Taillow,

     Umbreon, Voltorb, Weezing

This place is basically Concealed ruins with no set music, different scenaries,

and *maybe* slightly higher levels. Nidoqueen can Earth Power, which is very

annoying if you're challenging it at lower levels (like right after rescuing

Scizor), but if you challenge this dungeon after finishing the storyline it is

fairly weak and of not much concern unless you're weak to it or have been hit

with a couple of stages of Special Defense drops. The Pidgey family is also

kind of annoying with both Agility and Tailwind (which is the same with Agility

except with longer animation to annoy you more), and Swellow can Pluck away

something you don't want it to pluck away (like a reviver seed). This dungeon

is also kind of short on supplies, which can haunt you if you went in without

proper preparations. However, for a well prepared team this dungeon is no

trouble at all. 

At the end of the dungeon you'll find Giratina.

Boss Battle - Giratina

Difficulty - Easy

Again, Giratina didn't hit me with a single attack, but it likely will have

Shadow Force and maybe Omnious Wind. If Giratina begins charging for Shadow

Force, immediately scatter (set the tactics for your allies first) because it's

incredibly strong and you don't want to eat it. Status it, however, and it

won't be able to hit you with anything.

You'll receive a Rock Horn for your troubles, and Giratina may join as well.

Rock Horn boosts the recruitment rate for rock-types, so it won't help against

Giratina if it decides to not join the first time, or against anything you'll

find in the dungeon, really >_ Proceed). Don't

eat any Doom Seeds obviously. Also, save those gummies for when you're hungry.

Finally, keep in mind Oran Berry restores 100 HP as well as 5 belly, so if you

really run out of food but oran berries, you should let your HP go down a bit

before eating them for maximum effect.

Enough about elementary wilderness survival tips. The one thing you should

watch out for in the dungeon is Misdreavus, who can bust out the move Perish

Song. It has a low hit rate, but it hits all of your allies on the floor, and

if it happens to hit, you die in four turns. Yup. It also has a nasty habit of

coming out of walls to attack you, giving it more chances to Perish Song you to

Oblivion (I was lucky enough that the time Perish Song hit me, I was two steps

away from the staircase). You may want to consider not brining so many pokemon

with you, so you can deal with Misdreavus easier (but that also means you are

more prone to run out of PP without a partner to use their moves with, so pick

the lesser of the two evils to you). Aside from Misdreavus, Shroomish can Spore

and Meditite has Huge Power which can sting if you happen to be weak to

fighting or something.

The "key" floors in the maze are 23F, 29F and 40F, where you can find Jirachi,

Suicune and Moltres respectively. wandering around and waiting for you to beat

them up. You'll know you're in the right spot due to that those floors have

different decorations (Jirachi's on a grassy floor, Suicune a "water cave"

floor and Moltres a "volcano" floor). Beat them up in melee range with your

leader and they may request to join like any wild pokemon. Sadly you can't

bring any recruitment up items in and you won't find any inside, so there isn't

much you can do to make them more likely to join (aside from leading with a

Group H pokemon with Fast Friend and/or using a high level pokemon). Best of

luck to you!

If you clear all 48 floors, Marowak will give you a Brown Bow. Yeah, no matter

what your aura colour is, it will be brown, making it even more useless than it

already is if you don't have a brown aura. The only reason to clear Final Maze,

really, is to recruit the three aforementioned legendaries and maybe bragging

rights. If you're going for the legendaries, you'll likely have to go in a

whole bunch of times because they aren't the easiest pokes to recruit. Try

using your highest levelled pokemon as that (aside from Fast Friends) is the

only way you have of raising your recruitment chances.

Rest shall come soon!


Section 7 - FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Thanks to the "question" section on GameFAQs, I can actually rack up questions

without having them asked of me! Woohoo!

Q: What does STAB mean?

A: Same-Type Attack Bonus. Basically if a pokemon uses an attack that is the

   same type as (one of) its type(s), it gets a 50% bonus to damage. This only

   applies to direct damage moves.

Q: How do I beat Dialga?

A: Status, basically. X-eye seed > Dialga. It also helps (though it's not nece-

   ssary) to have moves that can actually hit neutral/super effective on

   him, since he walls a lot of types. Fighting and Ground (Dig) hits him for

   super-effective damage, while fire, ice, and dragon scores neutral. Chances

   are you don't have a Dragon move though.

Q: How do I evolve my starter?

A: Finish everything in the storyline and recruit Palkia.

Q: Where do I find [insert item here]?

A: Wonder Mail is your best friend. Look for them on the Wonder Mail FAQ on

   GameFAQs, or use a generator (find one on the Internet somewhere - use a

   search engine like google). If you want to look for them legitimately, try

   using the Item FAQ on GameFAQs.

Q: How do I recruit [insert Pokemon here]?

A: Again, Wonder Mail is your best friend - you can get most Pokemon you want

   with guaranteed success, albeit at level 1.

Q: I got an egg from a mission. What now?

A: Check with Chansey Day Care in town. She will be caring for your egg until

   it hatches. An egg will hatch into a level 1 random Pokemon from the floor

   where the mission for the egg was completed at. The advantage with hatched

   Pokemon is that they can know some "Egg moves", which means you can either

   know certain moves before having to reach the level where you normally get

   it, or moves that the Pokemon otherwise could not have gotten at all. It

   also comes with some stat bonus.

Q: How do I deal with monster houses?

A: Room-wide moves like Blizzard and Discharge works great, especially if you

   can back it up with STAB. Failing that, use room-wide orbs like Foe-fear, 

   Foe-seal, Totter, and Slumber to park things for a while, then back into a

   hallway and take things on one by one. If your partner is attacking rather

   than retreating with you, turn off all of his/her moves and turn the IQ

   skill "Exclusive move-user" on, so your partner follows you instead. Or, you

   can tell your partner to "get away from here" via Tactics.

Q: What moves should I teach to my team?

A: It really depends on what you're trying to do with each pokemon. However,

   generally speaking, any pokemon you intend to use as a leader should have a

   move with high PP (and perferably gets STAB), and two other moves that pro-

   vide coverage with your primary move, either type-wise or range-wise or

   maybe both.

Q: What do I do with a Key?

A: Certain dungeons have a locked door on a floor containing items. Face the

   door, use a key, open it, grab the treasure, and move on.

Q: What do I do with Mystery Part/Secret Slab?

A: Bring it in your explorations. You can encounter certain legendaries this

   way, and by defeating them there's a chance they'll ask to join you.

Q: I want this cool IQ skill I saw from [insert Pokemon here]. How come my 

   Pokemon doesn't get it even after feeding it hundreds of gummies?

A: Each Pokemon have different IQ groups in which they learn skills from. Each

   group have different IQ skills available to them and thus they can only

   learn stuff from their own group. That Charizard of yours is never going to

   be able to learn PP Saver, Deep Breather or Multitalent, and that Blastoise

   isn't going to get Nonsleeper no matter how many gummies you shove down his

   throat. Sorry.

Q: How do I get those water-surrounded treasures if my leader can't traverse on

   water, yet (one of) my team member(s) does?

A: Well, for starters you can tell your team member to wander off by itself and

   hope it somehow picks up the treasures. A better way, though, is to use the

   Tactics menu to tell your waterwalking/flying partner to stay still on one

   side of the water, while you move yourself to the other side, and tell it to

   follow you again. As long as it travels over the items in question, it will

   pick them up for you.

Q: Should I get the time or darkness version?

A: I'm more leaning to say Time since ignoring everything else, Time has better

   "exclusive items". However, since you can get those via Wonder Mail anyways,

   it mostly just boils down to whether you want Celebi more or Mewtwo more.

More to come when I get/see more questions.


Section 8 - Not-so-boring Legal Stuff


This guide was made by me, Wenqi Yang, aka MajesticMystic. I hereby grant you

permission to modify and redistribute it as you see fit, provided that the two

following conditions are met:

1) The Legal Stuff section is not modified. This way people know that *I* wrote

   this stuff, and they know what they can do with it.

2) The redistribution must NOT be for profit. If you're making money off my

   work, then I better get some of it too.

That about sums up the gist of it. I welcome any website to host this FAQ, yes

ANY website, as long as those two conditions are met. Keep in mind though that

if I update this FAQ, it will only be done on GameFAQs - I can't keep track of

every website that hosts this guide and I won't.


Section 9 - Contact Me


You can e-mail me to this address:

[email protected]

To those people who know what this means, I never use this phrase seriously in

context, so don't think less of me because of it.

If you have questions, suggestions, constructive criticisms, constructive

*anything*, feel free to e-mail me there. Try to make your e-mail title

relevant - It's a lot clearer to me what this mail is about if it's titled

"a suggestion to your guide" than if it's titled "hi".


Section 10 - Credits


CarlosPit, DarkStar Ripclaw, Bulby101 - It's always good to have references

  when writing a walkthrough, and references their walkthrough gladly provides.

ZombieInfection - One of the wonder mails I used was from his FAQ.

Chunsoft - For making this game.

Game Freak - For coming up with the idea of Pokemon.

Cherry - No particular reasons relevant to this guide. Her presence is enough

 to be thankful for.

God - For reasons I won't go into further, lest I be lynched by angry atheists.

And, that's it. I had a blast, and I hope you did too.

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 700 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.