Pokemon Monday 42 - Sleep talkers

Episode42 highlights

Office tournament recap - Michael Grimm takes the victory at the first GamesRadar office B%26amp;W tournament. Check out ourFacebook albumfor more photos.

Pokemon Global Link update - We chat with reps from the Pokemon Company to find out about upcoming plans for the Dream World and Global Battle Union.

New Pokemon game to be announced on May 21- What could it be?! A new spin-off for 3DS? Another Battle Revolution? Time to speculate!

The creepiest new Pokemon from Black and White- If you haven't checked out last week's feature yet, you're missing out on some amazing original artwork.

Pokemon of the week: Musharna - We salute the mascot of the Dream World.

Question of the week: What is your best Pokemon-related joke? (Let's keep it clean - please keep jokes at an E10+ ESRB level.)

Last week's QOTW: If you haven't weighed in yet, you still have time toput your vote in for favorite starter of all time. We'll discuss listener responses in next week's episode.

See you next week!

Life is nature's way of keeping meat fresh.