The complete Pokemon Legends: Arceus Pokedex

Pokemon Legends Arceus Pokedex
(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

We've got the complete Pokemon Legends: Arceus Pokedex here, with the full list of what out there to catch and where to find them. We're here to help you create and complete the very first Pokedex in the Hisui region, which later comes to be known as the Sinnoh region. Just like Pokemon Sword and Shield, we'll also be encountering some new evolutions and variants in the region as we go about conducting surveys and trying to catch 'em all. 

It's worth noting that some of the Pokemon with 'Not Known' habitats will be found within the Space-Time Distortions that pop up at random in each territory. These contain high-level, rare Pokemon - including otherwise unobtainable Pokedex entries - so make sure to find yourself inside them when they pop up. 

Have a read of our guide to the Pokemon Legends: Arceus starters too, so you know all about the three Pokemon you can choose from at the beginning of the game.

The complete Pokemon Legends: Arceus Pokedex

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Header Cell - Column 0 NameTypeWhere to findFavored ConditionsObsidian FieldlandsCrimson MirelandsCobalt CoastlandsAlabaster IcelandsAlabaster Icelands
1RowletGrass / FlyingStarter / StoryN/ARow 0 - Cell 5 Row 0 - Cell 6 Row 0 - Cell 7 Row 0 - Cell 8 Row 0 - Cell 9
2DartrixGrass / FlyingEvolutionN/ARow 1 - Cell 5 Row 1 - Cell 6 Row 1 - Cell 7 Row 1 - Cell 8 Row 1 - Cell 9
3DecidueyeGrass / FightingEvolutionN/ARow 2 - Cell 5 Row 2 - Cell 6 Row 2 - Cell 7 Row 2 - Cell 8 Row 2 - Cell 9
4CyndaquilFireStarter / StoryN/ARow 3 - Cell 5 Row 3 - Cell 6 Row 3 - Cell 7 Row 3 - Cell 8 Row 3 - Cell 9
5QuilavaFireEvolutionN/ARow 4 - Cell 5 Row 4 - Cell 6 Row 4 - Cell 7 Row 4 - Cell 8 Row 4 - Cell 9
6TypholosionFire / GhostEvolutionN/ARow 5 - Cell 5 Row 5 - Cell 6 Row 5 - Cell 7 Row 5 - Cell 8 Row 5 - Cell 9
7OshawattWaterStarter / StoryN/ARow 6 - Cell 5 Row 6 - Cell 6 Row 6 - Cell 7 Row 6 - Cell 8 Row 6 - Cell 9
8DewottWater EvolutionN/ARow 7 - Cell 5 Row 7 - Cell 6 Row 7 - Cell 7 Row 7 - Cell 8 Row 7 - Cell 9
9SamurottWater / DarkEvolutionN/ARow 8 - Cell 5 Row 8 - Cell 6 Row 8 - Cell 7 Row 8 - Cell 8 Row 8 - Cell 9
10BidoofNormalWildAllAspiration HillHorseshoe PlainsTidewater DamGapejaw BogUrsa's RingDroning MeadowRow 9 - Cell 7 Row 9 - Cell 8 Avalugg's Legacy
11BibarelNormal / WaterWildAllTidewater DamGapejaw BogUrsa's RingDroning MeadowSpring PathRow 10 - Cell 8 Avalugg's Legacy
12StarlyNormal / FlyingWildDaytime onlyAspiration HillHorseshoe PlainsWindswept RunTidewater DamRow 11 - Cell 6 Ginko LandingDeadwood HauntRow 11 - Cell 8 Row 11 - Cell 9
13StaraviaNormal / FlyingWildDaytime onlyNature's PantryTidewater DamRamanas IslandSandgem FlatsRow 12 - Cell 6 Ginko LandingDeadwood HauntRow 12 - Cell 8 Row 12 - Cell 9
14StaraptorNormal / FlyingWildAllNature's PantryRow 13 - Cell 6 Deadwood HauntRow 13 - Cell 8 Row 13 - Cell 9
15ShinxElectricWildAllAspiration HillFloaro GardensOreburrow TunnelRow 14 - Cell 6 Row 14 - Cell 7 Sonorous PathRow 14 - Cell 9
16LuxioElectricWildAllFloaro GardensOreburrow TunnelSandgem FlatsRow 15 - Cell 6 Row 15 - Cell 7 Heavenward LookoutSonorous PathSacred PlazaCloudcap PassRow 15 - Cell 9
17LuxrayElectricWildAllSandgem FlatsRow 16 - Cell 6 Row 16 - Cell 7 Heavenward LookoutSonorous PathSacred PlazaCloudcap PassRow 16 - Cell 9
18WurmpleBugWildAllHorseshoe PlainsFloaro GardensThe HeartwoodRow 17 - Cell 6 Row 17 - Cell 7 Row 17 - Cell 8 Row 17 - Cell 9
19SilcoonBugWildDaytime onlyFloaro GardensThe HeartwoodRow 18 - Cell 6 Row 18 - Cell 7 Row 18 - Cell 8 Row 18 - Cell 9
20BeautiflyBug / FlyingWildDaytime onlyFloaro GardensThe HeartwoodGrueling GroveRow 19 - Cell 6 Veilstone CapeRow 19 - Cell 8 Row 19 - Cell 9
21CascoonBugWildNighttime onlyFloaro GardensThe HeartwoodRow 20 - Cell 6 Row 20 - Cell 7 Row 20 - Cell 8 Row 20 - Cell 9
22DustoxBug / PoisonWildNighttime onlyFloaro GardensThe HeartwoodGrueling GroveRow 21 - Cell 6 Veilstone CapeRow 21 - Cell 8 Row 21 - Cell 9
23PonytaFireWildAll times, but only in clear / sunny weatherHorseshoe PlainsRow 22 - Cell 6 Row 22 - Cell 7 Row 22 - Cell 8 Row 22 - Cell 9
24RapidashFireWildAll times, but only in clear / sunny weatherHorseshoe PlainsRow 23 - Cell 6 Row 23 - Cell 7 Row 23 - Cell 8 Row 23 - Cell 9
25EeveeNormalWildAllRow 24 - Cell 5 Row 24 - Cell 6 Crossing SlopeRow 24 - Cell 8 Avalugg's LegacyAvalanche Slopes
26VaporeonWaterEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 25 - Cell 5 Row 25 - Cell 6 Row 25 - Cell 7 Row 25 - Cell 8 Row 25 - Cell 9
27JolteonElectricEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 26 - Cell 5 Row 26 - Cell 6 Row 26 - Cell 7 Row 26 - Cell 8 Row 26 - Cell 9
28FlareonFireEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 27 - Cell 5 Row 27 - Cell 6 Row 27 - Cell 7 Row 27 - Cell 8 Row 27 - Cell 9
29EspeonPsychicEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 28 - Cell 5 Row 28 - Cell 6 Row 28 - Cell 7 Row 28 - Cell 8 Row 28 - Cell 9
30UmbreonDarkEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 29 - Cell 5 Row 29 - Cell 6 Row 29 - Cell 7 Row 29 - Cell 8 Row 29 - Cell 9
31LeafeonGrassEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 30 - Cell 5 Row 30 - Cell 6 Row 30 - Cell 7 Row 30 - Cell 8 Row 30 - Cell 9
32GlaceonIceEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 31 - Cell 5 Row 31 - Cell 6 Row 31 - Cell 7 Row 31 - Cell 8 Row 31 - Cell 9
33SylveonFairyEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 32 - Cell 5 Row 32 - Cell 6 Row 32 - Cell 7 Row 32 - Cell 8 Row 32 - Cell 9
34ZubatPoison / FlyingWildNighttime onlyDeertrack PathNature's PantryThe HeartwoodOreburrow TunnelBolderoll SlopeDiamond HeathCloudpool RidgeRow 33 - Cell 7 Heavenward LookoutWayward CaveSnowpoint Temple
35GolbatPoison / FlyingWildNighttime onlyOreburrow TunnelBolderoll SlopeDiamond HeathCloudpool RidgeRow 34 - Cell 7 Heavenward LookoutWayward CaveSnowpoint Temple
36CrobatPoison / FlyingNot KnownNighttime onlyRow 35 - Cell 5 Row 35 - Cell 6 Row 35 - Cell 7 Row 35 - Cell 8 Row 35 - Cell 9
37DrifloonGhost / FlyingWildNighttime onlyAspiration HillHorsehoe PlainsFloaro GardensRamanas IslandRow 36 - Cell 6 Ginkgo LandingBathers' LagoonDeadwood HauntTranquility CoveRow 36 - Cell 8 Avalugg's LegacyGlacier TerraceHeart's Crag
38DrifblimGhost / FlyingWildNighttime onlySandgem FlatsRamanas IslandRow 37 - Cell 6 Ginkgo LandingBathers' LagoonDeadwood HauntTranquility CoveRow 37 - Cell 8 Avalugg's LegacyGlacier TerraceHeart's Crag
39KricketotBugWildAllDeertrack PathNature's PantryWindswept RuinGolden LowlandsCloudpool RidgeRow 38 - Cell 7 Row 38 - Cell 8 Row 38 - Cell 9
40KricketuneBugWildAllNature's PantryGolden LowlandsCloudpool RidgeRow 39 - Cell 7 Row 39 - Cell 8 Row 39 - Cell 9
41BuizelWaterWildAllHorseshoe PlainsWindswept RunWorn BridgeRow 40 - Cell 6 Aipon HillBathers' LagoonRow 40 - Cell 8 Row 40 - Cell 9
42FloatzelWaterWildAllWorn BridgeRow 41 - Cell 6 Aipon HillBathers' LagoonRow 41 - Cell 8 Row 41 - Cell 9
43BurmyBugIn treesAllDeertrack PathDeertrack HeightsNature's PantryGrueling GroveGolden LowlandsGapejaw BogCloudpool RidgeShrouded RuinsGinkgo LandingCrossing SlopeVeilstone CapeBathers' LagoonHeavenward LookoutCelestica TrailCelestica RuinsStonetooth RowsBonechill WastesGlacier TerraceLake AcuityAvalance Slopes
44WormadamBug / GrassIn treesAllGrueling GroveSandgem FlatsGolden LowlandsGapejaw BogGinkgo LandingCrossing SlopeVeilstone CapeBathers' LagoonHeavenward LookoutCelestica TrailCelestica RuinsStonetooth RowsBonechill WastesGlacier TerraceLake AcuityAvalance Slopes
45MothimBug / FlyingWildAllGrueling GroveRow 44 - Cell 6 Gingko LandingVeilstone CapeAipom HillSpring PathWayward WoodRow 44 - Cell 9
46GeodudeRock / GroundWild / inside rocksAllDeertrack HeightsWorn BridgeOreburrow TunnelGapejaw BogScarlet BogUrsa's RingBolderoll SlopeGingko LandingVeilstone CapeAipom HillBathers' LagoonBolderoll RavineClamberlaw CliffsCelestica RuinsRow 45 - Cell 9
47GravelerRock / GroundWild / inside rocksAllOreburrow TunnelSandgem FlatsGapejaw BogScarlet BogUrsa's RingBolderoll Slope????Firespit IslandIslespy ShoreSpring PathHeavenward LookoutBolderoll RavineClamberlaw CliffsCelestica RuinsSnowpoint Temple
48GolemRock / GroundWildAllRow 47 - Cell 5 Row 47 - Cell 6 Row 47 - Cell 7 Bolderoll RavineRow 47 - Cell 9
49StantlerNormalWildAllDeertrack HeightsRow 48 - Cell 6 Windbreak StandWayward WoodGlacier Terrace
50WyrdeerNormal / PsychicEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 49 - Cell 5 Row 49 - Cell 6 Row 49 - Cell 7 Row 49 - Cell 8 Row 49 - Cell 9
51MunchlaxNormalWildAllDeertrack HeightsRow 50 - Cell 6 Row 50 - Cell 7 Row 50 - Cell 8 Snowfall Hot Spring
52SnorlaxNormalWildAllSandgem FlatsRow 51 - Cell 6 Row 51 - Cell 7 Row 51 - Cell 8 Snowfall Hot Spring
53ParasBug / GrassWildAllNature's PantryGolden LowlandsDiamond HeathCloudpool RidgeCottonsedge PrairieWindbreak StandHeavenward LookoutWayward WoodRow 52 - Cell 9
54ParasectBug / GrassWildAllNature's PantryGolden LowlandsDiamond HeathCloudpool RidgeCottonsedge PrairieWindbreak StandHeavenward LookoutWayward WoodRow 53 - Cell 9
55PichuElectricWildAllFloaro GardensNature's PantryGolden LowlandsRow 54 - Cell 7 Row 54 - Cell 8 Row 54 - Cell 9
56PikachuElectricWildAllNature's PantryGolden Lowlands????Row 55 - Cell 8 Row 55 - Cell 9
57RaichuElectricWildAllRow 56 - Cell 5 Golden LowlandsRow 56 - Cell 7 Row 56 - Cell 8 Row 56 - Cell 9
58AbraPsychicWildAllWindswept RunSandgem FlatsRow 57 - Cell 6 Row 57 - Cell 7 Row 57 - Cell 8 Lake Acuity
59KadabraPsychicWildAllSandgem FlatsRow 58 - Cell 6 Row 58 - Cell 7 Row 58 - Cell 8 Lake Acuity
60AlakazamPsychicWildAllSandgem FlatsRow 59 - Cell 6 Row 59 - Cell 7 Row 59 - Cell 8 Row 59 - Cell 9
61ChimcharFireWildAllDeertrack HeightsRamanas IslandRow 60 - Cell 6 Row 60 - Cell 7 Row 60 - Cell 8 Row 60 - Cell 9
62MonfernoFire / FightingWildAllRamanas IslandRow 61 - Cell 6 Row 61 - Cell 7 Row 61 - Cell 8 Row 61 - Cell 9
63InfernapeFire / FightingWildAllRamanas IslandRow 62 - Cell 6 Row 62 - Cell 7 Row 62 - Cell 8 Row 62 - Cell 9
64BunearyNormalWildAllThe HeartwoodRow 63 - Cell 6 Row 63 - Cell 7 Row 63 - Cell 8 Row 63 - Cell 9
65LopunnyNormalWildAllThe HeartwoodRow 64 - Cell 6 Row 64 - Cell 7 Row 64 - Cell 8 Bonechill WastesSnowfall Hot Spring
66CherubiGrassWild / in TreesAllThe HeartwoodGapejaw BogRow 65 - Cell 7 Lonely SpringFabled SpringPrimeval GrottoRow 65 - Cell 9
67CherrimGrassWild / in TreesAllRow 66 - Cell 5 Row 66 - Cell 6 Row 66 - Cell 7 Row 66 - Cell 8 Row 66 - Cell 9
68PsyduckWaterWildAllThe HeartwoodGolden LowlandsGapejaw BogHolm of TrialsBathers' LagoonWayward WoodLonely SpringRow 67 - Cell 9
69GolduckWaterWildAllRow 68 - Cell 5 Holm of TrialsBathers' LagoonSpring PathWayward WoodLonely SpringRow 68 - Cell 9
70CombeeBug / FlyingWildAllThe HeartwoodGrueling GroveRamanas IslandCloudpool RidgeLake ValorCottonsedge PrairieDroning MeadowAipom HillRow 69 - Cell 8 Row 69 - Cell 9
71VespiqueenBug / FlyingWildAllRow 70 - Cell 5 Lake ValorCottonsedge PrairieDroning MeadowRow 70 - Cell 7 Row 70 - Cell 8 Row 70 - Cell 9
72ScytherBug / FlyingWildAllGrandtree ArenaRow 71 - Cell 6 Row 71 - Cell 7 Primeval GrottoRow 71 - Cell 9
73KleavorBug / FlyingEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 72 - Cell 5 Row 72 - Cell 6 Row 72 - Cell 7 Row 72 - Cell 8 Row 72 - Cell 9
74ScizorBug / RockEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 73 - Cell 5 Row 73 - Cell 6 Row 73 - Cell 7 Row 73 - Cell 8 Row 73 - Cell 9
75HeracrossBug / FightingWildDaytime onlyGrueling GroveRow 74 - Cell 6 Row 74 - Cell 7 Wayward WoodRow 74 - Cell 9
76Mime Jr.Psychic / FairyWildAllHorseshoe PlainsSandgem FlatsRow 75 - Cell 6 Row 75 - Cell 7 Row 75 - Cell 8 Row 75 - Cell 9
77Mr. MimePsychic / FairyWildAllSandgem FlatsRow 76 - Cell 6 Row 76 - Cell 7 Row 76 - Cell 8 Row 76 - Cell 9
78AipomNormalWildAllRamanas IslandRow 77 - Cell 6 Aipom HillHideaway BayAipom HillHideaway BayWhiteout ValleyGlacier TerraceSnowfall Hot SpringHeart's Crag
79AmbipomNormalWildAllRow 78 - Cell 5 Row 78 - Cell 6 Aipom HillHideaway BayRow 78 - Cell 8 Avalance SlopesArena's ApproachHeart's Crag
80MagikarpWaterWildAllObsidian FallsLake VerityRow 79 - Cell 6 Row 79 - Cell 7 Fabled SpringRow 79 - Cell 9
81GyaradosWater / FlyingWildAllObsidian FallsLake VerityRow 80 - Cell 6 Sand's ReachPrimeval GrottoRow 80 - Cell 9
82ShellosWaterWildAllSandgem FlatsRamanas IslandRow 81 - Cell 6 Tranquility CoveSeagrass HavenRow 81 - Cell 8 Row 81 - Cell 9
83GastrodonWater / GroundWildAllSandgem FlatsRamanas IslandRow 82 - Cell 6 Seagrass HavenRow 82 - Cell 8 Row 82 - Cell 9
84QwilfishDark / PoisonRow 83 - Cell 3 AllRamanas IslandRow 83 - Cell 6 Traquility CoveLunker's LairIslespy ShoreRow 83 - Cell 8 Row 83 - Cell 9
85OverqwilDark / PoisonEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 84 - Cell 5 Row 84 - Cell 6 Row 84 - Cell 7 Row 84 - Cell 8 Row 84 - Cell 9
86HappinyNormalWildAllOreburrow TunnelObsidian FallsRow 85 - Cell 6 Hideaway BayRow 85 - Cell 8 Row 85 - Cell 9
87ChanseyNormalWildAllObsidian FallsRow 86 - Cell 6 Hideaway BayTombolo WalkRow 86 - Cell 8 Avalanche Slopes
88BlisseyNormalWildAllObsidian FallsRow 87 - Cell 6 Row 87 - Cell 7 Row 87 - Cell 8 Avalanche Slopes
89BudewGrass / PoisonWildDaytime onlyRow 88 - Cell 5 Golden LowlandsGapejaw BogRow 88 - Cell 7 Fabled SpringRow 88 - Cell 9
90RoseliaGrass / PoisonWildAllRow 89 - Cell 5 Gapejaw BogCloudpool RidgeRow 89 - Cell 7 Fabled SpringRow 89 - Cell 9
91RoseradeGrass / PoisonWildDaytime onlyRow 90 - Cell 5 Cloudpool RidgeRow 90 - Cell 7 Row 90 - Cell 8 Row 90 - Cell 9
92CarnivineGrassWildAllRow 91 - Cell 5 Golden LowlandsGapejaw BogCloudpool RidgeHolm of TrialsRow 91 - Cell 7 Lonely SpringRow 91 - Cell 9
93PetililGrassWildAllRow 92 - Cell 5 Cottonsedge PrairieHolm of TrialsRow 92 - Cell 7 Row 92 - Cell 8 Row 92 - Cell 9
94LilligantGrass / FightingEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 93 - Cell 5 Row 93 - Cell 6 Row 93 - Cell 7 Row 93 - Cell 8 Row 93 - Cell 9
95TangelaGrassWildAllRow 94 - Cell 5 Gapejaw BogCrossing SlopeRow 94 - Cell 8 Row 94 - Cell 9
96TangrowthGrassWildAllRow 95 - Cell 5 Gapejaw BogRow 95 - Cell 7 Row 95 - Cell 8 Row 95 - Cell 9
97BarboachWater / GroundWildAllRow 96 - Cell 5 Gapejaw BogLake ValorRow 96 - Cell 7 Wayward CaveRow 96 - Cell 9
98WhiscashWater / GroundWildAllRow 97 - Cell 5 Gapejaw BogLake ValorRow 97 - Cell 7 Wayward CaveRow 97 - Cell 9
99CroagunkPoison / FightingWildAllRow 98 - Cell 5 Gapejaw BogScarlet BogHolm of TrialsRow 98 - Cell 7 Row 98 - Cell 8 Row 98 - Cell 9
100ToxicroakPoison / FightingWildAllRow 99 - Cell 5 Holm of TrialsSpring PathAncient QuarryRow 99 - Cell 9
101RaltsPsychic / FairyWildAllRow 100 - Cell 5 Gapejaw BogShrouded RuinsRow 100 - Cell 7 Row 100 - Cell 8 Heart's CragSnowpoint Temple
102KirliaPsychic / FairyWildAllRow 101 - Cell 5 Shrouded RuinsRow 101 - Cell 7 Row 101 - Cell 8 Heart's CragSnowpoint Temple
103GardevoirPsychic / FairyWildDaytime onlyRow 102 - Cell 5 Row 102 - Cell 6 Row 102 - Cell 7 Row 102 - Cell 8 Heart's Crag
104GalladePsychic / FightingWildAllRow 103 - Cell 5 Row 103 - Cell 6 Row 103 - Cell 7 Row 103 - Cell 8 Snowpoint Temple
105YanmaBug / FlyingWildDaytime onlyRow 104 - Cell 5 Gapejaw BogUrsa's RingDroning MeadowRow 104 - Cell 7 Heavenward LookoutRow 104 - Cell 9
106YanmegaBug / FlyingWildDaytime onlyRow 105 - Cell 5 Droning MeadowRow 105 - Cell 7 Heavenward LookoutRow 105 - Cell 9
107HippopotasGroundWildAllRow 106 - Cell 5 Sludge MoundScarlet BogRow 106 - Cell 7 Celestica TrailRow 106 - Cell 9
108HippowdonGroundWildAllRow 107 - Cell 5 Sludge MoundScarlet BogRow 107 - Cell 7 Celestica TrailRow 107 - Cell 9
109PachirisuElectricWildAllRow 108 - Cell 5 Droning MeadowRow 108 - Cell 7 Row 108 - Cell 8 Row 108 - Cell 9
110StunkyPoison / DarkWildAllRow 109 - Cell 5 Scarlet BogRow 109 - Cell 7 Ancient QuarryRow 109 - Cell 9
111SkuntankPoison / DarkWildAllRow 110 - Cell 5 Scarlet BogRow 110 - Cell 7 Ancient QuarryRow 110 - Cell 9
112TeddiursaNormalWildAllRow 111 - Cell 5 Ursa's RingRow 111 - Cell 7 Sonorous PathRow 111 - Cell 9
113UrsaringNormalWildAllRow 112 - Cell 5 Ursa's RingRow 112 - Cell 7 Sonorous PathRow 112 - Cell 9
114UrsalunaNormal / GroundEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 113 - Cell 5 Row 113 - Cell 6 Row 113 - Cell 7 Row 113 - Cell 8 Row 113 - Cell 9
115GoomyDragonWildAllRow 114 - Cell 5 Holm of TrialsRow 114 - Cell 7 Ancient QuarryRow 114 - Cell 9
116SliggooDragon / SteelWildAllRow 115 - Cell 5 Holm of TrialsRow 115 - Cell 7 Ancient QuarryRow 115 - Cell 9
117GoodraDragon / SteelWildAllRow 116 - Cell 5 Row 116 - Cell 6 Row 116 - Cell 7 Ancient QuarryRow 116 - Cell 9
118OnixRock / GroundWildAllRow 117 - Cell 5 Scarlet BogBolderoll SlopeLake ValorRow 117 - Cell 7 Celestica TrailRow 117 - Cell 9
119SteelixSteel / GroundWildAllRow 118 - Cell 5 Row 118 - Cell 6 Row 118 - Cell 7 Celestica TrailRow 118 - Cell 9
120RhyhornGround / RockWildAllRow 119 - Cell 5 Bolderoll SlopeDiamond HeathShrouded RuinsRow 119 - Cell 7 Celestica TrailSacred PlazaRow 119 - Cell 9
121RhydonGround / RockWildAllRow 120 - Cell 5 Row 120 - Cell 6 Row 120 - Cell 7 Celestica TrailSacred PlazaRow 120 - Cell 9
122RhyperiorGround / RockWildAllRow 121 - Cell 5 Row 121 - Cell 6 Row 121 - Cell 7 Sacred PlazaRow 121 - Cell 9
123BonslyRockWildAllRow 122 - Cell 5 Cloudpool RidgeRow 122 - Cell 7 Celestica RuinsRow 122 - Cell 9
124SudowoodoRockWildAllRow 123 - Cell 5 Cloudpool RidgeRow 123 - Cell 7 Celestica RuinsRow 123 - Cell 9
125LickitungNormalWildAllRow 124 - Cell 5 Shrouded RuinsRow 124 - Cell 7 Row 124 - Cell 8 ????Avalanche Slopes
126LickilickyNormalWildAllRow 125 - Cell 5 Shrouded RuinsRow 125 - Cell 7 Row 125 - Cell 8 Avalanche Slopes
127TogepiFairyWildDaytime onlyRow 126 - Cell 5 Cottonsedge PrairieBathers' LagoonTranquility CoveRow 126 - Cell 8 Row 126 - Cell 9
128TogeticFairy / FlyingWildDaytime onlyRow 127 - Cell 5 Bolderoll SlopeCottonsedge PrairieTranquility CoveRow 127 - Cell 8 Row 127 - Cell 9
129TogekissFairy / FlyingWildAllLake VerityRow 128 - Cell 6 Row 128 - Cell 7 Row 128 - Cell 8 Row 128 - Cell 9
130TurtwigGrassWildAllRow 129 - Cell 5 Droning MeadowRow 129 - Cell 7 Row 129 - Cell 8 Row 129 - Cell 9
131GrotleGrassN/AEvolution / Not KnownRow 130 - Cell 5 Row 130 - Cell 6 Row 130 - Cell 7 Row 130 - Cell 8 Row 130 - Cell 9
132TorterraGrass / GroundWildAllRow 131 - Cell 5 Holm of TrialsRow 131 - Cell 7 Row 131 - Cell 8 Row 131 - Cell 9
133PorygonNormalNot KnownN/ARow 132 - Cell 5 Row 132 - Cell 6 Row 132 - Cell 7 Row 132 - Cell 8 Row 132 - Cell 9
134Porygon2NormalEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 133 - Cell 5 Row 133 - Cell 6 Row 133 - Cell 7 Row 133 - Cell 8 Row 133 - Cell 9
135Porygon-ZNormalEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 134 - Cell 5 Row 134 - Cell 6 Row 134 - Cell 7 Row 134 - Cell 8 Row 134 - Cell 9
136GastlyGhost / PoisonWildNighttime onlyRow 135 - Cell 5 Golden LowlandsGapejaw BogScarlet BogShrouded RuinsRow 135 - Cell 7 Bolderoll RavineSacred PlazaCelestica RuinsBonechill Wastes
137HaunterGhost / PoisonWildNighttime onlyRow 136 - Cell 5 Gapejaw BogScarlet BogShrouded RuinsCottonsedge PrairieRow 136 - Cell 7 Bolderoll RavineSacred PlazaCelestica RuinsBonechill Wastes
138GengarGhost / PoisonEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 137 - Cell 5 Row 137 - Cell 6 Row 137 - Cell 7 Row 137 - Cell 8 Row 137 - Cell 9
139SpiritombGhost / DarkReward for completing Request 22N/ARow 138 - Cell 5 Row 138 - Cell 6 Row 138 - Cell 7 Row 138 - Cell 8 Row 138 - Cell 9
140MurkrowDark / FlyingWildNighttime onlyRow 139 - Cell 5 Cloudpool RidgeCrossing SlopeVeilstone CapeHideaway BayIslespy ShoreRow 139 - Cell 8 Row 139 - Cell 9
141HonchkrowDark / FlyingWildNighttime onlyRow 140 - Cell 5 Cloudpool RidgeBathers' LagoonRow 140 - Cell 8 Row 140 - Cell 9
142UnownPsychicHidden around HisuiN/ARow 141 - Cell 5 Row 141 - Cell 6 Row 141 - Cell 7 Row 141 - Cell 8 Row 141 - Cell 9
143SphealIce / WaterWildAllRow 142 - Cell 5 Row 142 - Cell 6 Gingko LandingRow 142 - Cell 8 Row 142 - Cell 9
144SealeoIce / WaterWildAllRow 143 - Cell 5 Row 143 - Cell 6 Islespy ShoreRow 143 - Cell 8 Row 143 - Cell 9
145WalreinIce / WaterWildAllRow 144 - Cell 5 Row 144 - Cell 6 Gingko LandingIslespy ShoreRow 144 - Cell 8 Row 144 - Cell 9
146RemoraidWaterWildAllRow 145 - Cell 5 Row 145 - Cell 6 Castaway ShoreSand's ReachTranquility CoveRow 145 - Cell 8 Row 145 - Cell 9
147OctilleryWaterWildAllRow 146 - Cell 5 Row 146 - Cell 6 Castaway ShoreIslespy ShoreRow 146 - Cell 8 Row 146 - Cell 9
148SkorupiPoison / BugWildAllRow 147 - Cell 5 Row 147 - Cell 6 Gingko LandingCastaway ShoreRow 147 - Cell 8 Row 147 - Cell 9
149DrapionPoison / DarkWildAllRow 148 - Cell 5 Row 148 - Cell 6 Gingko LandingRow 148 - Cell 8 Row 148 - Cell 9
150GrowlitheFire / RockWildAllRow 149 - Cell 5 Row 149 - Cell 6 ????Veilstone CapeRow 149 - Cell 8 Row 149 - Cell 9
151ArcanineFire / RockEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 150 - Cell 5 Row 150 - Cell 6 Row 150 - Cell 7 Row 150 - Cell 8 Row 150 - Cell 9
152GlameowNormalWildAllRow 151 - Cell 5 Row 151 - Cell 6 Crossing SlopeVeilstone CapeRow 151 - Cell 8 Glacier Terrace
153PuruglyNormalWildAllRow 152 - Cell 5 Row 152 - Cell 6 Crossing SlopeVeilstone CapeRow 152 - Cell 8 Glacier Terrace
154MachopFightingWildAllOreburrow TunnelObsidian FallsRow 153 - Cell 6 Castaway ShoreBolderoll RavineCloudcap PassIcebound FallsArena's ApproachSnowfall Hot Spring
155MachokeFightingWildAllObsidian FallsRow 154 - Cell 6 Castaway ShoreBolderoll RavineCloudcap PassIcebound FallsArena's ApproachSnowfall Hot Spring
156MachampFightingWildAllRow 155 - Cell 5 Row 155 - Cell 6 Row 155 - Cell 7 Row 155 - Cell 8 Arena's Approach
157ChatotNormal / FlyingWildDaytime onlyRow 156 - Cell 5 Row 156 - Cell 6 Deadwood HauntRow 156 - Cell 8 Row 156 - Cell 9
158DuskullGhostWildNighttime onlyRow 157 - Cell 5 Row 157 - Cell 6 Deadwood HauntRow 157 - Cell 8 Avalance SlopesArena's Approach
159DusclopsGhostWildNighttime onlyRow 158 - Cell 5 Row 158 - Cell 6 Deadwood HauntRow 158 - Cell 8 Avalance SlopesArena's Approach
160DusknoirGhostWildNighttime onlyRow 159 - Cell 5 Row 159 - Cell 6 Deadwood HauntRow 159 - Cell 8 Row 159 - Cell 9
161PiplupWaterWildAllRow 160 - Cell 5 Row 160 - Cell 6 Spring PathRow 160 - Cell 8 Row 160 - Cell 9
162PrinplupWaterWildAllRow 161 - Cell 5 Row 161 - Cell 6 Spring PathRow 161 - Cell 8 Row 161 - Cell 9
163EmpoleonWater / SteelWildAllRow 162 - Cell 5 Row 162 - Cell 6 Islespy ShoreRow 162 - Cell 8 Row 162 - Cell 9
164MantykeWater / FlyingWildAllRow 163 - Cell 5 Row 163 - Cell 6 Ginkgo LandingTranquility CoveRow 163 - Cell 8 Row 163 - Cell 9
165MantineWater / FlyingWildAllRow 164 - Cell 5 Row 164 - Cell 6 Tranquility CoveRow 164 - Cell 8 Row 164 - Cell 9
166BasculinWaterWildAllRow 165 - Cell 5 Row 165 - Cell 6 Tranquility CoveIslespy ShoreFabled SpringLake AcquityHeart's Crag
167BasculegionWater / GhostEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 166 - Cell 5 Row 166 - Cell 6 Row 166 - Cell 7 Row 166 - Cell 8 Row 166 - Cell 9
168VulpixFireWildAllRow 167 - Cell 5 Row 167 - Cell 6 Veilstone CapeRow 167 - Cell 8 Row 167 - Cell 9
169NinetalesFireWildAllRow 168 - Cell 5 Row 168 - Cell 6 Firespit IslandRow 168 - Cell 8 Row 168 - Cell 9
170TentacoolWater / PoisonWildAllRow 169 - Cell 5 Row 169 - Cell 6 Lunker's LairSeagrass HavenIslespy ShoreRow 169 - Cell 8 Row 169 - Cell 9
171TentacruelWater / PoisonWildAllRow 170 - Cell 5 Row 170 - Cell 6 Lunker's LairSeagrass HavenIslespy ShoreRow 170 - Cell 8 Row 170 - Cell 9
172FinneonWaterWildAllRow 171 - Cell 5 Row 171 - Cell 6 Seagrass HavenRow 171 - Cell 8 Row 171 - Cell 9
173LumineonWaterWildAllRow 172 - Cell 5 Row 172 - Cell 6 Seagrass HavenRow 172 - Cell 8 Row 172 - Cell 9
174MagbyFireWildAllRow 173 - Cell 5 Row 173 - Cell 6 Firespit IslandRow 173 - Cell 8 Row 173 - Cell 9
175MagmarFireWildAllRow 174 - Cell 5 Row 174 - Cell 6 Firespit IslandRow 174 - Cell 8 Row 174 - Cell 9
176MagmortarFireEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 175 - Cell 5 Row 175 - Cell 6 Row 175 - Cell 7 Row 175 - Cell 8 Row 175 - Cell 9
177MagnemiteElectric / SteelNot knownN/ARow 176 - Cell 5 Row 176 - Cell 6 Row 176 - Cell 7 Row 176 - Cell 8 Row 176 - Cell 9
178MagnetonElectric / SteelEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 177 - Cell 5 Row 177 - Cell 6 Row 177 - Cell 7 Row 177 - Cell 8 Row 177 - Cell 9
179MagnezoneElectric / SteelWild / SkiesAllRow 178 - Cell 5 Row 178 - Cell 6 Row 178 - Cell 7 Celestica TrailFabled SpringClamberclaw CliffsRow 178 - Cell 9
180BronzorSteel / PsychicWildAllRow 179 - Cell 5 Row 179 - Cell 6 Row 179 - Cell 7 Ancient QuarryClamberclaw CliffsStonetooth RowsCelestica RuinsLake AcuitySnowpoint Temple
181BronzongSteel / PsychicWildAllRow 180 - Cell 5 Row 180 - Cell 6 Row 180 - Cell 7 Ancient QuarryClamberclaw CliffsStonetooth RowsCelestica RuinsLake AcuitySnowpoint Temple
182ElekidElectricWildAllRow 181 - Cell 5 Row 181 - Cell 6 Row 181 - Cell 7 Cloudcap PassArena's ApproachIcebound Falls
183ElectabuzzElectricWildAllRow 182 - Cell 5 Row 182 - Cell 6 Row 182 - Cell 7 Cloudcap PassArena's ApproachIcebound Falls
184ElectivireElectricWildAllRow 183 - Cell 5 Row 183 - Cell 6 Row 183 - Cell 7 Cloudcap PassRow 183 - Cell 9
185GligarGround / FlyingWildAllRow 184 - Cell 5 Row 184 - Cell 6 Row 184 - Cell 7 Clamberclaw CliffsCelestica RuinsCloudcap PassPrimeval GrottoGlacier TerraceArena's Approach
186GliscorGround / FlyingWildAllRow 185 - Cell 5 Row 185 - Cell 6 Row 185 - Cell 7 Primeval GrottoRow 185 - Cell 9
187GibleDragon / GroundWildAllRow 186 - Cell 5 Row 186 - Cell 6 Row 186 - Cell 7 Wayward CaveClamberclaw CliffsAvalanche Slopes
188GabiteDragon / GroundWildAllRow 187 - Cell 5 Row 187 - Cell 6 Row 187 - Cell 7 Clamberclaw CliffsAvalanche Slopes
189GarchompDragon / GroundWildAllRow 188 - Cell 5 Row 188 - Cell 6 Row 188 - Cell 7 Row 188 - Cell 8 Avalanche Slopes
190NosepassRockWildAllRow 189 - Cell 5 Row 189 - Cell 6 Row 189 - Cell 7 Celestica RuinsPrimeval GrottoRow 189 - Cell 9
191ProbopassRock / SteelWildAllRow 190 - Cell 5 Row 190 - Cell 6 Row 190 - Cell 7 Primeval GrottoRow 190 - Cell 9
192VoltorbElectric / GrassWildAllRow 191 - Cell 5 Row 191 - Cell 6 Row 191 - Cell 7 Sacred PlazaRow 191 - Cell 9
193ElectrodeElectric / GrassEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 192 - Cell 5 Row 192 - Cell 6 Row 192 - Cell 7 Row 192 - Cell 8 Row 192 - Cell 9
194RotomElectric / GhostWildAllRow 193 - Cell 5 Row 193 - Cell 6 Row 193 - Cell 7 Sacred PlazaRow 193 - Cell 9
195ChinglingPsychicWildAllRow 194 - Cell 5 Row 194 - Cell 6 Row 194 - Cell 7 Sacred PlazaLake Acuity
196ChimechoPsychicWildAllRow 195 - Cell 5 Row 195 - Cell 6 Row 195 - Cell 7 Celestica TrailLake Acuity
197MisdreavusGhostWildAllRow 196 - Cell 5 Row 196 - Cell 6 Row 196 - Cell 7 Stonetooth RowsSacred PlazaCelestica RuinsBonechill Wastes
198MismagiusGhostWildNighttime onlyRow 197 - Cell 5 Row 197 - Cell 6 Row 197 - Cell 7 Stonetooth RowsRow 197 - Cell 9
199CleffaFairyWildNighttime onlyRow 198 - Cell 5 Row 198 - Cell 6 Row 198 - Cell 7 Fabled SpringRow 198 - Cell 9
200ClefairyFairyWildNighttime onlyRow 199 - Cell 5 Row 199 - Cell 6 Row 199 - Cell 7 Fabled SpringRow 199 - Cell 9
201ClefableFairyWildNighttime onlyRow 200 - Cell 5 Row 200 - Cell 6 Row 200 - Cell 7 Fabled SpringRow 200 - Cell 9
202SneaselPoison / FightingWildAllRow 201 - Cell 5 Row 201 - Cell 6 Row 201 - Cell 7 Celestica TrailPrimeval GrottoAvalugg's LegacyGlacier Terrace
203SneaslerPoison / FightingEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 202 - Cell 5 Row 202 - Cell 6 Row 202 - Cell 7 Row 202 - Cell 8 Row 202 - Cell 9
204WeavileDark / IceEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 203 - Cell 5 Row 203 - Cell 6 Row 203 - Cell 7 Row 203 - Cell 8 Row 203 - Cell 9
205SnoruntIceWildAllRow 204 - Cell 5 Row 204 - Cell 6 Row 204 - Cell 7 Row 204 - Cell 8 Whiteout ValleyBonechill WastesAvalanche SlopesAvalugg's Legacy
206GlalieIceWildAllRow 205 - Cell 5 Row 205 - Cell 6 Row 205 - Cell 7 Row 205 - Cell 8 Bonechill WastesAvalanche SlopesAvalugg's LegacySnowpoint Temple
207FroslassIce / GhostWildNighttime onlyRow 206 - Cell 5 Row 206 - Cell 6 Row 206 - Cell 7 Row 206 - Cell 8 Bonechill WastesAvalanche SlopesAvalugg's Legacy
208CranidosRockNot knownN/ARow 207 - Cell 5 Row 207 - Cell 6 Row 207 - Cell 7 Row 207 - Cell 8 Row 207 - Cell 9
209RampardosRockEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 208 - Cell 5 Row 208 - Cell 6 Row 208 - Cell 7 Row 208 - Cell 8 Row 208 - Cell 9
210ShieldonRock / SteelNot knownN/ARow 209 - Cell 5 Row 209 - Cell 6 Row 209 - Cell 7 Row 209 - Cell 8 Row 209 - Cell 9
211BastiodonRock / SteelEvolution / Not KnownN/ARow 210 - Cell 5 Row 210 - Cell 6 Row 210 - Cell 7 Row 210 - Cell 8 Row 210 - Cell 9
212SwinubIce / GroundWildAllRow 211 - Cell 5 Row 211 - Cell 6 Row 211 - Cell 7 Row 211 - Cell 8 Bonechill WastesAvalugg's LegacyAvalanche Slopes
213PiloswineIce / GroundWildAllRow 212 - Cell 5 Row 212 - Cell 6 Row 212 - Cell 7 Row 212 - Cell 8 Bonechill WastesAvalugg's LegacyAvalanche Slopes
214MamoswineIce / GroundWildAllRow 213 - Cell 5 Row 213 - Cell 6 Row 213 - Cell 7 Row 213 - Cell 8 Avalugg's Legacy
215BergmiteIceWildAllRow 214 - Cell 5 Row 214 - Cell 6 Row 214 - Cell 7 Row 214 - Cell 8 Avalugg's LegacyArena's Approach
216AvaluggIce / RockWildAllRow 215 - Cell 5 Row 215 - Cell 6 Row 215 - Cell 7 Row 215 - Cell 8 Avalugg's Legacy
217SnoverGrass / IceWildAllRow 216 - Cell 5 Row 216 - Cell 6 Row 216 - Cell 7 Row 216 - Cell 8 Avalugg's LegacyGlacier Terrace
218AbomasnowGrass / IceWildAllRow 217 - Cell 5 Row 217 - Cell 6 Row 217 - Cell 7 Row 217 - Cell 8 Avalugg's LegacyGlacier Terrace
219ZoruaNormal / GhostWildAllRow 218 - Cell 5 Row 218 - Cell 6 Row 218 - Cell 7 Row 218 - Cell 8 Bonechill Wastes
220ZoroarkNormal / GhostWildAllRow 219 - Cell 5 Row 219 - Cell 6 Row 219 - Cell 7 Row 219 - Cell 8 Bonechill Wastes
221RuffletNormal / FlyingWildAllRow 220 - Cell 5 Row 220 - Cell 6 Row 220 - Cell 7 Row 220 - Cell 8 Lake AcuityHeart's Crag
222BraviaryPsychic / FlyingWildAllRow 221 - Cell 5 Row 221 - Cell 6 Row 221 - Cell 7 Row 221 - Cell 8 Lake Acuity
223RioluFightingWildAllRow 222 - Cell 5 Row 222 - Cell 6 Row 222 - Cell 7 Row 222 - Cell 8 Icebound FallsSnowfall Hot Spring
224LucarioFighting / SteelWildOnly blizzardRow 223 - Cell 5 Row 223 - Cell 6 Row 223 - Cell 7 Row 223 - Cell 8 Icebound FallsSnowfall Hot Spring
225UxiePsychicStoryN/ARow 224 - Cell 5 Row 224 - Cell 6 Row 224 - Cell 7 Row 224 - Cell 8 Row 224 - Cell 9
226MespritPsychicStoryN/ARow 225 - Cell 5 Row 225 - Cell 6 Row 225 - Cell 7 Row 225 - Cell 8 Row 225 - Cell 9
227AzelfPsychicStoryN/ARow 226 - Cell 5 Row 226 - Cell 6 Row 226 - Cell 7 Row 226 - Cell 8 Row 226 - Cell 9
228HeatranFire / SteelStoryN/ARow 227 - Cell 5 Row 227 - Cell 6 Row 227 - Cell 7 Row 227 - Cell 8 Row 227 - Cell 9
229RegigigasNormalStoryN/ARow 228 - Cell 5 Row 228 - Cell 6 Row 228 - Cell 7 Row 228 - Cell 8 Row 228 - Cell 9
230CresseliaPsychicStoryN/ARow 229 - Cell 5 Row 229 - Cell 6 Row 229 - Cell 7 Row 229 - Cell 8 Row 229 - Cell 9
231ThundurusElectric / FlyingStoryN/ARow 230 - Cell 5 Row 230 - Cell 6 Row 230 - Cell 7 Row 230 - Cell 8 Row 230 - Cell 9
232TornadusFlyingStoryN/ARow 231 - Cell 5 Row 231 - Cell 6 Row 231 - Cell 7 Row 231 - Cell 8 Row 231 - Cell 9
233LandorusGround / FlyingStoryN/ARow 232 - Cell 5 Row 232 - Cell 6 Row 232 - Cell 7 Row 232 - Cell 8 Row 232 - Cell 9
234EnamorusFairy / FlyingStoryN/ARow 233 - Cell 5 Row 233 - Cell 6 Row 233 - Cell 7 Row 233 - Cell 8 Row 233 - Cell 9
235DialgaSteel / DragonStoryN/ARow 234 - Cell 5 Row 234 - Cell 6 Row 234 - Cell 7 Row 234 - Cell 8 Row 234 - Cell 9
236PalkiaWater / DragonStoryN/ARow 235 - Cell 5 Row 235 - Cell 6 Row 235 - Cell 7 Row 235 - Cell 8 Row 235 - Cell 9
237GirantinaGhost / DragonStoryN/ARow 236 - Cell 5 Row 236 - Cell 6 Row 236 - Cell 7 Row 236 - Cell 8 Row 236 - Cell 9
238ArceusNormalStoryN/ARow 237 - Cell 5 Row 237 - Cell 6 Row 237 - Cell 7 Row 237 - Cell 8 Row 237 - Cell 9
239PhioneWaterReward for completing Request 66N/ARow 238 - Cell 5 Row 238 - Cell 6 Row 238 - Cell 7 Row 238 - Cell 8 Row 238 - Cell 9
240ManaphyWaterReward for completing Request 66N/ARow 239 - Cell 5 Row 239 - Cell 6 Row 239 - Cell 7 Row 239 - Cell 8 Row 239 - Cell 9
241ShayminGrassReward for request XX (only available if you have Pokemon Sword/Shield save data)N/ARow 240 - Cell 5 Row 240 - Cell 6 Row 240 - Cell 7 Row 240 - Cell 8 Row 240 - Cell 9
242DarkraiDarkReward for request XX (only available if you have Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl save data)N/ARow 241 - Cell 5 Row 241 - Cell 6 Row 241 - Cell 7 Row 241 - Cell 8 Row 241 - Cell 9

New Pokemon in the Hisui region

Pokemon Legends Arceus

(Image credit: Nintendo)
  • Basculegion (Basculin evolution) 
  • Kleavor (Scyther evolution) 
  • Hisuian Growlithe 
  • Hisuian Braviary 
  • Wyrdeer (Stantler evolution) 
  • Sneasler (Sneasle evolution)
  • Overqwil (Qwilfish evolution)
  • Enamorus

Some of the most recent trailers have revealed some of the new Hisuian evolutions and variants we'll be seeing in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Just like the Galarian Pokemon we saw in Pokemon Sword and Shield, the Hisui region is home some interesting new looks and evolution conditions for some well-known critters. Basculegion, for example, is a new evolution of Basculin that's unique to the Hisui region. The evolution is said to happen when a Basculin is possessed by the souls of other Basclin in its school who couldn't take the tough journey upstream. Pretty dark, really. 

We also have some new visual Hisuian forms of the starter evolutions too - Typhlosion, Decidueye, and Samurott.

Sam Loveridge
Brand Director, 12DOVE

Sam Loveridge is the Brand Director and former Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar. She joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.

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