Pokemon Go shiny list and every shiny you can catch

Pokemon Go Shiny
(Image credit: Niantic)

The Pokemon Go shiny list include some of the rarest Pokemon in the franchise. And while the main series games have their own methods to obtaining them, it’s honestly a bit easier to find in Pokemon Go.

With Pokemon Go’s constant events, obtaining a Shiny Pokemon is relatively easy and is a huge draw for trainers looking to obtain every Pokemon in their Shiny Pokedex. 

There are hundreds of Pokemon, and Shinies, that can be obtained in Pokemon Go across eight generations and this guide will help trainers catch them effectively and list every single one that can be captured in the popular mobile game.

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 How to get shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go shiny list - Aron

If you've been playing Pokemon Go for a long time and never stumbled across a shiny, don't be surprised. The Pokemon Go shiny odds are roughly 1 in 450. This means that every time you tap on a Pokemon to catch it in Pokemon Go - if it has a shiny version - there is a 1 in 450 chance it will be shiny.

However, these odds are dramatically increased on Pokemon Go Community Day to 1 in 25. Community Day happens once a month in Pokemon Go, when a specific Pokemon will flood the streets and appear almost everywhere. Along with the other benefits usually found during Community Day, Pokemon Go shinies become much more popular and you'd have to be considerably unlucky to not find a shiny during Community Day.

You won't know if you've found a shiny Pokemon or not until you tap on it and enter the encounter. If the colour change is subtle, you'll also know you've found a shiny if a bunch of sparks fly out from the Pokemon before you throw the first ball. Once you've caught a Pokemon Go shiny, you can search for "shiny" in your list of Pokemon to show you your full Pokemon Go shiny list.

Complete Pokemon Go shiny list

Pokemon Go shiny list - Squirtle

All of the Pokemon on our Pokemon Go shiny list below can be found as shinies in Pokemon Go, including how you obtain them all, as some are exclusive to raids or eggs. Currently, all evolutions cannot be caught as shiny - the only exceptions to this are Pikachu, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, and Alolan Exeggutor.

Pokemon Go Gen 1 shinies, Kanto

  1. Shiny Bulbasaur - Any encounter
  2. Shiny Ivysaur - Evolution 
  3. Shiny Venusaur - Evolution
  4. Shiny Charmander - Any encounter 
  5. Shiny Charmeleon - Evolution 
  6. Shiny Charizard - Evolution
  7. Shiny Squirtle - Any encounter
  8. Shiny Wartortle - Evolution
  9. Shiny Blastoise - Evolution
  10. Shiny Caterpie - Any encounter
  11. Shiny Metapod - Evolution 
  12. Shiny Butterfree - Evolution
  13. Shiny Weedle - Any encounter
  14. Shiny Kakuna - Evolution 
  15. Shiny Beedrill - Evolution
  16. Shiny Pidgey - Any encounter
  17. Shiny Pidgeotto - Evolution 
  18. Shiny Pidgeot - Any encounter
  19. Shiny Rattata - Any encounter
  20. Shiny Raticate - Any encounter
  21. Shiny Spearow - Any encounter
  22. Shiny Fearow - Evolution
  23. Shiny Ekans - Any encounter
  24. Shiny Arbok - Evolution
  25. Shiny Pikachu - Any encounter
  26. Shiny Raichu - Evolution 
  27. Shiny Sandshrew - Any encounter
  28. Shiny Sandslash - Evolution
  29. Shiny Nidoran F - Any encounter
  30. Shiny Nidorina - Evolution 
  31. Shiny Nidoqueen - Evolution
  32. Shiny Nidoran M - Any encounter
  33. Shiny Nidorino - Any encounter
  34. Shiny Nidoking - Evolution
  35. Shiny Clefairy - Evolution 
  36. Shiny Clefable - Evolution
  37. Shiny Vulpix - Any encounter
  38. Shiny Ninetales - Evolution
  39. Shiny Jigglypuff - Any encounter 
  40. Shiny Wigglytuff - Evolution
  41. Shiny Zubat - Any encounter
  42. Shiny Golbat - Evolution 
  43. Shiny Oddish - Any encounter 
  44. Shiny Gloom - Any encounter
  45. Shiny Vileplume - Evolution 
  46. Shiny Paras - Any encounter
  47. Shiny Parasect - Evolution
  48. Shiny Venonat - Any encounter
  49. Shiny Venomoth - Evolution
  50. Shiny Diglett - Any encounter
  51. Shiny Dugtrio - Evolution
  52. Shiny Meowth - Any encounter 
  53. Shiny Persian - Evolution
  54. Shiny Psyduck - Any encounter
  55. Shiny Golduck - Evolution
  56. Shiny Mankey - Any encounter
  57. Shiny Primeape - Evolution
  58. Shiny Growlithe - Any encounter
  59. Shiny Arcanine - Evolution
  60. Shiny Poliwag - Any encounter
  61. Shiny Poliwhirl - Evolution 
  62. Shiny Poliwrath - Evolution 
  63. Shiny Abra - Any encounter
  64. Shiny Kadabra - Evolution 
  65. Shiny Alakazam - Evolution
  66. Shiny Machop - Any encounter
  67. Shiny Machoke - Evolution 
  68. Shiny Machamp - Evolution
  69. Shiny Bellsprout - Any encounter 
  70. Shiny Weepinbell - Evolution 
  71. Shiny Victreebel - Evolution
  72. Shiny Tentacool - Any encounter
  73. Shiny Tentacruel - Evolution
  74. Shiny Geodude - Any encounter
  75. Shiny Graveler - Evolution 
  76. Shiny Golem - Evolution
  77. Shiny Ponyta - Any encounter 
  78. Shiny Rapidash - Evolution
  79. Shiny Slowpoke - Any encounter
  80. Shiny Slowbro - Any encounter
  81. Shiny Magnemite - Any encounter 
  82. Shiny Magneton - Evolution 
  83. Shiny Farfetch'd - Any encounter
  84. Shiny Doduo - Any encounter
  85. Shiny Dodrio - Evolution
  86. Shiny Seel - Any encounter
  87. Shiny Dewgong - Evolution
  88. Shiny Grimer - Any encounter 
  89. Shiny Muk - Evolution
  90. Shiny Shellder - Any encounter
  91. Shiny Cloyster - Evolution
  92. Shiny Gastly - Any encounter
  93. Shiny Haunter - Evolution 
  94. Shiny Gengar - Evolution
  95. Shiny Onix -Any encounter
  96. Shiny Drowzee - Any encounter
  97. Shiny Hypno - Evolution
  98. Shiny Krabby - Any encounter
  99. Shiny Kingler - Evolution
  100. Shiny Voltorb - Any encounter
  101. Shiny Electrode - Evolution
  102. Shiny Exeggcute - Any encounter
  103. Shiny Exeggutor - Evolution
  104. Shiny Cubone - Any encounter
  105. Shiny Marowak - Evolution 
  106. Shiny Hitmonlee - Any encounter
  107. Shiny Hitmonchan - Any encounter
  108. Shiny Lickitung - Any encounter 
  109. Shiny Koffing - Any encounter
  110. Shiny Weezing - Evolution
  111. Shiny Rhyhorn - Any encounter
  112. Shiny Rhydon - Evolution 
  113. Shiny Chansey - Any encounter 
  114. Shiny Tangela - Any encounter 
  115. Shiny Kangaskhan - Any encounter
  116. Shiny Horsea - Any encounter 
  117. Shiny Seadra - Evolution 
  118. Shiny Goldeen - Any encounter
  119. Shiny Seaking - Evolution
  120. Shiny Staryu - Any encounter
  121. Shiny Starmie - Evolution
  122. Shiny Mr. Mime - Any encounter
  123. Shiny Scyther - Any encounter 
  124. Shiny Jynx - Any encounter
  125. Shiny Electabuzz - Any encounter
  126. Shiny Magmar - Any encounter
  127. Shiny Pinsir - Any encounter
  128. Shiny Tauros - Any encounter
  129. Shiny Magikarp - Any encounter
  130. Shiny Gyarados - Any encounter
  131. Shiny Lapras - Any encounter
  132. Shiny Ditto - Any encounter
  133. Shiny Eevee - Any encounter
  134. Shiny Vaporeon - Evolution 
  135. Shiny Jolteon - Evolution 
  136. Shiny Flareon - Evolution 
  137. Shiny Porygon - Any encounter
  138. Shiny Omanyte - Any encounter 
  139. Shiny Omastar - Evolution
  140. Shiny Kabuto - Any encounter
  141. Shiny Kabutops - Evolution
  142. Shiny Aerodactyl - Any encounter
  143. Shiny Snorlax - Any encounter
  144. Shiny Articuno - Any encounter
  145. Shiny Zapdos - Any encounter 
  146. Shiny Moltres - Any encounter
  147. Shiny Dratini - Any encounter
  148. Shiny Dragonair - Evolution 
  149. Shiny Dragonite - Evolution
  150. Mewtwo - Any encounter
  151. Mew - Special Event
Phillip Martinez

I'm currently a GamesRadar guide contributor with a specialty in everything Pokemon GO. If you've wanted to know the best way to take down a Rayquaza, there's a good chance you read one of my guides. I previously have written for IBT Media, Newsweek and Screen Rant. I'm a huge fighting game fan and everything Pokemon, but I've grown to love RPGs.

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