Pippi Longstocking review

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With Asterix & Obelix Versus Caesar adapting a hugely popular French franchise, this $10-million animation is the latest attempt to bring a rather less well-known Swedish franchise to an overseas audience. And as uncomplicated kids' entertainment, it's a minor success.

Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Efraim's Daughter Longstocking is a freckly eight-year-old who's already travelled the seven seas seven times, speaks several languages (including animal), is incredibly strong, and owns a small fortune. But when she's washed overboard during a freak storm, local villains and the malevolent Mrs Prysselius set out to steal Pippi's loot.

Part Home Alone, part Annie, this cartoon caper is an adequate romp which is enough to keep the kids happy inbetween Disney releases. The story is fun, although the songs, and there are many, are predictably irritating. Nick Griffiths

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