PES on Wii?

Tuesday 5September 2006
Pro Evolution Soccer producer Shingo Takatsuka - 'Seabass' to friends and over-friendly games journalists - has declared his interest in Wii'srevolutionary control system, and that he has considered bringing a version of the series to Nintendo's next console.

"Ever since I played Wii at E3 I've never stopped thinking about developing games for it," admitted Takatsuka in an online interview. "But if we developed PES on Wii and used the controller for, say, a manual pass people would get tired of it very quickly, so I'd want to do something different."

Takatsuka was quick to clarify that this wasn't a confirmation we'd see a hands-on (or perhaps feet-on: we can't help but imagine a football boot Wii-mote shell) Wii PES in the future, but offered, "If the demand is there, we'd definitely work on it."