Patrick Stewart responds to rumors of Professor X return in Doctor Strange 2

Patrick Stewart in X-Men
(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

Patrick Stewart has addressed the rumors surrounding *that* voice in the Doctor Strange 2 trailer. 

The new trailer for the upcoming Marvel movie, which premiered during this year's Superbowl, featured a mysterious cameo from a bald man with a very familiar voice – but is it Professor X?

"You know, people have been imitating my voice ever since I came on the stage 60 years ago. So, I can’t be held responsible for that," the actor told, remaining coy.

"I don't look at a lot of social media and that's mostly a time issue, but I must say, before bedtime on Sunday evening I had plenty of communications, friends and some people I hardly knew at all making reference to 'ah! Is that you?' Well, of course, you know I was just at home waiting to watch football so how could it have possibly been me? We'll have to wait and see."

Stewart played Professor Charles Xavier in seven X-Men movies, beginning with 2000's X-Men and ending with 2017's Logan, after which he said he would be leaving the franchise. Professor X is the founder of the X-Men who has the mutant power of telepathy. Of course, if that is him in the trailer, then this will mean big things for the MCU as it will mark the official arrival of the X-Men.

As for Doctor Strange 2 (officially titled Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness), Sam Raimi is in the director's chair and familiar faces including Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Benedict Wong, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Rachel McAdams return for the sequel. 

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness arrives on the big screen on May 6. In the meantime, make sure you're up to date with the MCU with our complete guide to Marvel Phase 4.

Entertainment Writer

I’m an Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, covering everything film and TV-related across the Total Film and SFX sections. I help bring you all the latest news and also the occasional feature too. I’ve previously written for publications like HuffPost and i-D after getting my NCTJ Diploma in Multimedia Journalism.