PaRappa the Rapper review

Old PSone rhythm-actioner has the tunes, not the staying power

12DOVE Verdict


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    Unbelievable fun

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    Good for short spurts

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    Driving lessons from a moose


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    Incredibly short

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    Can be a tough bastard

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    No new modes

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    or PaRappa 2

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PaRappa, a rapping dog, has the hots for a girl with a flower for a head called Sunny Funny. The trouble is, she’s already going out with someone - a rich, narcissistic jock called Joe Chin. Undeterred, PaRappa embarks on a musical quest with his friends PJ Berri and Katy Kat to win her affections.

We’re describing PaRappa the Rapper, one of the best rhythm-action games ever made, ported directly from PSone and squeezed into a tiny UMD. Sure, we’d have liked some new songs, but it’s been ages since we’ve played this and it’s just as compelling - and unforgivingly difficult - as it was in 1998.

More info

GenreOther Games/Compilations
DescriptionBust-on-the-move with the return of everyone's favourite lyrical 2D dog
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)