Comic Heroes needs YOU!
Discussions were had, opinions put forth, and in the end, we were left feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, we weren’t doing the UK scene justice. For all we know, there could be tons of creators out there, toiling away in the shadows, proving that comics can do more than find creative new shapes for spandex. The small press is the life blood of the industry, where first-time writers earn their stripes and artists receive valuable early exposure, and yet to the wider world outside of the convention circuit, it barely registers.
We all know it’s there, and as a breeding ground for new talent it seems a crying shame that it doesn’t get more attention. So we’ve decided to do something about it. It’s not much, a small gesture of intent to begin with, but from the next issue, we’ll be including small press reviews in Comic Heroes . Whether you’ve self published, put something together with a few mates, contributed to an anthology or had something out with any of the numerous independent publishers across the UK, we want to see your work. Artist, writer, or publisher, we're offering you a genuine opportunity to have your work reviewed in a publication that your mum can buy in WH Smiths. Oh yes. It's big.
Bear in mind, this isn’t a call for artwork or scripts, and we’re only looking for finished work. It doesn’t matter whether you printed 10 or 100, we’re looking for actual completed comics, be they one-shots, anthologies, or series. If you’re running a webcomic, send a link to [email protected] and we’ll take a look. For folks still using old fashioned paper and ink for their creations, send copies (along with contact details) to:
Rob Power
Comic Heroes
Future Publishing
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The deadline for inclusion in the next issue of Comic Heroes is 5 September. What are you waiting for? To the post box with you!