Overwatch 2 fans really can't wait for that Zarya nerf

Overwatch 2 tank tier list
(Image credit: Blizzard)

The recently delayed Overwatch 2 balance patch has frustrated fans for more reasons than one, the biggest being that they now have to wait longer for that Zarya nerf. 

In case you missed it, yesterday it was announced that the previously revealed patch - that was set to nerf Genji and Zarya - has now been delayed due to "a critical issue." Blizzard has since confirmed that the Overwatch 2 patch release time is tomorrow, though it does mean that some heros' reigns of terror have been extended. 

This is obviously frustrating for all Overwatch 2 players, but a common complaint is that they have to wait even longer for tank hero Zarya to be knocked down a peg or two. As demonstrated in the comment section of the Reddit post that featured Blizzard's announcement, several players responded by venting their frustration. "Bro come the f*** on, I cannot take anymore Zarya," one player says. 

patch_delayed from r/Overwatch

Another player also shared their disappointment on the post by saying: "I was quite looking forward to not being run down by Zarya every other game." If you didn't know, the upcoming patch that was supposed to go live yesterday (November 15) was meant to cut down Zarya's barrier duration from 2.5 seconds to just 2 seconds. Its cooldown was also supposed to have been increased from 10 seconds to 11. Other changes were also scheduled to be made to fellow heroes Sombra, Genji, D.Va, and Kiriko. All of which will now have to wait.

In other news, it was recently revealed that Overwatch 2 has doubled the daily player count of the first Overwatch game - after only launching six weeks ago. According to Blizzard's third-quarter financial report, 35 million people have played the sequel since launch meaning an average of around one million players per day are currently enjoying the hero shooter. 

If you're looking for something other than Overwatch 2 to play, take a look at our best FPS games list. 

Hope Bellingham
News Writer

After studying Film Studies and Creative Writing at university, I was lucky enough to land a job as an intern at Player Two PR where I helped to release a number of indie titles. I then got even luckier when I became a Trainee News Writer at 12DOVE before being promoted to a fully-fledged News Writer after a year and a half of training.  My expertise lies in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, cozy indies, and The Last of Us, but especially in the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm also known to write about the odd Korean drama for the Entertainment team every now and then.