"Only took like 4 bad episodes to get here" - The internet reacts to The Walking Dead season 8, episode 5

We're almost halfway through The Walking Dead season 8, yet the quality of each episode has been... inconsistent, to say the least. Not so with episode 5, The Big Friendly U, which raised the curtain on some long running questions, characterised our heroes and villains with interesting new layers, and teased more about the future of the show at large. 

There were some big, big moments that took place in episode 5, and viewers were just as surprised as we were at some of the more unexpected events which unfolded on our TV screens over the weekend. Here's some of the best online reactions to last night's show, but consider this your first and last warning for major spoilers for episode 5. 

Ready? Ok, let's go, beginning with the very first scene; Gregory's trial by fire...

Yep, everybody still hates Gregory

As you would expect, Gregory finds even more ways for us to hate him, by lying and weaselling his way through any situation he finds himself in, including his interrogation by Negan at the beginning of episode 5. We're definitely supposed to hate him, that's for sure, but is he really meant to be this annoying?  

The end of #Raryl?

The bromance is in jeopardy! After a few episodes' worth of shady looks and worried glances, Rick and Daryl finally addressed their differences the only way they know how. With a punch-up, of course. For fans of the brotherly relationship, this was a hard one to watch. 

The Negan dilemma

The Big Scary U was a Negan-centric episode, to be sure, and the showrunners even attempted to make him more sympathetic as a character, after he confesses his tragic backstory to Gabriel in the RV. We weren't duped by his sob story, though. Not after everything he's put us through...

An unexpected cameo

A helicopter has been spotted in seasons 1, 2, and 7 of The Walking Dead before, and it remains one of the biggest mysteries that fans have been grappling with since the show began. Season 8 has now resurfaced that enigma, as episode 5 features a scene in which a helicopter zooms above Rick on his walk back towards The Kingdom. But what does it all mean?!

Meanwhile, at The Sanctuary...

In case you've been wondering what Eugene, Dwight, and the rest of The Saviours have been up to since the season premiere, don't worry, they've been spending their time playing games, sharing pickles, and accusing each other of treachery. 

Has season 8 finally found its groove? 

So how did episode 5 fare overall? Some liked it, others didn't, but the general consensus seems to be that it was one of the best seen in season 8 so far. 

That's not saying much, mind...

Image: AMC

Alex Avard

I'm GamesRadar's Features Writer, which makes me responsible for gracing the internet with as many of my words as possible, including reviews, previews, interviews, and more. Lucky internet!