Oh no, Elden Ring has fake walls you need to hit up to 50 times to get through

Elden Ring
(Image credit: Teristam / Bandai Namco)

Elden Ring players are discovering terrible fake walls that take many hits to get through, and it's borderline cruel even for a FromSoftware game. In fact, this seems awful enough that there's a chance it's in the game unintentionally.

Soulsborne games as far back as Demon's Souls have had Illusory Walls which you need to whack or roll into to reveal hidden paths to secret items, weapons, optional bosses, and more. Most of Elden Ring's fake walls only need one good whacking to reveal the secret path, but we're now finding out that there are some which require much, much more than that. In one example shared by Redditor Teristam, the fake wall took a whopping 50 hits to break down. 

apparently_there_is_a_hidden_wall_in_volcano from r/Eldenring

In case you're wondering, the above video appears to be authentic, as it was quickly corroborated by other players in the horrified Elden Ring community. GameSpot's Gabe Gurwin shared to Twitter that he was able to get through the same fake wall, but it took him 45 swings.

Sucker Punch's Andrew Goldfarb also chimed in with his discovery of another one of these multi-hit walls further down the same tunnel where the first one was found. Frighteningly, that proves this isn't just a one-off glitch.

The implications here are harrowing to say the least, especially for completionists. The thought that there are fake paths in Elden Ring presumably leading to worthwhile discoveries, but which require a baffling 50 swings of the sword, is a nightmare for mortal people who still have other things in their lives they want to see and do.

Here's hoping these multi-hit fake walls are just a glitch soon to be patched out.

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Jordan Gerblick

After scoring a degree in English from ASU, I worked as a copy editor while freelancing for places like SFX Magazine, Screen Rant, Game Revolution, and MMORPG on the side. Now, as GamesRadar's west coast Staff Writer, I'm responsible for managing the site's western regional executive branch, AKA my apartment, and writing about whatever horror game I'm too afraid to finish.