Niko pwns Snake!

There are two reasons you should all be excited about Official PlayStation Magazine’s 2008 Game Of The Year awards. Firstly, because they’re almost certainly the most prestigious awards in the world. That’s what the magazine tells us, anyway, and they’re basing that on the fact that the only winner to date has been Call Of Duty 4. Difficult act to follow, right? Maybe – but then again with the likes of Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto and Little Big Planet tussling for the 2008 title, maybe not.

The second reason you should all be excited is that /you/ get to decide who walks away with the big prize. It’s like the American election, only more exciting because the GOTY awards have got way more guns and cars and sexy women in. To enter, you just need to send the mag an e-mail with your top three PS3 games from 2008 listed in order, plus 30 gushing words about why each one deserves recognition. Think FIFA 09 stomps all over PES 2009? Tell them why. Reckon that Fallout 3 is better than real, non-apocalyptic life? Drop them a line. Lost your mind and want to tell the world that Turok is the best shooter ever? Go have a lie down.

The competition also has sub-categories for PSP and PSN games, which also need three nominations listed in order. All emails should be sent to[email protected]with a subject line of ‘GOTY Awards’ (otherwise they can’t be counted). The closing date is December the 31st 2008, and the results will be published in issue 28, which is out on 20th January 2009. Happy voting.