NHL 07 review

Almost a year after launch, NHL 07 skates onto the 360 in beautiful form

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The controls do take a while to get used to, but the first time you run the game you'll see a little tutorial and be thrown directly into a shootout. You may be robbed quite a few times before you hit the back of the net, but once you do it'll feel good.

The improved goalies do their best to frustrate. With improved puck physics, however, it won't be lame scripted saves that frustrate you. The puck is an unpredictable little creature, and will often trickle past the goalie and over the line even after the commentators have called the save.

Another new addition is player roles - each player has a specific designation such as sniper, power forward or defensive defenseman. You'll obviously want to use your snipers to fire those long range lasers; meanwhile, your power forwards may be more apt at muscling away the puck, crashing the net and putting in those sloppier goals. In Dynasty mode, players who see lots of ice-time and have success will improve and change roles as the season progresses.

The player-roles are completely invisible on the ice - in fact, the only thing marking your selected player is a red icon that floats above him. We like the look of this stripped-down design, but wonder if we're expected to have every team's roster memorized.

More info

DescriptionSharpen up your skates - the coolest sport in the world returns for the 2007 season.
Platform"PS2","Xbox","PS3","Xbox 360","PSP","PC"
US censor rating"Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone"
UK censor rating"","","","","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)
Associate Editor, Digital at PC Gamer