NFL Blitz 2000 Cheats

NFL Blitz 2000 FAQs

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    Submitted by Donovan Keith
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    Submitted by Debuting

NFL Blitz 2000 Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by nflblitz2000king

    Get Raiden from mortal combats hat as a helmet

    Go arcade mode and say yes that you want to keep a record. Next type your name in as raiden and put in the code 3691

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Various Cheats

    Entering the #-#-# Direction codes
    At the versus screen, press Turbo, Jump, and Pass to change the icons below the helmets. The numbers in the following codes indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad in the indicated direction to enable the code.

    Allow stepping out of bounds
    2-1-1 Left
    Always be receiver
    2-2-2 Right
    Always quarterback
    2-2-2 Left
    Asphalt field
    3-0-1 Up
    Astroturf field
    3-0-3 Up
    Big football
    0-5-0 Right
    Big heads
    2-0-0 Right
    City stadium
    5-0-1 Left
    Custom playbook
    1-2-2 Left
    Day stadium
    5-0-1 Down
    Dirt field
    3-0-2 Up
    Fast passes
    2-5-0 Left
    Fast turbo running
    0-3-2 Left
    Fog on
    0-3-0 Down
    Grass field
    3-0-0 Up
    Headless team
    1-2-3 Right
    Hide receiver name
    1-0-2 Right
    Huge heads
    0-4-0 Up
    Hyper blitz
    5-5-5 Up
    Infinite turbo
    5-1-4 Up
    4-3-3 Up
    Invisible receiver highlight
    3-3-3 Left
    Late hits
    0-1-0 Up
    Night game
    0-2-2 Right
    Night stadium
    5-0-2 Down
    No CPU assistance
    0-1-2 Down
    No first downs
    2-1-0 Up
    No heads
    3-2-1 Left
    No interceptions
    3-4-4 Up
    No play selection
    1-1-5 Left
    No punting
    1-5-1 Up
    No random fumbles
    4-2-3 Down
    Old time night stadium
    5-0-2 Up
    Old time snow stadium
    5-0-3 Up
    Old time stadium
    5-0-1 Up
    Play as Beth
    BETH ; 7761
    Power-up blockers
    3-1-2 Left
    Power-up defense
    4-2-1 Up
    Power-up offense
    3-1-2 Up
    Power-up speed
    4-0-4 Left
    Power-up teammates
    2-3-3 Up
    Roman stadium
    5-0-3 Left
    Show field goal %
    0-0-1 Down
    Show more field
    0-2-1 Right
    Show punt hang meter
    0-0-1 Right
    Smart CPU opponent
    3-1-4 Down
    Snow field
    3-0-4 Up
    Snow stadium
    5-0-3 Down
    Super blitzing
    0-4-5 Up
    Super field goals
    1-2-3 Left
    Team big heads
    2-0-3 Right
    Team big players
    1-4-1 Right
    Team tiny players
    3-1-0 Right
    Thick fog on
    0-4-1 Down
    Tournament mode
    1-1-1 Down
    Turn off stadium
    5-0-0 Left
    Use team plays
    1-0-0 Up

    Weather: clear
    2-1-1 Left
    Weather: rain
    5-5-5 Right
    Weather: snow
    5-2-5 Down

  • N64, PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Extra blocker

    While hiking the ball, hold Turbo + Jump + Pass.

  • N64, PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Onside kick

    After scoring, hold Up + Turbo + Jump + Pass.

  • PS1 | Submitted by Max Man

    Cheat Codes

    At the versus screen, press Turbo (default is Z), Jump (default is B), and Pass (default is A) to change the icons below the helmets. The numbers in the cheat code list belowindicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad or Analog-stick in the indicated direction to enable the code. After the code is entered correctly, you will hear the name of the code and a sound.
    You may enter more than one code per game.
    Code What It Does
    4-2-3 Right Super passing
    2-5-0 Left Fast passes
    1-2-3 Left Super field goals
    2-1-1 Left Allow stepping out of bounds
    3-1-2 Left Power-up blockers
    5-0-0 Left Turn off stadium
    0-1-0 Up Late hits
    0-4-0 Up Huge head
    2-1-0 Up No first downs
    3-4-4 Up No interceptions
    1-5-1 Up No punting
    4-3-3 Up Invisible
    5-1-4 Up Infinite turbo
    0-4-5 Up Super blitzing
    2-3-3 Up Power-up teammates
    3-1-2 Up Power-up offense
    4-2-1 Up Power-up defense
    0-3-0 Down Fog on
    0-4-1 Down Thick fog on
    0-0-1 Down Show field goal %
    4-2-3 Down No random fumbles
    1-0-2 Right Hide receiver name
    0-5-0 Right Big football
    3-1-0 Right Team tiny players
    1-4-1 Right Team big players
    2-0-3 Right Team big heads
    2-0-0 Right Big head
    5-5-5 Up Hyper blitz [Note 1]
    1-1-5 Left No play selection [Note 1]
    0-2-1 Right Show more field [Note 1]
    0-1-2 Down No CPU assistance [Note 1]
    4-0-4 Left Power-up speed [Note 1]
    3-1-4 Down Smart CPU opponent [Note 2]
    1-1-1 Down Tournament mode [Note 3]
    2-2-2 Right Night game
    2-1-2 Left Weather: clear
    5-2-5 Down Weather: snow
    5-5-5 Right Weather: rain
    3-3-3 Left Invisible receiver highlight
    0-3-2 Left Fast turbo running
    3-2-1 Left No head
    1-2-3 Right Headless team
    Note 1: Two player agreement required.
    Note 2: Only in one-player game.
    Note 3: Only in two-player game.

  • PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Infinite Turbo

    At the Vs Screen in arcade mode press L1 (5 times), Square, X (4 times), Up

  • N64, PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Hide play cursor

    At the plays selection screen, press Up(2) on the upper left play.

  • PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Hidden players

    Select "Enter Name For Record Keeping" option and enter one of the following player names and PIN numbers. After entered correctly, the phrase "Lights out, baby" will be spoken.
    Name PIN Hidden Player
    BETH 7761
    BILLZ 0526
    BRAIN 1111
    BRIAN 0818
    CARLTN 1111 Headless Guy
    DANIEL 0604 Dan Thompson
    DBN 6969
    ED 3246
    FORDEN 1111 Dan Forden
    GATSON 1111
    GENE 0310
    GENTIL 1111 Jim Gentile
    GRINCH 0222
    GUIDO 6765
    JAPPLE 6660 Jeff Johnson
    JASON 3141 Jason Skiles
    JENIFR 3333 Jennifer Hedrick
    JIMK 5651
    JOHN 5158
    JOSH 4288
    LT 7777
    LUIS 3333 Luis Mangubat
    MARKA 1112
    MIKE 3333 Mike Lynch
    MITCH 4393
    MONTY 1836
    NICO 4440
    PAULA 0425
    PAULO 0517
    RAIDEN 3691 Raiden from Mortal Kombat
    ROG 8148
    ROOT 6000 John Root
    RYAN 1029
    SAL 0201 Sal Divita
    SHINOK 8337 Shinnok from Mortal Kombat
    SHUN 0530
    SKULL 1111
    THUG 1111
    TODD 1122
    TURMEL 0322 Mark Turmell
    VAN 1234
    ZZ 1221

  • N64 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Bullet Sound

    Hold Up and press A + B + Z after the end of a play to get the sound

  • N64 | Submitted by Stephen B.

    Infinite Turbo

    Push the Z button 5 times, push the B button 1 time, and push the A button 4 times, and then push the control stick up.

  • N64 | Submitted by 429 man

    Random Team

    On the team selection screen: hold the joystick left and press the z button.

  • N64 | Submitted by scott Dippolitto

    Use Team Plays

    message: On the code screen hit the Z button once then push up and you will get different plays for different teams both Off. & Def. will be different.

  • N64 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Hidden players

    Select "Enter Name For Record Keeping" option and enter one of the following player names and PIN numbers. After entered correctly, the phrase "Lights out, baby" will be spoken.

    Name PIN Hidden Player
    BETH 7761
    BILLZ 0526
    BRAIN 1111
    BRIAN 0818
    CARLTN 1111 Headless Guy
    DANIEL 0604 Dan Thompson
    DBN 6969
    ED 3246
    FORDEN 1111 Dan Forden
    GATSON 1111
    GENE 0310
    GENTIL 1111 Jim Gentile
    GRINCH 2220
    GUIDO 6765
    JAPPLE 6660 Jeff Johnson
    JASON 3141 Jason Skiles
    JENIFR 3333 Jennifer Hedrick
    JIMK 5651
    JOHN 5158
    JOSH 4288
    LT 7777
    LUIS 3333 Luis Mangubat
    MARKA 1112
    MIKE 3333 Mike Lynch
    MITCH 4393
    MONTY 1836
    NICO 4440
    PAULA 0425
    PAULO 0517
    RAIDEN 3691 Raiden from Mortal Kombat
    ROG 8148
    ROOT 6000 John Root
    RYAN 1029
    SAL 0201 Sal Divita
    SHINOK 8337 Shinnok from Mortal Kombat
    SHUN 0530
    SKULL 1111
    THUG 1111
    TODD 1122
    TURMEL 0322 Mark Turmell
    VAN 1234
    ZZ 1221

  • N64 | Submitted by anonymous

    Power Up Touchdowns

    Press Z (4 times) B (2 times) A (3 times)

  • PC | Submitted by Adam

    T-Rex head

    Hit arcade mode and enter your name for record keeping as TREX pin number 1111

  • N64 | Submitted by Max Man

    Cheat Codes

    At the versus screen, press Turbo (default is Z), Jump (default is B), and Pass (default is A) to change the icons below the helmets. The numbers in the cheat code list belowindicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad or Analog-stick in the indicated direction to enable the code. After the code is entered correctly, you will hear the name of the code and a sound.

    You may enter more than one code per game.

    Code What It Does
    4-2-3 Right Super passing
    2-5-0 Left Fast passes
    1-2-3 Left Super field goals
    2-1-1 Left Allow stepping out of bounds
    3-1-2 Left Power-up blockers
    5-0-0 Left Turn off stadium
    0-1-0 Up Late hits
    0-4-0 Up Huge head
    2-1-0 Up No first downs
    3-4-4 Up No interceptions
    1-5-1 Up No punting
    4-3-3 Up Invisible
    5-1-4 Up Infinite turbo
    5-0-2 Left Futuristic Stadium
    0-4-5 Up Super blitzing
    2-3-3 Up Power-up teammates
    3-1-2 Up Power-up offense
    4-2-1 Up Power-up defense
    0-3-0 Down Fog on
    0-4-1 Down Thick fog on
    0-0-1 Down Show field goal %
    4-2-3 Down No random fumbles
    1-0-2 Right Hide receiver name
    0-5-0 Right Big football
    3-1-0 Right Team tiny players
    1-4-1 Right Team big players
    2-0-3 Right Team big heads
    2-0-0 Right Big head
    5-5-5 Up Hyper blitz [Note 1]
    1-1-5 Left No play selection [Note 1]
    0-2-1 Right Show more field [Note 1]
    0-1-2 Down No CPU assistance [Note 1]
    4-0-4 Left Power-up speed [Note 1]
    3-1-4 Down Smart CPU opponent [Note 2]
    1-1-1 Down Tournament mode [Note 3]
    2-2-2 Right Night game
    2-1-2 Left Weather: clear
    5-2-5 Down Weather: snow
    5-5-5 Right Weather: rain
    3-3-3 Left Invisible receiver highlight
    0-3-2 Left Fast turbo running
    3-2-1 Left No head
    1-2-3 Right Headless team
    5-0-1 Left City Stadium
    Note 1: Two player agreement required.
    Note 2: Only in one-player game.
    Note 3: Only in two-player game.

  • N64 | Submitted by anonymous

    Huge team players

    Press: Z , B , B, A, A, A

  • N64 | Submitted by alferdo

    Other Side

    At the play screen bush B to switch the plays to the other side.

  • N64 | Submitted by alferdo


    After a play on defence push A+B to kick the other teams players.

  • PC | Submitted by Kyle

    Secret Characters

    At the name enter screen, type these names and PINs to reveal secret character

    Play as Billz
    BILLZ ; 0526
    Play as Brian
    BRIAN ; 0818
    Play as D.B.N.
    DBN ; 6969
    Play as Dan Forden
    FORDEN - 1111
    Play as Dan Thompson
    DANIEL - 0604
    Play as Ed
    ED ; 3246
    Play as Gatson
    GATSON ; 1111
    Play as Gene
    GENE ; 0310
    Play as Guido
    GUIDO ; 6765
    Play as Headless Guy
    CARLTN - 1111
    Play as Jason Skiles
    JASON - 3141
    Play as Jeff Johnson
    JAPPLE - 6660
    Play as Jennifer Hedrick
    JENIFR - 3333
    Play as Jim Gentile
    GENTIL - 1111
    Play as Jimk
    JIMK ; 5651
    Play as John
    JOHN ; 5158
    Play as John Root
    ROOT - 6000
    Play as Josh
    JOSH ; 4288
    Play as LT
    LT ; 7777
    Play as Luis Mangubat
    LUIS - 3333
    Play as Mark Turmell
    TURMEL - 0322
    Play as Marka
    MARKA ; 1112
    Play as Mike Lynch
    MIKE - 3333
    Play as Mitch
    MITCH ; 4393
    Play as Monty
    MONTY ; 1836
    Play as Nico
    NICO ; 4440
    Play as Paula
    PAULA ; 0425
    Play as Paulo
    PAULO ; 0517
    Play as Rayden from Mortal Kombat
    RAIDEN - 3691
    Play as Rog
    ROG ; 8148
    Play as Ryan
    RYAN ; 1029
    Play as Sal Divita
    SAL - 0201
    Play as Shinnok from Mortal Kombat
    SHINOK - 8337
    Play as Shun
    SHUN ; 0530
    Play as The Grinch
    GRINCH ; 2220
    Play as Thug
    THUG ; 1111
    Play as Todd
    TODD ; 1122
    Play as Van
    VAN ; 1234
    Play as ZZ
    ZZ - 1221
    Play as a skull
    SKULL - 1111
    Play as a smiley-face
    SMILE ; 1111
    Play as brains
    BRAIN - 1111

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