New Ghostbusters footage focuses on Chris Hemsworth's goofy receptionist

Chris Hemsworth is best known for playing Thor in Marvel's Cinematic Universe, but he's done a good job of seeking out different roles in the last few years. One such role was Stone Crandall in 2015's Vacation; the film revealed Hemsworth's considerable comedic talent, and it looks like those skills will be on full display in Paul Feig's Ghostbusters reboot. 

Earlier this week we got some colourful new character posters, and today brings a hilarious vignette that focuses on Hemsworth's goofy receptionist Kevin. Check it out below...

This is a smart piece of marketing from Sony; much of the spotlight thus far has understandably been on the four female leads, so a little more info on Kevin is very welcome. It looks like he has a very fun dynamic with the titular team, and that will hopefully lead to some big laughs come July 15.

Directed by Paul Feig and starring Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth, Ghostbusters opens in UK and US cinemas on July 15, 2016.

Images: Sony Pictures Entertainment

Amon Warmann

Amon is a contributing editor and columnist for Empire magazine, but is also a Film and TV writer for 12DOVE, Total Film, and others. He has also written for NME, Composer Mag, and more, along with being a film critic for TalkSport. He is also the co-host of the Fade to Black Podcast, and a video mashup creator. Can also do a pretty good Bane impersonation.