New diamond-encrusted Mario pendants and the holiday deal of a lifetime

If you like diamonds (the shiny rocks, not a Pokémon release), and you like videogames,then perhaps you'd like a few$2,000+ diamond-encrusted videogame pendants! What? Is the person closest to you not specialenough for a$2,700 Super Mushroom from TraxNYC, purveyor ofcustom diamond jewelrythe creator of these three Mariopieces?

TheSuper MushroomandStarare the latest additions to the company'sMario line, which began with the gold and diamond fella on the right.

Sowhat makes these diamond-encrusted pendantsmore special-er thanother examples ofdiamond Mario jewelry?Well, they're really shiny, but also,because we'resuper-thrifty,we've scored a coupon code which canbe used from now until January 31 to receive 2% off a purchase and an upgrade to 2nd day air shipping. Just enter the discountcode "GAMESRADAR" and that $2,700 Super Mushroom will only cost you $2,646! It's like you're stealing!

Aren't your loved one's worth it? I mean, look how big these things are:

Above: They're pretty big

So break outa credit card, kids, unless you want to be a jerk and not give anyone anything diamond encrusted this holiday. Like, a coffee table book or something. Unless you've found a diamond-encrusted coffee table book, in which case, can I borrow it?

P.S.If you're shopping for a sports fan, and not a videogame fan, youmaywant tocheck out this $32,000 diamond-encrusted baseball glove.

Nov 22, 2010

Associate Editor, Digital at PC Gamer