New Dance Dance Revolution coming to Xbox 360, forgets Kinect

The first new DDR game for the Xbox 360 since 2008's Dance Dance Revolution Universe3 will be coming out within the next several months. It would seem as though the title was timed to correspond with the introduction of Kinect, but that's not the case.

The new entry in the perennial dancing series is, like its PS3 and Wii companions, is simply titled Dance Dance Revolution, and is scheduled for the first quarter of 2011. It'll have all sorts of snazzed up visual effects, new game modes and energy-pumping songs, just as expected. But no Kinect support.

Konami has dabbled in motion-controlled DDR before, using the PS2's EyeToy, the Wii Remote, and, most recently, PlayStation Move controls to add an extra level of depth to the foot-maneuvering gameplay. But despite Dance Central's successful use of Microsoft's new toy, it was apparently deemed unnecessary.

Of course, hardcore DDR fans wouldn't accept anything other than a dance pad. Some have gone so far as to empty their bank accounts for replication arcade dance pads, and to them, nothing will ever replace the classic up-down-left-right controls.

Dec 9, 2010