Neversoft joins Guitar Hero band

Neversoft, the creator of all things Tony Hawk, will be involved in the development of future Guitar Hero titles, a page on the company's website has revealed.

The website shows asplit-screen ad for job opportunities at Neversoft, with a section for Guitar Hero - "Click to audition for the band," it says - sitting next to a series of links related to the latest Tony Hawk title, Project 8.

The ad is an obvious indication that Neversoft will play some part in Guitar Hero's future. But, before any worried readers begin angrily storming publisher Activision's headquarters, electric axes in hand, Harmonix will still be involved, since Guitar Hero's original creator owns much of the rocking technology that makes the game so good.

What we're expecting from the meeting of minds is all good; the foundations of Guitar Hero are solid as mountains, so there's little need for tinkering around with the game. All we need is more tunes to rock out to, and with more people working on the fret-burning title we see more Guitar Hero games, more songs, and more fuel for our delusions of grandeur. Fingers crossed.

Above: This shot from Guitar Hero II illustrates how Neversoft and Harmonix will combine their hard-rockin' talents to achieve previously unreached levels of awesomeness

January 17, 2007

Ben Richardson is a former Staff Writer for Official PlayStation 2 magazine and a former Content Editor of 12DOVE. In the years since Ben left GR, he has worked as a columnist, communications officer, charity coach, and podcast host – but we still look back to his news stories from time to time, they are a window into a different era of video games.