The nerdiest cookie cutters you will ever see

It's a poorly kept secret that I have a massive sweet tooth. I got pretty cranky this morning when I discovered that someone (Anthony Snyder) had eaten the peanut butter cup that was on my desk. Hey man, that was my breakfast! I have a particularly strong weakness for cookies, and I rarely encounter a cookie that I don't like. I also love to bake cookies. I find it relaxing, and it's a good way to ensure that I won't experience the ultimate betrayal of finding any raisins in my baked goods.

These cookie cutters blend my love of cooking and nerdery together. Made from PLA, a biodegradable plastic derived from renewable resources, each cutter is made to order. With pop culture favorites like Krang, Mega Man, and Snorlax, they are a lot like Pokemon, in that I really do want to collect them all.

And if you don't like cookies, they would make a great holiday/housewarming gift for people who do like cookies! Everyone wins!

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I'm an West Coast girl with a East Coast heart. I love Parappa, food challenges, kitties, knitting, and my expanding collection of vintage vinyl.