Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit walkthrough
| Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit |
| Walkthrough By: redapocalypse04 |
| Contact: [email protected] |
| Version: 1.00 |
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|| Table of Contents ||
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I. Basics
Event Types________________________________[BAS4]
II. Vehicles
Sports Series/Traffic Police Unit__________[VEH1]
Performance Series/Highway Patrol Unit_____[VEH2]
Super Series/Rapid Deployment Unit_________[VEH3]
Exotic Series/Speed Enforcement Unit_______[VEH4]
Hyper Series/Special Response Unit_________[VEH5]
III. Race Locations
Big Timber Forest__________________________[RAC1]
Boulder Desert_____________________________[RAC2]
Carson Ridge Reservoir_____________________[RAC3]
Coral Bay__________________________________[RAC4]
Eagle Crest________________________________[RAC5]
East Gorge Canyon__________________________[RAC6]
Fox Lair Pass______________________________[RAC7]
Grand Ocean Coast__________________________[RAC8]
Memorial Valley____________________________[RAC9]
Mission Beach______________________________[RA10]
Oakmont Valley_____________________________[RA11]
Rockingham Point___________________________[RA12]
IV. Police Districts
Big Timber Forest__________________________[POL1]
Boulder Desert_____________________________[POL2]
Carson Ridge Reservoir_____________________[POL3]
Coral Bay__________________________________[POL4]
Eagle Crest________________________________[POL5]
East Gorge Canyon__________________________[POL6]
Fox Lair Pass______________________________[POL7]
Grand Ocean Coast__________________________[POL8]
Memorial Valley____________________________[POL9]
Mission Beach______________________________[PO10]
Oakmont Valley_____________________________[PO11]
Rockingham Point___________________________[PO12]
V. Technical________________________________[TECH]
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|| Basics ||
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Controls [BAS1]
These three tenets are at the core of every racing game. The controls are what
you'd expect, too. Right Trigger moves the car forward. Left Trigger stops the
car. The thumbsticks control the car and the camera. Here are some things to
keep in mind when you're going down the road:
-Drafting, or slipstreaming as it's called in Need for Speed, is when you
get right behind another car and use the lack of wind resistance to gain
more speed. In Hot Pursuit, you don't even need to be directly behind the
car. This is most noticeable near the beginning when all the cars are grouped
together. Move to the side a little bit and you will still receive the
benefits of slipstreaming without having to actually move around the cars in
front of you. This move also builds up your nitrous bar.
-In most racing games, getting bumped from behind by another car is an unwanted
experience for both drivers. The lead car generally loses control/stability,
while the rear car loses speed. In Need for Speed however, getting bumped
is actually helpful. The lead car will almost never lose control and will
instead get a small boost of speed, depending on how fast the rear car is
going. So if you see a car zooming towards you in the rear view mirror, don't
be afraid to move in front of him. You'll get a boost and he'll be slowed
down quite a bit.
-Drifting features heavily in most Need for Speed games, and Hot Pursuit is no
exception. Tapping brake as you're going into a turn, then mashing on the gas
as you actually turn your car will initiate the drift, which is basically
just breaking the traction on the rear wheels. It's useful for sliding
through tight turns, and drifting will fill up your nitrous bar. Some cars
will even start drifting without having to touch the brake. The downside is
that drifting can slow your car down a lot, especially if you don't do it
right. The racing line generally dictates that you should enter a turn from
the outside, get as close to the inside corner as possible in the middle of
the turn, and then leave the turn from the outside again. Doing this will
allow you to go through the corner and exit with maximum speed. Trying to
follow the racing line while drifting is difficult, if not impossible in
most cases. Of course, Hot Pursuit is definitely not the same kind of racing
game as Forza Motorsport or Gran Turismo, so it doesn't help to over-analyze
the nuances of the racing line. In the end, drifting vs. just turning really
boils down to the turn, the car, and your own playing style.
To the left of your speedometer you'll find a vertical bar. This is your
nitrous gauge. Pressing and holding A while you have nitrous will give you a
nifty boost. AI racers also have this ability. Nitrous is best used at the
end of a drift or on dirt roads to offset the loss in speed. If you are at
top speed, do not use nitrous. You can't push your car past the top speed
You can gain nitrous by slipstreaming, drifting, taking shortcuts, nearly
missing cars, and taking down other vehicles. Racers and cops earn nitrous
a little differently. Racers will acquire nitrous more slowly, but will also
burn it slower. Racers can also gain nitrous by driving into the oncoming lane
of traffic. Cops gain nitrous more quickly and burn it a lot faster. Cops
will automatically earn nitrous as long as they're going fast. This ensures
cops always have the ability to catch up to the racers.
Shortcuts [BAS2]
Shortcuts are integral to the gameplay of Hot Pursuit, especially in Time Trial
type races. Knowing where all the shortcuts are on a given track will help you
out immensely. If you're a racer, the shortcut will appear as a brown road on
your mini-map. The road is blue if you're a cop. Most of the time the entrance
will be marked by some kind of reflective sign. Shortcuts come in two flavors:
-Dirt roads are by far the most common type of shortcut. There will almost
always be obstacles scattered around the shortcut, and sometimes even
alternate paths to take while going through it. The main drawback to dirt
roads is that they cause you to lose quite a bit of speed. This is most
noticeable in cars that sit lower to the ground, like those in the Hyper
Series and Special Response Units. Always weigh this loss of speed with the
distance covered. Also keep in mind that as a Racer, you will earn more
nitrous by staying on the main road. This is because you can slipstream,
nearly miss other vehicles, and drive on the oncoming side of the road. Cops,
however, don't have to worry so much about this. They get nitrous just for
driving fast, and they accumulate nitrous quicker, so running through a
shortcut can fill the entire bar up. They also don't get nitrous for driving
in the oncoming lane of traffic to begin with.
-Paved roads are less common and will not reduce your speed just by driving
on them. Unfortunately, most paved roads don't deviate too far from the
main road, so distance saved is generally small. They have obstacles too,
usually in the form of buildings and planters.
Equipment [BAS3]
As a Racer, pressing Up on the D-Pad will activate the Turbo system. After a
second, green flames will come out of the tailpipe and you'll be thrown forward
at remarkable speeds for several seconds. These things can easily change the
game up, especially late in a race. This is why you will generally not get
many to play around with. Also, if at all possible, try to save these for
straight roads. Turning is possible but difficult while you're going that fast.
Try to time it just after a roadblock or a helicopter spike strip.
It's pretty hard to avoid those two obstacles while using Turbo, and the cops
love to have a helicopter hovering out there, just waiting for you to get
close so they can drop a spike strip.
AS a Racer or a Cop, pressing Left on the D-Pad will activate the EMP. It will
then lock on to the closest rival vehicle in front of you, whether it be a cop,
a racer, or even a helicopter. As long as you stay in range and have a clean
line of sight of the vehicle, it will be hit by an EMP. The car will then
sustain damage. Other effects vary, depending on where the car is on the
road. If you hit a vehicle on a straight, they may incur damage, but
nothing else will happen to them. Hit a vehicle while it's turning and you
may cause it to do a 180 degree turn or to hit a wall. This is most useful
against other racers, especially those cars that are just faster than you. Hit
them with an EMP to mess up their lead. You can use this against cops if you
want, but they only get in front of you to drop a spike strip or harass a
racer ahead of you. You can be targeted by an enemies EMP as well. You'll
see a lock-on reticule on the back of your car. Dodging them is a pain in the
ass. Since it's an instant effect, you can't dodge the actual EMP. You can
only break the lock-on sequence, which isn't easy to do. The best way, by far,
is to simply use a Jammer. You can also try to hit the car that's targeting
you with a Spike Strip, or use a Turbo to simply outrun him. If none of these
are available, you'll be stuck trying to weave out of his line of sight,
preferably by going through a shortcut. The game suggests braking hard if all
else fails to avoid the EMP, but you should only do this if you are low on
health or if the cop is right behind you. Losing too much speed can be worse
than getting hit by the EMP, so if you're on a straight and can afford it,
you might be better off just letting it happen. Of course, if you're a cop,
then slowing down won't hurt you that much, so go ahead and let the racer
that's locked onto you pass, if you have to.
As a Racer, pressing Right on the D-Pad will activate the Jammer. Cops will be
unable to use any equipment for a short time, and all roadblocks will appear
on your mini-map. The Jammer doesn't last terribly long. It's main use is in
deflecting enemy equipment, specifically EMPs, which are really hard to
avoid using other means. It's also handy against spike strips that you don't
see until the last minute. A good tactic is to use the Turbo, then have your
finger ready to use the Jammer when you see a helicopter in the distance. At
Turbo speeds, those spike strips are hard as hell to avoid.
|Spike Strip|
As a Racer or a Cop, pressing Down on the D-Pad will drop out a Spike Strip
behind you. It will cause any car hitting it to spin out. Think of it as a
really long line of bananas from Mario Kart and you get the idea. After one
hit they go away, but at level 3 you'll start tossing down two strips instead
of just one. Avoiding them is pretty simple, as long as you're paying attention
to the road. Use a Jammer if you have to, or try to get another car to run
into it.
|Helicopter Support|
As a Cop, pressing Up on the D-Pad calls in a Helicopter which will fly around
for a bit. Once the helicopter detects a straight part of the road, it'll
hover over it and drop a spike strip down when racers get close. It's kind of
hard to accurately use these things since you don't control the helicopter.
Just use it when you've got the oppurtunity and hope it hits somebody. If it
doesn't hit any racers, watch out, because the spike strip will still be on the
road, and you might run over it yourself.
As a Cop, pressing Right on the D-Pad will call in a Roadblock. It'll be
placed just ahead of your position and marked on your mini-map. Roadblocks
are kind of hard to use. You're essentially just throwing it out there and
hoping for the best. Sometimes racers will just zip right through them, other
times you'll damage every opponent on the track. Just be careful that you don't
fall victim to your own roadblock. If you're a racer, avoiding a roadblock is
generally easy. There's always a hole in the cars that you can slip through,
if you can see it. You can also take a shortcut. Many times, racers ahead of
you and even other cops will slam into the roadblock, causing the entire street
to be filled up with wrecked cars. If you see smoke anywhere near one of these,
you'll probably want to slow down, lest you slam into a wrecked car.
Event Types [BAS4]
|Racer Events|
Race- This is your standard race gametype. It's usually you and 7 other cars
all trying to be first across the finish line. No equipment and no cops
to be found here.
Duel- In this event it's just you and another racer. No equipment, no cops,
nobody else.
Time Trial- In this event, it's just you and the clock. Pick a car and race to
the finish line.
Preview- This is essentially a time trial event, except you are stuck using
one car, and it's always a car in the next unlockable series.
Hot Pursuit- This is basically a race. You and a varying number of drivers all
trying to be the first one to cross the finish line. Except now,
cops have been added to the mix. They will try everything in
their power to stop you and the other drivers. If you take
enough damage or if you stop completely, you will be busted and
the race will end.
Gauntlet- This is Hot Pursuit meets Time Trial. You are the only racer and
you've got to beat the clock, but you've also got cops to deal with.
|Cop Events|
Hot Pursuit- In this event you are the sole cop trying to take down a varying
number of racers. You'll have equipment at your disposal and
you will be tasked with taking down as many racers as possible
before they reach the finish line.
Interceptor- This is basically Hot Pursuit, with two main differences. First,
there is only one racer to take down, but he's usually very
fast. Second, you are racing against the clock here. There is no
finish line, which means the racer can drive anywhere he wants.
Rapid Response- The Cop's version of a Time Trial. There's one key difference
to note: In Rapid Response, collisions will cost you time. If
you hit a wall, you'll incur a two second penalty. Hit a
vehicle and you'll get a three second penalty.
Preview- Rapid Response with only one pre-determined vehicle from a series you
haven't unlocked yet.
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|| Vehicles ||
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Sports Series/Traffic Police Unit [VEH1]
|Mazda RX-8|
Top Speed- 146 MPH
0-62- 6.2s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Both
|Dodge Charger SRT 8|
Top Speed- 165 MPH
0-62- 5.0s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Mitsubishi Lancer EVolution X|
Top Speed- 148 MPH
0-62- 4.9s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|BMW Z4 sDrive35is|
Top Speed- 166 MPH
0-62- 4.8s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Racer
|Nissan 370Z/Roadster|
Top Speed- Classified
0-62- Classified
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both; Racers use the Roadster
|Subaru Impreza WRX STI|
Top Speed- 168 MPH
0-62- 4.7s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Porsche Boxster Spyder|
Top Speed- 166 MPH
0-62- 4.9s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Racer
|Ford Police Interceptor Concept|
Top Speed- 133 MPH
0-62- 5.2s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Police
|Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor|
Top Speed- 130 MPH
0-62- 8.5s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2008
Faction- Police
Performance Series/Highway Patrol Unit [VEH2]
|Chevrolet Camaro SS|
Top Speed- 180 MPH
0-62- 4.7s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Audi TT/RS|
Top Speed- 155 MPH
0-62- 4.6s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2011
Faction- Both
|Maserati Gran Cabrio|
Top Speed- 176 MPH
0-62- 5.3s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Racer
|Jaguar XKR|
Top Speed- 174 MPH
0-62- 4.6s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Both
|BMW M3 E92|
Top Speed- 183 MPH
0-62- 4.8s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Dodge Challenger SRT 8|
Top Speed- 178 MPH
0-62- 4.7s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2008
Faction- Both
|Porsche 911 Targa 4S|
Top Speed- 183 MPH
0-62- 4.7s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Maserati Gran Turismo S|
Top Speed- 183 MPH
0-62- 4.9s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Both
|Alfa Romeo 8C Spider|
Top Speed- 183 MPH
0-62- 4.4s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2008
Faction- Racer
|Porsche Cayman S|
Top Speed- 171 MPH
0-62- 4.6s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Police
|Ford Shelby GT500|
Top Speed- 185 MPH
0-62- 4.2s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Police
|Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione|
Top Speed- 181 MPH
0-62- 4.2s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2007
Faction- Police
|Maserati Quattroporte Sport GTS|
Top Speed- 177 MPH
0-62- 5.1s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Police
|Carbon Motors E7 Concept|
Top Speed- Classified
0-62- Classified
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2013
Faction- Police
Super Series/Rapid Deployment Unit [VEH3]
|Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet|
Top Speed- 196 MPH
0-62- 3.2s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Racer
|Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport|
Top Speed- 188 MPH
0-62- 4.0s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Racer
|Audi R8 Spyder 5.2 FSI Quattro|
Top Speed- 195 MPH
0-62- 4.0s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Racer
|Aston Martin DBS/Volante|
Top Speed- 191 MPH
0-62- 4.3s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2008/2009
Faction- Both; Cops have the 2008 version, Racers have the 2009 Volante
|Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4|
Top Speed- 202 MPH
0-62- 3.7s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2008
Faction- Both
|Ford Shelby GT500 Super Snake|
Top Speed- 200 MPH
0-62- 3.7s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Porsche 911 GT3 RS|
Top Speed- 193 MPH
0-62- 3.8s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder LP 560-4|
Top Speed- 201 MPH
0-62- 3.9s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Racer
|Mercedes Benz SLS AMG|
Top Speed- 197 MPH
0-62- 3.7s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Nissan GT-R SpecV|
Top Speed- Classified
0-62- Classified
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Both
|BMW M6 Convertible|
Top Speed- 200 MPH
0-62- 4.6s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2007
Faction- Racer
|Aston Martin V12 Vantage|
Top Speed- 190 MPH
0-62- 4.2s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Both
|Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera|
Top Speed- 201 MPH
0-62- 3.4s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Racer
|Mercedes Benz SLS 65 AMG Black Series|
Top Speed- 199 MPH
0-62- 3.7s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Both
|Porsche 918 Spyder Concept Study|
Top Speed- 199 MPH
0-62- 3.2s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Racer
|Porsche Panamera Turbo|
Top Speed- 188 MPH
0-62- 3.8s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Police
|Chevrolet Corvette Z06|
Top Speed- 198 MPH
0-62- 3.9s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2006
Faction- Police
|Dodge Viper SRT 10|
Top Speed- 202 MPH
0-62- 3.7s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2008
Faction- Police
|Lamborghini Gallardo LP 550-2 Valentino Balboni|
Top Speed- 199 MPH
0-62- 3.9s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Police
|Audi R8 Coupe 5.2 FSI Quattro|
Top Speed- 196 MPH
0-62- 3.9s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2011
Faction- Police
Exotic Series/Speed Enforcement Unit [VEH4]
|Bentley Continental Supersports Coupe|
Top Speed- 204 MPH
0-62- 3.7s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Ford GT|
Top Speed- 205 MPH
0-62- 3.6s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2006
Faction- Both
|McLaren MP4-12C|
Top Speed- Classified
0-62- Classified
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- Classified
Faction- Both
|Porsche Carrera GT|
Top Speed- 201 MPH
0-62- 3.8s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2006
Faction- Both
|Lamborghini Murcielago LP 640|
Top Speed- 211 MPH
0-62- 3.4s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2006
Faction- Both
|Mercedes Benz-McLaren SLR McLaren Stirling Moss|
Top Speed- 217 MPH
0-62- 3.4s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Racer
|Chevrolet Corvette ZR1|
Top Speed- 205 MPH
0-62- 3.4s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Both
|Pagani Zonda Cinque/NFS Edition|
Top Speed- 217 MPH
0-62- 3.2s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Both; Only Racers have access to the NFS Edition
|Aston Martin One-77|
Top Speed- 221 MPH
0-62- Classified
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce|
Top Speed- 209 MPH
0-62- 3.1s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Both
|Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR|
Top Speed- 202 MPH
0-62- 3.5s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2008
Faction- Both
|Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster/NFS Edition|
Top Speed- 217 MPH
0-62- 3.2s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Racer
|Lamborghini Reventon Roadster|
Top Speed- 205 MPH
0-62- 3.4s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Racer
|Mercedes Benz-McLaren SLR McLaren 722 Edition|
Top Speed- 210 MPH
0-62- 3.6s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2006
Faction- Police
|Lamborghini Reventon|
Top Speed- 211 MPH
0-62- 3.4s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2007
Faction- Police
Hyper Series/Special Response Unit [VEH5]
|Koenigsegg CCX|
Top Speed- 242 MPH
0-62- 3.1s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2006
Faction- Both
|McLaren F1|
Top Speed- 240 MPH
0-62- 3.2s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 1994
Faction- Both
|Koenigsegg Agera|
Top Speed- 242 MPH
0-62- 3.1s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2010
Faction- Both
|Koenigsegg CCXR Edition|
Top Speed- 250 MPH
0-62- 2.8s
Drivetrain- Rear Wheel
Year- 2008
Faction- Both
|Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport|
Top Speed- 253 MPH
0-62- 2.7s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2009
Faction- Racer
|Bugatti Veyron 16.4|
Top Speed- 253 MPH
0-62- 2.5s
Drivetrain- All Wheel
Year- 2008
Faction- Police
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|| Race Locations ||
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Big Timber Forest [RAC1]
|Title Fight|
Event Type- Duel
Eligible Cars- Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X, Subaru Impreza WRX STI
Length- 7.0 Miles
Conditions- Sunny, Wet Roads
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 6,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 4,000 Bounty
6.0 Miles- Right side. Dirt road with a cluster of rocks in the middle. Useful.
5.4 Miles- Left side. Dirt road that goes through a tunnel. Seems useful, but
because the last part is just a straight, the loss of speed cannot
be justified by the distance saved.
3.3 Miles- Left side. Be prepared to turn immediately after coming out of the
tunnel. Extremely useful dirt path. About halfway through the path
will fork. Go right to get the greatest benefit.
|The Prestige|
Event Type- Race
Eligible Cars- Maserati Gran Cabrio, Jaguar XKR, Porsche 911 Targa 4S,
Maserate Gran Turismo S, Alfa Romeo 8C Spider, Maserati
Quattroporte Sport GT S
Length- 13.2 Miles
Conditions- Nighttime
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 8,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 5,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 2,500 Bounty
12.2 Miles- Right side. Paved path that goes up through some buildings. Useful.
8.0 Miles- Left side. Dirt road with plenty of rocks. The first part is useful,
but when you have the oppurtunity to get back onto the main road,
take it. The rest of it is just a useless straight that runs
parallel to the main road.
6.9 Miles- Left side. Dirt road that goes under the bridge. Useless.
6.1 Miles- Right side. Dirt road with stuff in the middle. Useful.
4.5 Miles- Left side. Dirt road just before the tunnel. Has rocks on either
side of the main path. Useless.
3.0 Miles- Left side. Dirt road with rocks on either side of the main path.
0.6 Miles- Left side. Dirt road that snakes around under the highway. Useless.
Distance saved by the first part doesn't account for the speed lost
on the second part.
Event Type- Preview
Eligible Cars- Koenigsegg Agera
Length- 7.8 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 2:42:00 - 12,500 Bounty
Silver - 2:48:00 - 8,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3:03:00 - 4,000 Bounty
7.1 Miles- Left side. Dirt road goes along the beach and through a tunnel.
5.9 Miles- Left side. Dirt road with some rocks in the middle. Useful.
3.5 Miles- Right side. Dirt road snakes under the bridge. Useless.
1.3 Miles- Right side. Dirt road cuts through some trees and rocks. Useful.
|Bull Run|
Event Type- Time Trial
Eligible Cars- Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 Super Veloce
Length- 9.4 Miles
Conditions- Nighttime, Raining
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 3:25:00 - 12,500 Bounty
Silver - 3:35:00 - 8,000 Bounty
Bronze - 4:05:00 - 4,000 Bounty
9.1 Miles- Right side. Dirt road on the side of the tunnel. Useless.
7.5 Miles- Left side. Dirt road with some trailers in the middle. Useful.
6.8 Miles- Right side. Dirt road goes under bridge. Useless.
6.1 Miles- Right side. Dirt road with rocks scattered around. Useless.
1.5 Miles- Left side. Paved path runs in front of some buildings. Useful.
|Slide Show|
Event Type- Time Trial
Eligible Cars- Exotic Series
Length- 8.4 Miles
Conditions- Nighttime, Wet Roads
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 3:10:00 - 12,500 Bounty
Silver - 3:24:00 - 8,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3:52:00 - 4,000 Bounty
7.3 Miles- Right side. Dirt road with rocks in the middle. Useful.
6.6 Miles- Left side. Dirt road goes through tunnel and onto a beach. Useless.
Distance saved doesn't justify speed lost.
1.9 Miles- Right side. Dirt road runs in front of some construction materials.
Somewhat useful.
Boulder Desert [RAC2]
|Muscle Reflex|
Event Type- Race
Eligible Cars- Chevrolet Camaro SS, Dodge Challenger SRT 8
Length- 7.2 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 8,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 5,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 2,500 Bounty
7.1 Miles- Both sides. Dirt roads go under the bridge. Useless.
6.0 Miles- Right side. Dirt road turns into a rock tunnel. Barely useful. It
doesn't really shave off that much distance and the last part is
just a straight.
3.5 Miles- Right side. Paved road that cuts through some houses. Useless.
3.2 Miles- Left side. Dirt road with rocks on either side of the main path.
2.4 Miles- Right side. Dirt road that goes through a tunnel. Useful.
0.4 Miles- Both sides. Paved roads going under the bridge. Useless.
|Sun, Sand and Supercars|
Event Type- Race
Eligible Cars- Super Series
Length- 11.4 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 10,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 6,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 3,000 Bounty
10.1 Miles- Left side. Dirt road cuts through some rocks. Useful.
9.1 Miles- Right side. Paved path goes in front of some satellite dishes.
6.9 Miles- Right side. Dirt road. Useful.
6.1 Miles- Left side. Dirt road cuts through some rocks. Useful.
5.5 Miles- Right side. Dirt road to the side of the bridge. Useless.
1.9 Miles- Left side. Dirt road goes through tunnel. Useful.
0.5 Miles- Both sides. Dirt roads go under the bridge. Useless.
|Passione Italia|
Event Type- Race
Eligible Cars- Lamborghini Murcielago LP 640, Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4
super Veloce, Lamborghini Reventon Roadster, Pagani Zonda
Cinque/NFS Edition, Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster/NFS Edition
Length- 11.1 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 12,500 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 8,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 4,000 Bounty
11.1 Miles- Both sides. Dirt roads at the very beginning go around the bridge.
9.9 Miles- Right side. Dirt road goes through a tunnel. Useful.
7.0 Miles- Right side. Paved path runs in front of buildings. Useful.
6.0 Miles- Left side. Dirt road runs between two observatories. Useful.
4.5 Miles- Left side. Paved path runs in front of a building and some planters.
3.3 Miles- Right side. Dirt road cuts through some trees and rocks. Useful.
1.8 Miles- Right side. Dirt road cuts through train yard and leads directly
into next shortcut. Useful.
1.0 Mile- Left side. Dirt road goes through tunnel. Useful.
0.4 Miles- Right side. Dirt road cuts through some rocks and trees. Useful.
|Born in the USA|
Event Type- Race
Eligible Cars- Ford GT, Chevrolet Corvette ZR1, Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR
Length- 10.6 Miles
Conditions- Nighttime
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 12,500 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 8,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 4,000 Bounty
9.6 Miles- Left side. Leads onto a paved road. This shortcut is not supposed
to be open. Useless.
9.5 Miles- Both sides. Paved roads go under the bridge. Useless.
|Faster Than Light|
Event Type- Race
Eligible Cars- Hyper Series
Length- 14.5 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 15,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 10,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 5,000 Bounty
14.5 Miles- Both sides. Dirt roads go to either side of the bridge. Useless.
13.3 Miles- Right side. Dirt road goes through a tunnel. Useful.
10.9 Miles- Right side. Paved path goes through some houses and leads into
the next shortcut. Useless.
10.6 Miles- Left side. Dirt road cuts through some rocks. Useful.
9.7 Miles- Right side. Dirt road goes through tunnel. Useful.
7.7 Miles- Both sides. Paved paths go under bridge. Useless.
6.0 Miles- Right side. Dirt road runs by some logs and construction materials.
4.3 Miles- Right side. Dirt road cuts through some trees. Useful.
2.3 Miles- Right side. Paved path runs in front of buildings. Useful.
Carson Ridge Reservoir [RAC3]
|Future Perfect|
Event Type- Race
Eligible Cars- BMW Z4 sDrive35is
Length- 7.6 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 6,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 4,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 2,000 Bounty
6.9 Miles- Right side. Dirt road that passes through some farmland. Barely
useful. The distance saved doesn't really make up for the speed
lost. You will probably come out in a better position, then get
passed up.
6.4 Miles- Right side. Dirt road that passes through some farmland. Useless.
4.4 Miles- Right side. The entrance is right before the bridge. Dirt road that
goes below the bridge and by a house. Extremely useful.
2.2 Miles- Right side. Dirt road that goes along the beach. Useless.
1.1 Miles- Left side. Paved path that goes up through some buildings. Barely
useful. Distance saved is small, but it is paved, so the only
thing you're losing is some nitrous. Unfortunately, leads directly
into the next shortcut, which is useless.
0.6 Miles- Right side. Dirt road snakes under the bridge and back onto the
beach. Useless.
|Encore Performance|
Event Type- Race
Eligible Cars- Performance Series
Length- 10.6 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 8,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 5,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 2,500 Bounty
6.2 Miles- Left side. There is another entrance on the right side just around
the corner. Long dirt road that snakes under the bridge. Very
useful. It shaves off a lot of distance, but it's also very long, so
try to save up some nitrous before you go in.
2.5 Miles- Left side. Dirt road that goes along the beach and through a
tunnel. Useless.
1.3 Miles- Left side. Dirt road with a cluster of rocks in the middle. Useful.
|Unreasonable Force|
Event Type- Hot Pursuit
Eligible Cars- Super Series
Length- 12.9 Miles
Conditions- Nighttime
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 10,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 6,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 3,000 Bounty
EMP- 3
Jammer- 3
Spike- 3
Turbo- 2
8.2 Miles- Left side. Dirt road turns into a paved path going under the bridge.
7.6 Miles- Right side. Dirt road. Useless.
3.8 Miles- Right side. Dirt road snakes under the bridge. Useful.
1.5 Miles- Left side. Dirt road cuts through some farmland. Useless.
1.0 Mile- Left side. Dirt road cuts through some buildings. Useful.
|Spirit of Performance|
Event Type- Duel
Eligible Cars- Koenigsegg CCX, Koenigsegg Agera
Length- 6.7 Miles
Conditions- Nighttime, Wet Roads
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 15,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 10,000 Bounty
6.2 Miles- Left side. Dirt road runs in front of construction materials and
leads into next shortcut. Useful.
5.8 Miles- Right side. Paved path runs under bridge. Useful.
3.6 Miles- Right side. Paved path runs in front of a building. Useful.
2.2 Miles- Right side. Dirt road runs between two observatories. Useful.
1.2 Miles- Left side. Paved path runs in front of some buildings. Useful.
|Wild Ride|
Event Type- Time Trial
Eligible Cars- Koenigsegg CCXR Edition
Length- 8.7 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 2:52:00 - 15,000 Bounty
Silver - 3:03:00 - 10,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3:25:00 - 5,000 Bounty
8.0 Miles- Right side. Dirt road cuts through some farmland. Useful.
7.4 Miles- Right side. Dirt road cuts through some farmland. Useless.
5.4 Miles- Right side. Dirt road snakes under the bridge. Useful.
1.5 Miles- Left side. Dirt road. Useless.
0.7 Miles- Left side. Dirt road becomes a paved path going under the bridge.
|Highway Battle|
Event Type- Hot Pursuit
Eligible Cars- Hyper Series
Length- 14.9 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 15,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 10,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 5,000 Bounty
EMP- 5
Jammer- 5
Spike- 5
Turbo- 3
10.5 Miles- Left side. Long dirt road snakes under bridge. Extremely useful.
4.6 Miles- Right side. Dirt road runs in front of construction materials.
1.5 Miles- Left side. Paved path goes under bridge and leads into next
shortcut. Useful.
0.7 Miles- Right side. Dirt road. Useful.
Coral Bay [RAC4]
|Power Trip|
Event Type- Duel
Eligible Cars- Mercedes Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series, Aston Martin V12 Vantage
Length- 6.8 Miles
Conditions- Sunny, Wet Roads
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 10,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 6,000 Bounty
No Available Shortcuts
|Heart to Heart|
Event Type- Duel
Eligible Cars- Audi R8 Spyder 5.2 FSI Quattro, Lamborghini Gallard Spyder LP
Length- 10.1 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 10,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 6,000 Bounty
9.6 Miles- Left side. Dirt road that snakes under the bridge and around some
rocks. Useless. It will put you ahead of the other car for about
one or two seconds before they pass you up. The loss of speed is
just too much.
5.5 Miles- Left side. Dirt road becomes a paved path that goes under the
bridge. Useless.
4.9 Miles- Right side. Dirt road. Useless.
2.2 Miles- Right side. Dirt road with a bunch of rocks scattered about.
1.1 Miles- Left side. Paved path goes in front of a building and leads directly
into next shortcut. Barely useful.
0.6 Miles- Right side. Dirt road snakes under the bridge. Useless.
|Breaking Point|
Event Type- Hot Pursuit
Eligible Cars- Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport
Length- 13.6 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 15,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 10,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 5,000 Bounty
EMP- 5
Jammer- 5
Spike- 5
Turbo- 3
12.7 Miles- Left side. Dirt road turns into paved path that goes under the
bridge. Useless.
12.1 Miles- Right side. Dirt road. Useless.
9.4 Miles- Right side. Dirt road with scattered rocks. Useless.
8.3 Miles- Left side. Paved path runs in front of building and leads into
next shortcut. Useful.
7.8 Miles- Right side. Dirt road snakes under bridge. Useless.
7.1 Miles- Right side. Dirt road goes through beach. Extremely useful.
4.5 Miles- Right side. Dirt road runs in front of houses. Useless.
0.4 Miles- Left side. Dirt road runs by some rocks. Useful.
|Seacrest Tour|
Event Type- Race
Eligible Cars- Hyper Series
Length- 43.5 Miles
Conditions- Sunny
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 50,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 30,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 15,000 Bounty
43.1 Miles- Left side. Dirt road runs along the beach and goes through a
tunnel. Useless.
41.9 Miles- Left side. Dirt road with some rocks in the middle. Useful.
38.8 Miles- Right side. Paved path runs in front of a building. Useful.
34.5 Miles- Left side. Dirt road cuts through trees. Only useful if you get
back on the main road at the first available oppurtunity. The last
part of the shortcut is useless.
33.5 Miles- Left side. Dirt road runs below the bridge. Useless.
32.6 Miles- Right side. Dirt road with trailers in the middle. Useful.
31.1 Miles- Left side. Dirt road below the tunnel. Useless.
29.8 Miles- Right side. Dirt road runs under a building. Useful.
25.1 Miles- Right side. Paved road runs parallel with the highway. Useless.
20.9 Miles- Left side. Paved path runs next to some satellite dishes. Useless.
20.0 Miles- Right side. Dirt road cuts through rocks. Useful.
16.5 Miles- Both sides. Paved paths go under the bridge. Useless.
5.4 Miles- Left side. Dirt road becomes a paved path going under the bridge.
4.9 Miles- Right side. Dirt road. Useless.
2.2 Miles- Right side. Dirt road with scattered rocks. Useless.
1.1 Miles- Left side. Paved path runs in front of a building and leads into
next shortcut. Somewhat useful.
0.6 Miles- Right side. Dirt road snakes under bridge. Useless.
Eagle Crest [RAC5]
|First Offence|
Event Type- Hot Pursuit
Eligible Cars- Sports Series
Length- 7.6 Miles
Conditions- Cloudy
Bounty Reward:
Gold - 1st - 6,000 Bounty
Silver - 2nd - 4,000 Bounty
Bronze - 3rd - 2,000 Bounty
7.6 Miles- Left side. Dirt road that leads directly into the next shortcut.
Barely useful. Distance is saved but to enter the shortcut you
have to be holding left at the very beginning of the race, so you
won't have any speed going into it. Also, as you exit the shortcut
and go to enter the next one, which is actually useful, you will
almost always run right into one of the cars coming down the road.
6.9 Miles- Right side. Dirt road that goes through a long construction tunnel.
6.1 Miles- Left side. Straight dirt road. Barely useful. The distance saved
doesn't really make up for the speed lost, especially since the
main road essentially becomes a straight just after the turn,
allowing the other cars to build up speed while you're stuck on the
4.6 Miles- Left side. Dirt road that winds through some trees. Useful.
3.6 Miles- Both sides. Paved paths go under the bridge. Useless unless you are
being hounded by cops.
1.7 Miles- Left side, just after exiting the tunnel. Dirt road goes through a
rock tunnel. Useful.
0.7 Miles- Right side. Dirt road with rocks along the main path. Useful,
except it leads directly into the next shortcut, which is useless.
0.4 Miles- Left side. Paved path goes through some buildings. Useless.
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Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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