NBA Street Vol. 2 Cheats

NBA Street Vol. 2 FAQs

NBA Street Vol. 2 Cheats

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    All Courts

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square. If typed correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    ABA ball

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Circle, Square, Circle, Square.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    No display bars

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Square, Circle, Circle, Circle

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Show Ball Trails

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Square.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    St Lunatics team and Street Legends Play

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All NBA legends

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Tiny Players

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All jerseys

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Classic MJ

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Square, Triangle, Square, Square

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    No display bars

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Square, Circle, Circle, Circle.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    All Quicks

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlimited Turbo

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Big Heads

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Circle, Square, Square, Circle.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Rims Explode

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1press Circle, Circle, Circle, Triangle.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    No Counters

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L11 press Triangle, triangle, Circle, Circle

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Small Players

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

    While Holding L1 press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square

  • PS2 | Submitted by Tuna Shmoo

    Main Moves

    While in game if there is no one in front of you you can do a main dunk. To do a main dunk run toward the hoop and press L1+L2+O to do main dunk.To do a main trick use Biggie Little and press L1+L2+square and he will do a cartwheel on the ball.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All NBA legends

    While Holding L1 press X, Y, Y, B.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    ABA ball

    While Holding L1 press B, X, B, X.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Tiny Players

    While Holding L1 press Y, Y, B, X.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get No Counters

    While Holding L1 press Y, Y, B, B

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Street legends & St lunatics Team

    While Holding L1 press X, Y, B, Y

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All Courts

    While Holding L1 press X, Y, Y, X

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Classic MJ

    While Holding L1 press X, Y, X, X

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Big Heads

    While Holding L1 press B, X, X, B

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Show Ball trails

    While Holding L1 press Y, Y, Y, X.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    ABA ball

    While Holding L press X, B, X, B.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All jerseys

    While Holding L press B, Y, X, X.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Rims Explode

    While Holding L press X, X, X, Y.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Classic MJ

    While Holding L press X, Y, X, X

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get St. Lunatics & Street Legends

    While Holding L press X, Y, B, Y

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All Quicks

    While Holding L press Y, X, Y, B

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    No display barsq

    While Holding L press B, X, X, X.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Cheat mode

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All NBA legends

    While Holding L press B, Y, Y, X.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Small Players

    While Holding L press Y, Y, X, B

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Show Ball trails

    While Holding L press Y, Y, Y, B.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Big Heads

    While Holding L press X, B, B, X

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlimited turbo

    While Holding L press B, B, Y, Y.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get No Counters

    While Holding L press Y, Y, X, X

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Tiny Players

    While Holding L press Y, Y, X, B.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Cheat mode

    Go to a "pick up Game" then pick a ID. Now enter a code below when the "enter codes now" message comes up.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All jerseys

    While Holding L1 press X, Y, B, B.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Rims Explode

    While Holding L1 press B, B, B, Y.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Small Players

    While Holding L1 press Y, Y, B, X

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All Quicks

    While Holding L1 press Y, B, Y, X

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    No display bars

    While Holding L1 press X, B, B, B.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlimited turbo

    While Holding L1 press X, X, Y, Y.

NBA Street Vol. 2 Hints

  • Xbox | Submitted by Alex G

    Easy Way To Unlock Nelly

    Okay this is an easy one to do. First you go to street school, then you complete all the things that "Stretch" tells you to do. After you do that you get 1000 reward points. Now you can buy Nelly& The St. Lunatics

  • Xbox | Submitted by Cheats 7

    Easy 3's

    For easier 3 pointers, get right up to the 3 point line and shoot. You have to go right up to the line, that's why you can't make any 3's way behind the line. And, I've found that if you shoot at the line from straight in front of the basket, you will have more success. This can be very helpful if you have the demo, since you can't put in any codes on the demo.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Rizzle to the Kizzle

    Easier Development Points

    First, you create the guy that you are going to use throughout be a legend mode. The you create like 11 or 12 other guys, and beat street school with all of the guys you have just created. You get a thousand development points for each time you beat Street School with a different guy. Now use all of those points on your main guy.

  • Xbox | Submitted by mark


    To do any ally opp in one player mode, while in bounding the ball hold the (R)right turbo and press the right joy stick and press twice and he should pass to another player and and then you should run to the goal with the person with the red ring while holding the (L)left turbo button and press B and he should jump for an ally and then press A and the person with the ball will ally the ball to you

  • Xbox | Submitted by nba_balla

    Different Outfits

    From the start screen select my team. after that select create a baller. then select create new. it will then show male, female or pre-made select pre-made find the baller u want and your done

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Ultimate Play

    To make the ultimate play you need 2 big guys, the best to have are Yao Ming and Wilt Chamberlained, and one small guy, who also can shoot threes (two's) pretty good, I recommend Jerry West or Just Blaze. Ok first when the other team comes down the court switch to wilt chamberlained and go under the hoop when the other team puts up a shot use turbo block so you can keep the ball, then give the ball to your small guy on the court then what will most likely happen is one of the big guys will post up under the hoop pass it to him then you have two choices you can press x and you will most likely do a move called back at me and that will confuse the guy who is guarding you then jam it. Or you could when your coming down the the court you should give it to the small guy and start off the same way by passing it to one of the guys whose posting up and then pass it back to the small guy, he will be open because usually the guy guarding him will go down under to double team the big man, so when the small guy has the ball put up the three. Repeat this.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Steve Falvo

    Perfect Team

    OK this isn't really a code but it is very helpful. Ok in NBA Challenge create a team and pick the following players, Yao Ming, Kobie Bryanet,Jason Kid, Latrell Sprewell, and Steve Fransis. Then for every game pick Yao, Kobie and Kid and when ever you are on defense have Yao stand in the paint and for every shot hold BOTH triggers and press Y. It is turbo block u catch the ball when usually swat it away.
    When I played it I never got scored on.

  • GameCube | Submitted by spanner

    How To Get Money Easy

    If you want lots of money to buy street legends, go on to got game put in your id and choose your players, then when it says: Play game or my rules. click on my rules, then put the score needed to win the match to 4 or 6, then start the game, score and win. you will get 50 money. do it again and again for lots of money.

  • GameCube | Submitted by buttrs40

    Easy Trick Points

    To get easy trick points, use alley-oops and advanced tricks to get easy trick points. To almost eliminate them from getting hardly any trick points, try to block every shot they take and steal every time they have possession. That's how you get easy trick points.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Awsome_cheat_warrior

    A Whole Lot Of Development Points

    Ok so go to a normal game pick the hardest level and pick your team ect. then go to my rules and put their team's score 0 and yours 20 playing 2 21. then play score 1 shot then replay. (every time u win u get 150 points then u got to rewards and buy development points or char.

  • Xbox | Submitted by MJ

    Get a game Breaker

    There are two ways to do this a short way and a long way. Do this for both ways go to My rules and make the shot clock 0. Long way: go to the other side of the court and move around and while moving do tricks. Short Way: Do Ten Tricks then Move up to the net still doing tricks and press L1, R1, and B You will get a combo. Do this 3 or 4 times and u will get a game breaker.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Game Milestones

    Score 1,000,000 Trick Points or more in a single game.

    Shut out the opponent team in a single game.

    Win with 21 or more alley-oops in a single game.

    Win without being blocked by the other team in a single game.

    Create a baller with maximum skills (all skill crowns at level 5, one at level 6).

    NBA Challenge: Clear Northwest region without any losses.

    NBA Challenge: Clear Central region without any losses.

    NBA Challenge: Clear Southwest region without any losses.

    NBA Challenge: Clear Northeast region without any losses.

    NBA Challenge: Clear Southeast region without any losses.

    Complete Street School.

    Complete Street School without failing any lessons.

    Accumulate 20 or more blocks against your opponent in a single game.

    Accumulate 20 or more steals against your opponent in a single game.

    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 1 (Rookie).

    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 2 (Baller).

    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 4 (Superstar).

    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 5 (Legend).

    Play Pick-Up Game mode in each of the scoring rule categories (My Rules)

  • Xbox | Submitted by robert miller

    Easy Reward Points

    To get easy reward points, select pickup game and select MY RULES, then pick to play to 5 points and spot yourself 4 so its a quick way to get easy reward points that you need to unlock stuff.

  • Xbox | Submitted by soccer monkey

    Easy Money

    This is an easy way to get cash fast. first go to street school. when u have to enter your name make up a new name each time. then complete street school (only takes a couple of minutes) and u have 1000 reward points to use on what ever you want. when you want to get ride of names you just go to options and delete them.

NBA Street Vol. 2 Unlockables

  • GameCube | Submitted by Alex G

    Easy Way To Unlock Nelly

    Okay this is an easy one to do. First you go to street school, then you complete all the things that "Stretch" tells you to do. After you do that you get 1000 reward points. Now you can buy Nelly& The St. Lunatics

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Easy Way To Unlock Nelly

    Okay this is an easy one to do. First you go to street school, then you complete all the things that "Stretch" tells you to do. After you do that you get 1000 reward points. Now you can buy Nelly& The St. Lunatics

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Collect Points

    Go to pickup game, then start a game with the advance of 20 points for your team. score once and you'll win - this will give you 50 points. repeat via "rematch" as often as you want - so you can buy thousands of development points for your "be a legend" player and courts and players and all that stuff

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get stretch!!!

    First go to "be a legend mode" then play it till you get a kind of championship then when you are in the finale's you see that you got to play against team stretch when you are playing against this team win it and when you have won then it wil say "do you want a player from the defeated team? "choose yes en then you choose stretch en you got him.
    (stretch is the man that is in front of the screen the biggest afro man)

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Game Milestones

    Score 1,000,000 Trick Points or more in a single game.

    Shut out the opponent team in a single game.

    Win with 21 or more alley-oops in a single game.

    Win without being blocked by the other team in a single game.

    Create a baller with maximum skills (all skill crowns at level 5, one at level 6).

    NBA Challenge: Clear Northwest region without any losses.

    NBA Challenge: Clear Central region without any losses.

    NBA Challenge: Clear Southwest region without any losses.

    NBA Challenge: Clear Northeast region without any losses.

    NBA Challenge: Clear Southeast region without any losses.

    Complete Street School.

    Complete Street School without failing any lessons.

    Accumulate 20 or more blocks against your opponent in a single game.

    Accumulate 20 or more steals against your opponent in a single game.

    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 1 (Rookie).

    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 2 (Baller).

    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 4 (Superstar).

    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 5 (Legend).

    Play Pick-Up Game mode in each of the scoring rule categories (My Rules).

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Game Milestones

    Score 1,000,000 Trick Points or more in a single game.
    Shut out the opponent team in a single game.
    Win with 21 or more alley-oops in a single game.
    Win without being blocked by the other team in a single game.
    Create a baller with maximum skills (all skill crowns at level 5, one at level 6).
    NBA Challenge: Clear Northwest region without any losses.
    NBA Challenge: Clear Central region without any losses.
    NBA Challenge: Clear Southwest region without any losses.
    NBA Challenge: Clear Northeast region without any losses.
    NBA Challenge: Clear Southeast region without any losses.
    Complete Street School.
    Complete Street School without failing any lessons.
    Accumulate 20 or more blocks against your opponent in a single game.
    Accumulate 20 or more steals against your opponent in a single game.
    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 1 (Rookie).
    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 2 (Baller).
    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 4 (Superstar).
    Be A Legend: Reach Reputation Level 5 (Legend).
    Play Pick-Up Game mode in each of the scoring rule categories (My Rules).

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    St. Lunatics Team and all street legends

    To unlock the St. Lunatics team and all of the other Street Legends, you must first go to enter cheat codes in the identities section. Then type in the code Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle. If typed in correctly, you will hear a sound.

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