Moon Knight episode 6 finally introduced a fan-favorite character

Oscar Isaac in Moon Knight
(Image credit: Marvel)

Moon Knight finally introduced a character it’s been teasing since the very first episode. Spoilers ahead. 

Moon Knight episode 6 brought Marc Spector’s story to an end with an epic finale. We saw Marc save Steven Grant from damnation as they worked with Khonshu to stop Ammit’s plan. The Marvel show even introduced a brand-new superhero with Layla becaming Tawaret’s avatar. Then, in the Moon Knight post-credits scene, Moon Knight finally brought Jake Lockley to the fold. 

The final scene began with us seeing Arthur Harrow, who has Ammit trapped inside of him, in Sienkiewicz Psychiatric Hospital. He’s then wheeled out of the building by a mysterious man clad in a hat speaking Spanish, who leads him into a limo waiting outside. Khonshu is sitting inside and Harrow warns the God that he cannot kill him and Ammit.

Khonshu says: "You want to know something? Marc Spector truly believed that after he and I parted ways, I wanted his wife to be my Avatar. Why would I ever need anybody else when he has no idea how troubled he truly is? Meet my friend, Jake Lockley." In one of the most brutal moments of the episode, Jake turns around and shoots Arthur point-blank in the head as he warns, in Spanish: "Now is your time to lose."

This is not the first time we saw a glimpse of Jake in the episode either. Earlier on, during the fight with Harrow, Marc and Steven both blackout. In a scene reminiscent of a moment from episode 3 when Harrow’s men were killed, Marc wakes up and almost everyone around him is dead. Layla asks him what just happened, but it’s never explained who was behind the attack. Now we know.

Who is Jake Lockley?

Jake Lockley in Marvel Comics

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

All we know in the show’s universe about Jake so far is that he’s a driver, has a strong penchant for violence, and speaks Spanish. He’s now Khonshu’s main avatar in the human world.

He seems to be inspired by the comic book character of the same name – although the show has made a number of changes to his character. In the comics, Jake is a cab driver who acts as one of Marc’s personalities to help him infiltrate the criminal underworld of New York City. 

However, discussing his portrayal of Jake in the show, Oscar Isaac told he wanted to create a different version of him. He explained: "I saw an opportunity to bring something of myself to it that's not just trying to pay service to some idea that was in the comics."

"The thought of, 'He's just going to have the one line that he speaks, it should be in Spanish,'" he added. "There's something that's ominous about him, the kind of control that he has versus, you know, both Marc and Steven that have been so off foot. It just feels like it was just a really fun chance to let the instinct of, after having played these two guys, imagining what else could be in there and the excitement of shooting that scene."

We’ll have to wait to see if Moon Knight comes back for a second season to find out how Jake will play into the Moon Knight universe. Director Mohamed Diab added about his future in Moon Knight season 2: "This isn't Marc so just imagine what's to come. I can't wait to see what's going to happen with the third completely different character with a completely different background."

Check out our guide to all of the confirmed projects in Marvel Phase 4 you have to look forward to next.

Fay Watson
Deputy Entertainment Editor

I’m the Deputy Entertainment Editor here at 12DOVE, covering TV and film for the Total Film and SFX sections online. I previously worked as a Senior Showbiz Reporter and SEO TV reporter at Express Online for three years. I've also written for The Resident magazines and Amateur Photographer, before specializing in entertainment.