Monster Hunter World monsters guide: Weaknesses, locations, strategies, materials and more

Monster Hunter World is a game all about, uh, hunting monsters. If you’ve yet to play the game, there really is no better time than now, especially with the news that the PC and Console releases will be lining up soon. You’ll also be keen to learn all about the beasts you’ll be facing throughout the game. While we do have a guide for all of the Monster Hunter World Iceborne monsters added in the DLC, you can have a look at all of the main game monsters below. 

It's not just about hacking and slashing, you see. Battling each monster in Monster Hunter World is a distinct and uniquely demanding challenge in itself, and there's a lot to learn about all of them as you progress through the rankings. That's why we thought you might value a massive breakdown of Monter Hunter World's bestiary. And that's why we've written one, right here. Read it and be prepared, for knowledge is power. 

It’s worth checking out this guide before you go into a fight, to make sure that your armour is the correct type for protecting yourself from the various elemental attacks you’ll be facing. And don’t forget to stock up on potions, antidotes and other status healing items before you head into the wilderness too. 

The monsters below are sorted in order that you’ll fight them, and we’ve omitted the smaller beasts like the normal Jagras as they don’t require much strategy to fight apart from landing blows.

This Monster Hunter World monsters guide is currently a work in progress, and more Elder Dragons and other mythical beasts will be added as our hunting crew progresses in the game. 

Great Jagras

*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Ancient Forest
Element: N/A
Weak points: Head, tail, belly
Weakest to: Fire, Thunder
Ailment Attack(s): N/A

Materials: Great Jagras hide, Great Jagras scale, Great Jagras mane, Great Jagras claw, Iron Ore, Monster Bone S

Although it might resemble a hippy iguana, the Great Jagras is the first monster you’ll have to properly hunt in Monster Hunter World. You’ll fight its little brothers and sisters initially - the normal Jagras - but it’s the Great ones that you’ve got to watch out for. They’re generally fairly docile, but if you provoke them or attack the smaller Jagras they hang out with, prepare for a fight.


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waster
Element: N/A
Weak points: Head, legs
Weakest to: Water
Ailment Attack(s): N/A

Materials: Kulu-Ya-Ku hide, Kulu-Ya-Ku scale, Kulu-Ya-Ku plume (break forelegs), Kulu-Ya-Ku beak (break head), Monster Bone S

The Dodo isn’t dead, it’s just moved to Monster Hunter World, and has changed its name to Kulu-Ya-Ku because of that crime it committed back in the day. It’s all a bit awkward. And so is fighting one. It uses small bounders, and even its own eggs, to protect itself from incoming attacks or as projectiles to throw at you. Use your slinger to dislodge them and then go for his exposed stomach for the best tactics. 


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Ancient Forest
Element: N/A
Weak points: Head, wings, tail
Weakest to: Thunder
Ailment Attack(s): Poison

Materials: Pukei-Pukei shell (break back), Pukei-Pukei scale, Pukei-Pukei quill, Pukei-Pukei sac (break head), Pukei-Pukei tail (break tail), Monster Bone M

Actually getting access to the Pukei-Pukei’s weak point requires dodging the lizard bird’s tongue and poison attacks. Not only does its gigantic tongue pack a punch, it also happens to come coated in poison for that extra damaging lick. Interestingly, the poison type depends on what the Pukei-Pukei eats, so the actual effect may vary slightly from battle to battle, but always go in armed with Thunder weaponry. Oh, and did we mention that it also vomits bubbling poison pools? They should really rename it the Pukey-Pukey.


Location: Wildspire Waste
Element: N/A
Weak points: Legs, underbelly, tail
Weakest to: Water (when muddy), Fire (when clean), Ice
Ailment Attack(s): Muddy, Waterblights

Materials: Barroth ridge, Barroth shell, Barroth claw, Barroth scalp (more common at higher ranks), Barroth carapace (higher ranks only), Monster Bone M, fertile mud, Monster Keenbone (higher ranks only), Wyvern gem (higher ranks only)

The Barroth will be a familiar, scaly, face to anyone well-versed with the Monster Hunter series. But for newbies, it’s a muddy mess to fight, mostly because you’ve got to contend with his bone-like armour plating that it also covers in mud to further protect itself. Aim for its least protected parts - the legs and belly - and use Fire when its clean, Water when it's muddy and Ice whenever to keep it on its toes. 


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Wildspire Waste
Element: Water
Weak points: Head, tail
Weakest to: Thunder, Fire
Ailment Attack(s): Waterblight, Muddy 

Materials: Jyuratodus scale, Jyuratodus shell, Jyuratodus fan (break head), Jyuratodus fin (break chest), Jyuratodus carapace (higher ranks only), Wyvern Gem (higher ranks only), aqua sac, Monster Bone M

This huge fish beast loves to hide within deep mud, and then cover you with it to slow you down, making you much more susceptible to attacks. Thankfully it has quite a few weak points, with its head, tail and spinal fins all attackable - although the first two are its specific weak points. When it covers itself in mud, use your slinger armed with Puddle Pod ammo to dislodge it too. 


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Ancient Forest
Element: Thunder
Weak points: Head, tail
Weakest to: Water
Ailment Attack(s): Thunderblight 

Materials: Tobi-Kadachi pelt (break back), Tobi-Kadachi electrode (break head/tail), Tobi-Kadachi membrane (higher ranks only), Tobi-Kadachi scale, Tobi-Kadachi claw, Monster Bone M, electro sac, Monster Keenbone (higher ranks only), thunder sac (higher ranks only), Wyvern Gem (higher ranks only)

What happens if you cross a flying squirrel with a iguana and then add some electricity? This guy, that’s what. The Tobi-Kadachi is nimble, feisty and packs some serious electric punch, so you have to be quick and armed to the teeth. Preferably with water-based weapons and ammo. Don’t forget to make sure your armour is thunder resistant too. 


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste
Element: Fire
Weak points: Head, tail
Weakest to: Water, Ice
Ailment Attack(s): Fireblight

Materials: Anjanath pelt, Anjanath scale, Anjanath fang (break head), Anjanath nosebone, Anjanath plate (break head/carve tail) (higher ranks only), Anjanath tail (sever tail), Anjanath Gem, Monster Bone L, flame sac, inferno sac (higher ranks only)

You’ll know the Anjanath from the opening arena of the game and all the trailers. It’s the big T-Rex beastie, but unlike its dino ancestor, the Anjanath has fur too, and just happens to spit fire. Great. Wound him by aiming for the nose when the boney section appears, also his head and legs. You can also cut off his tail for good measure (and extra loot drops). Arm yourself with water weapons and fire resistant armour, and then just keep dodging and attacking until it eventually goes down. 


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Coral Highlands
Element: N/A
Weak points: Head
Weakest to: Thunder, Ice
Ailment Attack(s): Stun

Materials: Tzitzi-Ya-Ku scale, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku hide, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku claw, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku photophone (break head, Monster Bone L, dash extract

Another new face for Monster Hunter World is the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, and yes, it’s another lizard. But there’s a twist on this one, because although it might not be apparent at first, it has some head fins that pop out and emit light. Said light pulses until it blasts a powerful attack that stuns you. Make sure you’re out of the way before that final pulse, and you’ll be in a much better position to attack. It’s also partial to a kick or two, but thankfully it’s fairly weak so won’t take long to take down.


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Coral Highlands
Element: N/A
Weak points: Head
Weakest to: Fire, Thunder
Ailment Attack(s): N/A

Materials: Paolumu scale, Paolumu shell (break tail), Paolumu pelt (break back/neck pouch), Paolumu webbing (break wings), Paolumu wing (higher ranks only), Wyvern Gem (higher ranks only), Monster Bone L, nourishing extract, Monster Keenbone (higher ranks only)

Possibly the cutest Monster Hunter World monster is the Paolumu, which looks like the result of crossing a bat with a sheep (although it’s actually very similar to the real Honduran White Bat, which we absolutely want as a pet). However, don’t let its looks deceive you, because its mouth is filled with incredibly sharp teeth and it knows how to use them. It’s neck pouch inflates too, meaning it can float up and attack from range, making it tricky to beat if you’re relying on close quarters combat weapons. 


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale
Element: Ice
Weak points: Head, wings, tail
Weakest to: Thunder, Fire
Ailment Attack(s): Iceblight

Materials: Legiana hide (break head/back), Legiana scale, Legiana claw, Legiana webbing (break wings), Legiana tail webbing (break tail), Legiana plate, Monster Bone, frost sace

Before you get totally captivated by the Legiana’s leaf-like wings, you should probably remember that it’s one of the most naturally aggressive monsters in the whole of World. Its legs are equipped with razor-sharp talons and it uses those pretty wings to give it an aerial advantage. It will also try to use ice against you, so make sure you’re prepared before diving into a fight with this apex predator.


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Rotten Vale
Element: N/A
Weak points: Head, legs
Weakest to: Dragon, Ice
Ailment Attack(s): Sleep

Materials: Radobaan shell, Radobaan scale, Radobaan oilshell (break head/tail), Radobaan marrow (break tail), Wyvern Gem, Radobaan carapace (higher ranks only), Radobaan medulla (higher ranks only), Monster Bone L, sleep sac, coma sac (higher ranks only)

Imagine the Barroth with pointed bones instead of mud plates and you’ve basically got the Radobaan, but because he is a hot mess of bones, he’s a bit of a nightmare to take down. And what makes the whole thing more worrying is those bones are not actually his bones; they’re the bones of his victims stuck on with a tar-like substance. To make sure skeleton isn’t added to its collection, arm yourself with dragon and ice elements, and try to avoid his roll attack at all costs.


*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: Rotten Vale, Coral Highlands
Element: N/A
Weak points: Head, legs, tail
Weakest to: Ice, Thunder
Ailment Attack(s): Bleeding

Materials: Odogaron sinew (break legs), Odogaron scale, Odogaron claw (break forelegs), Odogaron fang (break head), Odogaron tail, Monster Bone, nourishing extract

The Odogaron isn’t exactly your friendly neighbourhood dog. In fact, it’s very much the opposite. It looks like it’s made entirely of muscle, with an extra row of claws on each foot and bones protruding from its back and tail. Would not pet. Because of all that spikey stuff, the Odogaron can make you bleed, so be careful to stay out of its reach. It’s ridiculously fast and agile - particularly for its size - so arm yourself with a long-range weapon if you can.


Location: Ancient Forest
Element: Fire
Weak points: Head, wings, tail
Weakest to: Dragon, Thunder
Ailment Attack(s): Fireblight, Poison, Stun

Materials: Rathalos plate (break back/head/tail), Rathalos scale (break head), Rathalos marrow (break back), Rathalos shell, Rathalos webbing (break wings), Rathalos tail (break tail), Rath wingtalon, Monster Bone, flame sac

You might spot this flying monster when you’re attacking the Anjanath in the story, as they start a turf war mid-fight. It’s a huge winged beast known as the King of the Skies, which can spit out fiery projectiles, alongside swiping at you with its claws and tail, and giving you a hard bite. It loves to stay airborne, making attacks a little trickier than other battles, but a well-placed flash bomb or a shot from your slinger can bring it down to earth. If you really want to anger it, aim for the wing when it tries to take off again too.


Location: Wildspire Waste
Element: N/A
Weak points: Head, wings, underbelly
Weakest to: Ice, Dragon
Ailment Attack(s): Stun

Materials: Diablos ridge, Diablos fang, Diablos shell, Diablos tailcase, Diablos marrow (break back), twisted horn (break horn), Monster Bone, dash extract

The Diablos is the apex predator of the Wildspire Waste, so you won’t come across it until a little later in the story. Despite the fact it’s got wings, it actually lurks underground waiting for loud noises to trigger it to attack prey. Because of that, when you’re hunting it, be aware that it will burrow underground and attack from a variety of angles. It’s also got quite a potent roar, so if you can equip yourself with earplugs (by eating certain meals, or using weapon and armour skills), you’ll be better off.

Zorah Magdaros

*New to Monster Hunter World*

Location: N/A
Element: Fire
Weak points: Head, underbelly, magmacore
Weakest to: Dragon, Water
Ailment Attack(s): Fireblight 

Materials: Zorah Magdaros heat scale, Zorah Magdaros ridge, Zorah Magdaros pleura, Zorah Magdaros magma, Zorah Magdaros carapace, Zorah Magdaros Gem

Remember when that big fiery thing destroys your ship and sends your Palico into the depths right at the beginning of the game? Well, that was this Elder Dragon strutting its stuff. It’s basically your big bad for the majority of the story, looming over your happy monster hunting like a giant volcano. Good thing it also resembles a giant volcano then. Thankfully you’ll only come across it when the game tells you to fight it, as it’ll appear as a brand new location on the map. You won’t be able to make a dent in its shell with normal weapons, so either target the magmacore heat organs that appear on its body, or go for the head or the belly using cannons and ballistae. 

Pink Rathian

Location: Coral Highlands
Element: Fire
Weak points: Head, wings, tail
Weakest to: Dragon, Thunder
Ailment Attack(s): Poison

Materials: Pink Rathian plate (break back/head/tail), Pink Rathian scale, Pink Rathian shell (break head), Pink Rathian spike (break back), Pink Rathian webbing, Pink Rath wingtalon (break wings), Monster Bone L, flame sac

We’re a little annoyed by the gender stereotyping on this monster, because the Pink Rathian is actually the female version of the Rathalos. Like the Rathalos though, it breathes fire, but it can also poison you and is far more heavily armoured, faster and stronger than its male counterpart. Girl power and all that.


Location: Wildspire Waste, Elder's Recess
Element: Physical only
Weak points: Head, jaw, front legs
Weakest to: Thunder, Dragon
Ailment Attack(s): N/A

Materials: (ALL high Rank only) Immortal dragonscale, Nergigante carapace, Nergigante talon, Nergigante horn (break horns), Nergigante regrowth plate, Nergigante gem, Nergigante tail (cut tail), Elder Dragon bone, Elder Dragon blood

The Nergigante is basically the Hulk of Monster Hunter World (yes, more so than all the other monsters on this list), because it just likes to smash things. You can't trap it, you can't work out what it's element is because it's all about physical attacks, so get rolling now. 


Location: Ancient Forest, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale, Wildspire Waste, Elder's Recess
Element: Fire
Weak points: Head, wings, tail
Weakest to: Thunder, Dragon, Ice
Ailment Attack(s): Fireblight

Materials: (All High Rank only) Bazelgeuse scale, Bazelgeuse carapace (break back), Bazelgeuse talon, Bazelgeuse fuse (break head), Bazelgeuse wing (break wings), Bazelgeuse gem (break head, tail or legs), Bazelgeuse tail (cut tail), Bazelgeuse fuse, Bazelgeuse hardbone.

An optional monster, but a great one nonetheless, the Bazelguese arrives when you're fighting other monsters and gets into turf wars - making your life a whole lot harder. If you're trying to find him, just aim for the nearest large monster you can find and then he'll probably come and find you. Great.

We’ll be adding new monsters to this guide as we hunt them.

Sam Loveridge
Brand Director, 12DOVE

Sam Loveridge is the Brand Director and former Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar. She joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.

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