Monster Hunter Freedom 3 voted game of the year by Famitsu readers

Famitsu readers voted Monster Hunter Freedom 3 (known as Monster Hunter Portable 3rd in Japan) as their 2010 game of the year. The results were announced via Famitsu's website on Friday. The annual mid-year poll serves as the closest thing to an Oscar-like best picture feature.

Pokemon Black & White took home the runner-up “best hit” award, while Heavy Rain took the prize for innovation. The rookie award for best new IP went to Ghost Trick. Special recognition was awarded to the following games:

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Gran Turismo 5
Gods Eater Burst
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Tales of Graces F
Dragon Quest: Monsters Joker 2
Pokemon Black & White
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Love Plus +
Yakuza 4
Red Dead Redemption

Hideo Kojima won the MVP award, while Capcom won best developer.

The list gives a fairly good impression of what gamers in Japan enjoyed last year. The inclusion of Red Dead Redemption and Heavy Rain on the list is a surprise and shows the strides western games have made in the Japanese marketplace in recent years.

Apr 25, 2011

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