Monster Hunter Freedom 2 review

They forgot the freedom, but the monsters are damn pretty

12DOVE Verdict


  • +

    The graphics

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    The music

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    Styling your hair in-game


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    Being leashed to a power outlet

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    Getting used to the controls

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    Any egg-retrieval quest

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Monster Hunter Freedom 2 is almost everything a Monster Hunter sequel should be: more items, more weapons, more monsters, and more hunting. Add that to exquisite cutscenes, good dialogue and hearty gameplay, and you’ve got yourself one of the best RPGs for the PSP ever. The only thing missing from this winning combination is, ironically, freedom - unless by “freedom,” the developers mean “chained to the nearest power outlet.”

What sets the Monster Hunter series apart from your average Japanese RPG is the action - there’s no turn-based nonsense or stat-leveling stupidity (which we'll admit, we often love) to distract you from pure, unadulterated monster hunting. There isn’t even much of a story to occupy the incredibly short cutscenes. You are a hunter, you’re in a new village. You go forth, you hunt. End of story.

More info

DescriptionOne of the PSP's best games gets a bigger, nastier, online-enabled sequel.
US censor rating"Teen"
UK censor rating"12+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)