Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide
Element: Dragon
Ailment: Defense Down, Dragonblight, Severe Dragonblight, Fireblight, Iceblight, Severe Iceblight, Waterblight (depending on location)
Weakness: Dragon, Thunder
Injured Sign: Limping
Breakable Spots: Head, Tail
Tips: Deviljho is nicknamed the “Savage” by veterans of the Monster Hunter Series, and they don’t call him the savage for nothing. Deviljho is a dumb, hungry brute. He stomps his legs when he’s stationary. He swings his head around like a bludgeon as he does lunging charges, attempting to hit hunters to his slight left and right. When he is enraged, he'll have glowing red veins and gains a breath weapon that deals massive damage to anyone caught in the medium sized cone. Think he sounds too scary to fight? Good news! His tail resembles a pickle when sliced, and makes him seem a lot less scary. Otherwise, yeah, he's pretty horrifying.
When he’s drooling, it means he’s hungrier than usual. You should help a Jo out and feed him something; Tinged, Drugged, and Poison Meat works pretty well on him. That should keep him still long enough to break a part, or set up bombs around him.
Azure Rathalos
Element: Fire
Ailment: Poison, Stun, Fireblight, Severe Fireblight
Weakness: Dragon, Ice
Injured Sign: Limping
Breakable Spots: Head, Wings, Tail
Tips: Azure Rathalos spends more time airborne than plain Rathalos, making full use of his poisonous claw grabs and swooping charges. He’s the mate of Pink Rathian. He’s also a bit stronger than vanilla Rathalos, but not by much.
Silver Rathalos
Element: Fire
Ailment: Poison, Stun, Fireblight, Severe Fireblight
Weakness: Water, Thunder
Injured Sign: Limping
Breakable Spots: Head, Wings, Tail
Tips: Silver Rathalos is the strongest form of Rathalos, and the mate of Gold Rathian. He attempts to spend much more time airborne than the alternate breeds, making full use of his poisonous claw grabs and swooping charges. When grounded, he will rarely bite, and prefers to shoot fire his fire ball or spin attack if you are near him. Good luck fighting the silver sky king!
Crimson Fatalis
Element: Dragon, Fire
Ailment: Blastblight, Fireblight
Weakness: Dragon, Ice
Injured Sign: Limping
Breakable Spots: Horn, Eye, Wings, Chest
Tips: Crimson Fatalis is the last “boss” of the single player Village Quests campaign in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. The safest place to stand when fighting Crimson Fatalis is perpendicular to his body. Do not stand close to his tail, as he will flick it back and forth, dealing huge damage. His tail is heavily armoured and cannot be cut, so there is no reason to be near it at all. He can be mounted by landing on his nape just between his wings and neck. Even though you will mount at the base of his neck, the hunter will be on his head during the mounting mini-game. This is the best way to KO him and gain access to his tender head.
During the battle he will fly up and shoot fireballs, dive back down at you, and transform the terrain slightly. He has a rare sweeping firebreath with a long range, and that is why we recommend standing abreast when he is grounded. When he stands upright, if you are using a ranged weapon or a weapon with reach, stab at his chest between his arms. This part of him is weak and can be broken.
Look out for the red bomb cloud. The dust itself doesn’t deal that much damage, but if you get the Blastblight on you (looks like a skull bomb icon,) you must dodge roll three times to remove it before it explodes. Crimson Fatalis can also ignite the dust to explode, so don’t meander in it for too long. When Crimson Fatalis is rearing back, he is getting ready to unleash his meteor storm. The meteors will telegraph bright circles on the ground before impact, and can be easily dodged if you keep an eye on the ground. The meteors appear to fall in a pattern and don’t seem to hit the same spot twice very often.
Element: Fire
Ailment: Sleep, Poison, Fireblight, Severe Fireblight
Weakness: Water
Injured Sign: Limping
Breakable Spots: Stomach, Back
Tips: You will encounter Basarios in Expeditions. He attempts (poorly) to hide in the terrain. When first locating Basarios, you will be looking for an out-of-place rock formation. This will actually be a stony “hump” on his back protruding up through the ground. If you are melee, use a projectile like a boomerang or a stone to safely make him come up from a distance.
Basarios is very similar to Gravios; he fires a heat beam directly in front of him, and his stomach and back can be grabbed and climbed on. When his body starts glowing, he’s trying to burn you, poison you, or put you to sleep, so get away from him. Sometimes he may flutter up and try to body slam you. Basarios will roll around on his back more often than Gravios. Basarios rarely uses his wings to fly during battle, performing only a small lift and slamming back down on the ground.
When he starts shaking rocks off of him, back away a short distance. The rocks aren’t his strongest attack, and if you have high armour, you can take the opportunity to lay some damage on his soft belly. To get various Basarios parts, break his back. The rocks on his back will look cracked if you have successfully broken it.
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- Great Jaggi, Seltas, Kecha Wacha, Tetsucabra, Velocidrome
- Gypceros, Gendrome, Nerscylla, Congalala, Zamtrios
- Lagombi, Najarala, Khezu, Rathian, Gore Magala
- Iodrome, Gravios, Zinogre, Seltas Queen, Rathalos
- Tigrex, Shagaru Magala, Daimyo Hermitaur, Emerald Congalala, Yian Kut-Ku
- Blue Yian Kut-Ku, Purple Gypceros, Cephadrome, Monoblos, Red Khezu
- Pink Rathian, Seregios, Black Gravios, Stygian Zinogre, Yian Garuga
- Deviljho, Azure Rathalos, Silver Rathalos, Crimson Fatalis, Basarios
- Ruby Basarios, Brachydios, Teostra, Gold Rathian, Rajang
- Dah’ren Mohran, Dalamadur, Kushala Daora, Akantor, Ukanlos
- Desert Seltas, Ash Kecha Wacha, Berserk Tetsucabra, Plum Daimyo Hermitaur, Shrouded Nerscylla
- Tidal Najarala, Diablos, Black Diablos, Chaos Gore Magala, Chameleos, Gogmazios
- Molten Tigrex, Shah Dalamadur, Kirin, White Monoblos, Oroshi Kirin, Raging Brachydios
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