Modern Warfare 2 players are a little too happy about killing campers with drill charge: "It's so metal"

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
(Image credit: Activision Blizzard)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players are uncomfortably giddy about massacring campers using the new drill charge throwable.

For the uninitiated, the drill charge is a new and quite lethal piece of equipment introduced in Modern Warfare 2. It looks like a big drill and when thrown against a surface, it drills right through to the other side and then explodes. That's extremely bad news for campers who like to hide in confined spaces hoping they'll snare unsuspecting passersby in their sightlines, as now anyone can just chuck a drill charge against the wall and kill them or flush them out, and although this tactic won't significantly improve your KD in Modern Warfare 2, it is satisfying. As PC Gamer notes, the drill charge makes itself known before it explodes, so nearby players have a chance to evacuate before they're exploded.

Here's someone using it to kill a camper hiding out in a room one story above them.

And here's someone else throwing one, miraculously, at a building way out in the distance and successfully exploding its inhabitant:

And here's Morgan Park of PC Gamer sticking an enemy with the drill charge and thereby spaghettifying them.

That's all well and good, and I'm personally glad to see campers getting their due, but some folks are just a little too happy to be slaughtering their fellow operators. "It's great on big map modes since if you hit a vehicle with it, it kills everyone inside," says Fiendfuzz, presumably with a sinister grin plastered across their face.

"I stuck someone with a drill charge and squealed with delight," says armyvet22.

Wulv8022 loves the fact that you can stick a drill charge to someone and it'll kill them and whoever's standing behind them - they just wish it was even gorier. "Dude it's amazing when they camp in a small room with one entrance. You just throw on any wall you can find and just kill them. If you throw it directly on someone it kills them by drilling through their body and if someone stands behind him the ejected charge explodes them. It's so metal. I wish there was some gore effect to it."

Like I said, some folks are just a little too gleeful about the deadly effects of the drill charge. "Jesus you're sticking people with these? You guys are maniacs," says itsthechizyeah, somewhat rightfully.

Anyway, for my readers who happen to camp from time to time, let this be a warning: your haters are now armed and trigger-happy.

ICYMI: Modern Warfare 2's ping has seemingly been disabled because of this bug

Jordan Gerblick

After scoring a degree in English from ASU, I worked as a copy editor while freelancing for places like SFX Magazine, Screen Rant, Game Revolution, and MMORPG on the side. Now, as GamesRadar's west coast Staff Writer, I'm responsible for managing the site's western regional executive branch, AKA my apartment, and writing about whatever horror game I'm too afraid to finish.