Modern Warfare 2 delays ranked practice mode CDL Moshpit at the last minute

Modern Warfare 2
(Image credit: Treyarch)

Modern Warfare 2's CDL Moshpit playlist, which is basically a practice run for the game's impending ranked mode, has been dropped from today's big Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass Season 1 update at the last minute. 

With Modern Warfare 2 Season 1 guns and maps now live, Treyarch announced the delay on Twitter this morning, explaining that "recently discovered issues with the mode will require a slight delay." The studio says "addressing these issues [is] our current top priority, and we'll update you on the timing ASAP," which suggests we may not see CDL Moshpit for a few days at the very least. 

Like Modern Warfare 2's upcoming ranked playlist, CDL Moshpit was modeled after the Call of Duty League. It uses the same rules, restrictions, and map rotation for 4v4 Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, and Control matches, positioning it as a way to prepare for the release of ranked mode. 

You'll still have time to jump into the Moshpit and practice for ranked proper – which is still vaguely scheduled for a future seasonal update, presumably Season 2 – but slightly less time after today's delay. And competitive players will likely want to practice since ranked mode will have skill divisions and skill ratings, not to mention a top-250 leaderboard, so it'd be good to acclimate to Call of Duty League rules now. Now's also a good time to build one of the best Modern Warfare 2 loadouts available, adjusting for League rules of course. 

Here's how to use Modern Warfare 2 weapon tuning to get the most out of your favorite, most-used guns. 

Austin Wood

Austin freelanced for the likes of PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his journalism degree, and he's been with 12DOVE since 2019. They've yet to realize that his position as a senior writer is just a cover up for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the ruse going with a focus on news and the occasional feature, all while playing as many roguelikes as possible.