Mistaken For Strangers review

"Hey, Moby!"

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From Dig! to Anvil , rock-docs often revel in tour-bus turmoil. Tom Berninger’s droll, honest snapshot of his brother Matt’s band The National upends such rock’n’roll clichés. When Matt takes Tom on tour as a roadie, the band seem level-headed. Metal-head Tom, mind, is a booze-gurgling liability – the kind who mislays the guest-list when Werner Herzog’s on it.

Like Spinal Tap remixed by Alexander Payne, what emerges from this sly inversion of rock myth is an affecting, hilarious portrait of chalk/cheese sibling love, with a sweet twist: Tom thinks he’s a loser, but his film is a winning one-off.

Freelance writer

Kevin Harley is a freelance journalist with bylines at Total Film, Radio Times, The List, and others, specializing in film and music coverage. He can most commonly be found writing movie reviews and previews at 12DOVE.