Mission: Impossible 6 set photos show Tom Cruise doing what he does best - his own stunts

Tom Cruise’s mission, should he choose to accept it: continue doing his own stunts in Mission: Impossible movies well into his 50s, and look like he’s enjoying every minute of it. If these new set photos are any indication, it looks like he accepted that mission with glee.

Collider and X17Online took to Twitter to share some new photos of Cruise on the Paris set of Mission: Impossible 6, and it looks like the action star is getting back in Mission: Impossible 2 mode by donning a black leather jacket and jumping on the back of a beefed up motorcycle:

Those wire harnesses lead me to believe there’s a big crash in Ethan Hunt’s future, and it looks like Cruise is going to go flying (though obviously not as high as he did when he strapped himself to an actual plane as it took off in the previous film).

In a first for the franchise, the still-untitled MI6 is being directed by Chris McQuarrie, the same director who tackled the most recent movie in the series, 2015’s Rogue Nation. It’s weird to think that there were rumors Jeremy Renner came on board two films ago as a way for Cruise to pass the franchise to a different actor, because it seems like Cruise has become more adventurous with each movie in this series as it progresses. I can’t wait to see the mysterious “mind-blowing” sequence in this movie that required him to train for a full year.

Directed by Chris McQuarrie and starring Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Henry Cavill, and more, Mission: Impossible 6 hits theaters on July 27, 2018.

Image: Paramount Pictures

Ben Pearson
Ben is an entertainment journalist who has written about movies online for nearly a decade. He loves the Fast & Furious franchise, prefers Indiana Jones to Star Wars, and will defend the ending of Lost until his dying day. He shook Bill Murray's hand once (so he's got that going for him, which is nice). Ben lives in Los Angeles with his wife.