10 Missing Animal Crossing characters that deserve to arrive in New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons
(Image credit: Nintendo)

The Animal Crossing series has been going strong for almost 20 years, so it's no surprise that we've seen plenty of characters come and go between each instalment. But, that doesn't stop us hoping to see some of the missing Animal Crossing characters make their way to Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Nintendo has steadily begun reintroducing characters into Animal Crossing: New Horizons since its release in March 2020, but so far the only iconic characters that have resurfaced from the older titles include: Tom Nook, the Able Sisters, Isabelle, Timmy and Tommy, Blathers, Celeste, Kicks, and thanks to a few post-launch updates: Redd, Jack, and now Pavé who was recently announced as part of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Festivale event.

So here are 10 characters from the older titles that we’d love to see make their way onto the Nintendo Switch. 


Missing ACNH characters

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Nintendo 3DS

Like most of the characters in this list, Wendell’s role has changed throughout the series. When he first appeared in Animal Crossing on the GameCube, he would rock up to people’s towns and ask for food. If the player decided to give him a piece of fruit, a fish, or a turnip, Wendell would give rare wallpapers in return. In Wild World and City Folk, he acts pretty much the same except gives players rare designs instead of wallpaper, and in New Leaf he utilizes the Dream Suite’s features to swap designs with players in the dream towns they’re visiting.  

 See how far in-game designs have come in our best Animal Crossing: New Horizons design codes guide 


Missing Animal Crossing New Horizons characters

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer - Nintendo 3DS

For his past three appearances, Lyle has maintained a respectable role as a house salesman but we miss when he was a sleazy insurance salesman in Wild World. Back then, Lyle would appear outside the player's home every Saturday and follow them around until spoken to. After rambling on, he would get players to sign up to his insurance policy for 3,000 bells. This meant that each time you were stung by a bee, trip over, or face any other bad luck, you’ll receive 100 bells the next day. Which is good, he was just so unsavory about it. 


Missing ACNH characters

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 3DS

To this day, we're still struggling to meet a villager as fabulous as Gracie. Previously the owner of the GracieGrace boutique in City Folk/New Leaf that specialized in designer (aka really expensive) clothes and home furnishings, Gracie also used to do the public service of turning up in your town to make you wash her car and then tell you that your outfit is ugly. The role has kind of been taken over by Label (the third Able Sister and ex-employee of GracieGrace) in New Horizons… but Label is a little nicer though.

Dr. Shrunk

Missing ACNH characters

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 3DS

This freaky looking Salamander is actually as goofy as they come. Dr. Shrunk, like many of the others on this list, used to visit player’s towns randomly and teach them reactions, which could then be used when playing online. In City Folk, he went up in the ranks to open up a theatre with his fellow psychiatrist Frillard, where players could pay to attend and learn different emotions each day. In New Leaf, Shrunk opened up a venue called Club LOL where he also taught emotions, and where K.K Slider also played DJ on Saturday nights. Yes, you read that right. 

For newer fans of the series, take a look at our Animal Crossing: New Horizons reactions guide


Missing ACNH characters

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - iOS/Android

I could never tell if Katrina was a friend or someone to fear. Starting out in a humble tent in Wild World, Katrina would also pop in for a visit on a random weekday and tell people’s fortunes for the small price of 100 bells. She moved up in the world in City Folk and got her own fortune-telling shop in the city, but got demoted back down to a tent again in New Leaf and charged even more for a fortune. This did eventually result in her getting another shop in New Leaf though, guess she’s gotta get that deposit paid somehow.


Missing ACNH characters

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 3DS

Kapp’n feels like everyone’s loveable grandad. He is literally the backbone of each Animal Crossing title as he’s responsible for basically all of the transport in the game. Kapp’n started out sailing a ferry, then moved onto a cab, then a bus, then a motorboat. The only problem with Kapp’n is that he literally never shuts up. He’s either telling a really long story the entire drive or singing sea shanties until you arrive at your destination. Players were given the option to rush the journey in New Leaf but how could you be so rude to Grandad?!


Missing ACNH characters

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 3DS

Technically, there is an Animal Crossing: New Horizons Resetti, but since we are yet to actually SEE him - this still counts. Before autosave, Resetti would greet players who had failed to save during their last playthrough and give them an earful. This was a very loud and long exchange that featured some of the most grating music you’ve ever heard. Fans later found out that he not only has a ‘Reset Centre’ located in the city’s drains but also has a cousin called Don Resetti, who was a lot calmer and more understanding. 

Resetti does make an appearance in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, just now how you’d expect


Missing ACNH characters

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 3DS

It's clear that Brewster is everyone’s number one wish for New Horizons. This solemn pigeon is primarily known in the series for running the coffee shop in the basement of the museum, and later in New Leaf even opened his own coffee shop, The Roost. Once Brewster had his own place, he even hired players to work part-time in the shop. One of our favourite things about the older games was stopping into the cafe at weird times to see what NPCs we could spot sipping coffee. Spoiler alert: it was always grumpy post office clerk Phyllis. 

Katie & Kaitlin

Missing ACNH villagers

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 3DS (Katie) & Animal Crossing: City Folk (Kaitlin) 

This technically counts as one entry as you can’t have one without the other. Players would often find Katie wandering around their town in tears looking for her mum Kaitlin who is usually in the last town you visited online. You are then tasked with reuniting the family by revisiting the previous town with Katie, and will receive a present in the post the next day if you succeed. Kaitlin doesn’t show up in New Leaf though as Katie had grown up enough to travel alone, and will ask you to take her to a friend’s town to visit instead.


Missing ACNH villagers

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Last Appearance: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 3DS 

Despite her freaky face in the picture above, Blanca actually walks around without a face at all... Which might be creepier. This globetrotting cat will appear in your town and ask for you to draw her a face, and will then visit your friend’s towns via WIFI with her new face to ask them to do the same. It’s a great way to interact with friends without having to actually connect with them. She had a slightly different role in New Leaf that involved April Fool’s Day, but honestly, the face thing is way more fun.

Find out about the current NPCs in our Animal Crossing: New Horizons visitors guide

Hope Bellingham
News Writer

After studying Film Studies and Creative Writing at university, I was lucky enough to land a job as an intern at Player Two PR where I helped to release a number of indie titles. I then got even luckier when I became a Trainee News Writer at 12DOVE before being promoted to a fully-fledged News Writer after a year and a half of training.  My expertise lies in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, cozy indies, and The Last of Us, but especially in the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm also known to write about the odd Korean drama for the Entertainment team every now and then.