Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Cheats

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition FAQs

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Glitches

  • Xbox | Submitted by Evan

    Invisible Ramp

    Gas Station

    Near the middle of the Detroit map under the highway, there is a gas station. Near it is a parking lot. Go in the lot and then toward the gas station. You should be in the air when you get to the end of the parking lot.

  • PS2 | Submitted by BJW

    Vinyl Glitch

    When you get vinyls that take up all four layers of the vinyls, it takes off any other vinyls you had on before, but I found a way to keep your old vinyls along with the vinyls that take up four layers. Just simply pick 1-layer vinyls that you like. Leave layer 1 empty. Once you pick the top 3 layers, go to 'Install Setup'. Go back to the vinyls and pick the cool four-layer vinyl you like. Put it on layer 1, then go back to 'Install setup' You shuold now have a very unique vinyl. This could take a few tries.

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Cheats

  • PS2, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper


    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2 | Submitted by Chris Cann

    Add $1 to Career Money

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2 | Submitted by Chris Cann

    Subtract $1 From Career Money

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2 | Submitted by none

    Unlock Everything

    Go to options then cheats then enter the cheat


  • PSP | Submitted by matthew

    Unlimited NOS

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PSP | Submitted by escalade

    Unlock Lexus is300

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PSP | Submitted by Chris Cann

    Money Cheat: add $1 Career Mode

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PSP | Submitted by kris kania

    Unlock Everything

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PSP | Submitted by 411

    All Cars and Motorcycles

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PSP | Submitted by Chris Cann

    Money Cheat: subtract $1 Career Mode

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper


    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PSP | Submitted by monty

    All Cars (Arcade Mode)

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PSP | Submitted by lynn

    All Prize Cars

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • Xbox | Submitted by Chris Cann

    Add $1 to Career Mode

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper

    Chrome Head

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper

    Bunny Head

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper

    Pumpkin Head

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • Xbox | Submitted by Chris Cann

    Subtract $1 from Career Mode

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper

    Smiley Head

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Master Nick

    All Cities for Arcade Mode

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper

    Faster Peds

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by Grim Reaper


    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper

    Snowman Head

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper


    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper

    Flame Head

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper

    More Car Mass

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • Xbox | Submitted by Grim Reaper


    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


    also reported as:


  • PS2, Xbox, PSP | Submitted by Grim Reaper

    No damage

    Go to options then to cheats and put in the code


  • PS2 | Submitted by rhys

    Pop a Wheelie

    Once your vehicle's Hydraulics have been upgraded to Level 3, if you are in a rear-wheel-drive vehicle, get your front end to bounce continuosly by double tapping and then holding the R1 button (handbrake) and pushing up on the Left Analog Stick a few times. You should now be able to release the R1 button and your RWD car (or SUV) should continue to bounce its front end. Having your transmission set to manual for best results, rev your motor all the way up and then shift into 1st gear. If your timing was right, your car will surge forward and pop a wheelie at the same time. Using nitrous once you shift into 1st gear will give you better results and may allow you to shift gears a few times before your car's front end drops back to the ground. You may flip over backwards if you take off too fast. With a front-wheel-drive car, simply get the rear hydraulics of your car bouncing and use reverse to pop a wheelie going backwards. You may have to rock your car back and forth by switching between forward and reverse throttle, but with the right touch, your FWD car should be able to do this trick also (going backwards of course), even though much less dramatic compared to going forward in a RWD car. You can have your car flip over in reverse also, or it may stand on its nose. This is not very purposeful, besides having other players (online) wondering how you popped a wheelie off the line. Sometimes you can "jump" other cars using this glitch, but during a race, you probably will not have enough time to go through all the steps. Worth a few laughs at least, and will keep other players (online) wondering.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Lexus IS300

    At the main menu, when it says "Press Start" then you Enter the Cheat

    Up, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Left. Note: Lexus is only available in Quick Race and 2 player modes!

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Hints

  • Xbox | Submitted by Trevor French

    Front Flip Trick

    San Diego, Atlanta, or Detroit

    First, grab a car that is small, fast, or both. A Class A/Exotic Lambrogini will do great. Then find a jump like the roller coaster jump in San Diego. Then jump it and hold down the weight transfer button and press the left analog stick up. You will now be halfway through the jump when you hit the ground. If you were fast enough to do that, the car should flip back over and you won't have to reset.

  • PS2 | Submitted by jonathen

    Head Start Off the Line

    To get ahead start of the race, hold R1 and X right after the 2 disappers then when the 1 disappers release R1 and you will get a headstart.

  • PS2 | Submitted by jonathen thomas

    Head Start

    To get a headstart of the race, hold R1 and X right after the 2 disappears then when the 1 disappears releas R1 and you will get a headstart.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Professional Gamer #537

    Trolley Fun

    This hint right here gets a little bit or a lot complicated. You gotta go to San Diego and warp or head to the garage. You gotta make sure you picked a vehicle which it's equipped with hydraulics. Once you've selected a vehicle with hydraulics, leave the garage and follow the railroad tracks until you stop right here when you are far away from the Baseball Stadium. Do not park your vehicle too close from the rail or you can get a critical damage. Also, don't park it too far from the cross streets. Instead, park your vehicle into a cross walking next to the rail. Don't park in front of a rail, park it to the side. Afteer that, press the down D-Pad to activate hydraulics. Then, press R1+R2+L2+L1 so you can get a better view. Press the left or right D-Pad to see where the trolley is heading. You can cause a traffic jam lining it up and it's kinda great. Once the trolley is coming, keep a sharp eye out. Then quickly press and hold the left D-Pad to see the trolley plow through the traffics. This one is a very hard hint, so read it carefully.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    The object of this code is to Nitro-Purge when moving. When in front of the Enemy you can confuse the A.I. to do this you must be moving. Than you must Press and hold R1 and than press L1 to perform a nitrous smoke-screen!

  • PS2 | Submitted by Austin C.

    Winning Outrun Races

    In Outrun races, before you start the race, take the front of your car and push on the back end of your enemy to spin him out. While doing this, you might want to start the race, just in case. This helps your chances of winning. Another way to help you win is to push your enemy into other cars.

  • PS2 | Submitted by kal

    Car Stats

    Note: These are with no special tuning, no uniques, and just all level 3 modifications:
    A3: 396.4 ft-lbs, 510.6 bhp, quarter-mile 8.65.
    Acura RSX: 294.1 ft-lbs, 471.8 bhp, quarter-mile 8.31.
    Audi TT: 368.8 ft-lbs, 500.1 bhp, quarter-mile 8.56.
    Ford Focus: 332.7 ft-lbs, 426.5 bhp, quarter-mile 8.44.
    Honda Civic: 284 ft-lbs, 454 bhp, quarter-mile 8.49.
    Hyundai Tiburon GT V6: 338 ft-lbs, 511 bhp, quarter-mile 8.29.
    Infiniti G35: 408.7 ft-lbs, 515.4 bhp, quarter-mile 7.96.
    Lancer Evolution VIII: 377.6 ft-lbs, 430.9 bhp, quarter-mile 8.54.
    Lexus IS300: 349.5 ft-lbs, 480 bhp, quarter-mile 8.01.
    Mazda Miata Mx-5: 303.8 ft-lbs, 424.3 bhp, quarter-mile 8.10.
    Mazda RX-7: 291.3 ft-lbs, 441.6 bhp, quarter-mile 7.60.
    Mazda RX-8: 269.9 ft-lbs, 476.6 bhp, quarter-mile 7.83.
    Mitsubishi 3000GT: 397.3 ft-lbs, 472 bhp, quarter-mile 8.63.
    Mitsubishi motors Eclipse: 402.2 ft-lbs, 467 bhp, quarter-mile 8.33.
    Mustang GT: 488.1 ft-lbs, 551.7 bhp, quarter-mile 8.16.
    Nissan 240SX: 335.2 ft-lbs, 488.7 bhp, quarter-mile 7.53.
    Nissan 350Z: 415.7 ft-lbs, 523.9 bhp, quarter-mile 7.86.
    Nissan Sentra seR specV: 338.4 ft-lbs, 481.9 bhp, quarter-mile 8.86.
    Nissan Skyline GTR: 353.4 ft-lbs, 494 bhp, quarter-mile 8.34.
    Peugeot 206: 278 ft-lbs, 398.8 bhp, quarter-mile 8.44.
    Pontiac GTO: 439.7 ft-lbs, 543.6 bhp, quarter-mile 8.30.
    Subaru WRX Impreza: 381.7 ft-lbs, 443 bhp, quarter-mile 8.78.
    Toyota Celica: 281.4 ft-lbs, 445.8 bhp, quarter-mile 8.16.
    Toyota Corolla: 269.7 ft-lbs, 428.9 bhp, quarter-mile 8.30.
    Toyota Supra: 396.4 ft-lbs, 516.4 bhp, quarter-mile 8.10.
    Volkswagen Golf GTI: 369.3 ft-lbs, 419.2 bhp, quarter-mile 8.30

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Hydraulic Air

    This code can make your car jump into the air. First of all, you'll need level 2 hydraulics. Once you have level 2 hydraulics, then drive your car up to a wall, so that the front of your car is touching the wall. Then start to use your hydraulics. After a few seconds, this should send your car bouncing upwards! Sometimes you get more air than other times. To use your hydraulics, make your car come to a complete stop. Then hold down R1 and move the left analog stick from side to side very quickly.

  • PS2 | Submitted by BJW

    Rachel's Car

    Early in the game Rachel lets you drive her car back to the car lot right? Well when she says go to the car lot don't go. Keep her car for a while and race with it to have an advantage on the other racers due to her awesome car. You will win lots of money until she doesn't let you race anymore, then you can give her her car back. So use her car wisely as long as you can!

  • PS2 | Submitted by bustum

    Find Rockstar Logos

    Atlanta: When you get out of the garage immediately turn to the right. You will see a glass. Crash through to find the logo.

    Atlanta: Drive to the bottom of the map. Look for a building with a large globe. There is a logo that reads "Nitro Cola". A logo is located directly under it.

    Atlanta: Drive to the graveyard in the south of the map (near the highway). There is a logo at the east part of the building.

    Atlanta: Follow the highway until you reach a place with some construction work. Drive off the highway (to your right side if driving north), and look for a tank station. Follow the building around and you will see a ramp/road going up. Get some speed, fly over, and you will land on the roof of the building. The logo should be directly in front of you.

    Atlanta: Follow the highway until you see a building with a yellow sign on top that reads "DJ Smalls". Across the road is a small parking area where you can see a sign on another building that reads "Spike". To the left of that building is a basketball court and a logo.

    Atlanta: Follow the building where your garage is located. Drive through the skeleton's mouth and you will find a logo.

    San Diego: Find the aircraft carrier and locate the ramp to jump onto the flight deck. Here you'll find a logo.

    San Diego: There is a logo behind the baseball stadium. Follow the highway to the back of the stadium. You will then see a small ramp. Drive up to find the logo.

    San Diego: There is a logo at the top deck of the hangar ship.

    San Diego: Drive to the beach at the top left of the map. Follow the beach until you see a small tunnel. There you'll find the logo.

    San Diego: At the lower left of the map (near the hanger ship), follow the coastline. There is no road close by. Follow the large building, and you will find a small road that leads up to a roof. Turn left and you will see the logo.

    San Diego: Almost at the lower right corner at the map, there is a large parking garage. When you are on the street, drive to the bottom left corner of the building. Drive up the ramp, turn left, and drive through the window to find another logo.

    San Diego: To the far left of the map at the roller coaster, drive up the ramp that is located to the north. Ride to find the logo.

  • PS2 | Submitted by BadBoy8000

    Headstart on World Champ

    As soon as the race starts stay directly behind the World Champ's car, but do not pass. Right before hitting the first check point ram her from behind and hit "O" button and hard left, if you do this right you will force her to keep going straight and hit a wall. This gives you about a 1/2 mile lead. Enough to get ahead and win.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Jolley


    If you want to get a backflip first unlock slow mo for tuner cars and then find a big jump. Get some speed and hit the jump, as you are just in the air use slo mo and then hold down weight transfer and pull back on the left analogue stick. if done correctly you can hold it down and do backflips. If you use slo mo in the air and push forward on the analogue stick you can do frontflips if you get enough air. And if you push sideways on the analogue stick in the air in slo mo you can do 360's

  • Xbox | Submitted by bustum

    Find Rockstar Logos

    Atlanta: When you get out of the garage immediately turn to the right. You will see a glass. Crash through to find the logo.
    Atlanta: Drive to the bottom of the map. Look for a building with a large globe. There is a logo that reads "Nitro Cola". A logo is located directly under it.
    Atlanta: Drive to the graveyard in the south of the map (near the highway). There is a logo at the east part of the building.
    Atlanta: Follow the highway until you reach a place with some construction work. Drive off the highway (to your right side if driving north), and look for a tank station. Follow the building around and you will see a ramp/road going up. Get some speed, fly over, and you will land on the roof of the building. The logo should be directly in front of you.
    Atlanta: Follow the highway until you see a building with a yellow sign on top that reads "DJ Smalls". Across the road is a small parking area where you can see a sign on another building that reads "Spike". To the left of that building is a basketball court and a logo.
    Atlanta: Follow the building where your garage is located. Drive through the skeleton's mouth and you will find a logo.
    San Diego: Find the aircraft carrier and locate the ramp to jump onto the flight deck. Here you'll find a logo.
    San Diego: There is a logo behind the baseball stadium. Follow the highway to the back of the stadium. You will then see a small ramp. Drive up to find the logo.
    San Diego: There is a logo at the top deck of the hangar ship.
    San Diego: Drive to the beach at the top left of the map. Follow the beach until you see a small tunnel. There you'll find the logo.
    San Diego: At the lower left of the map (near the hanger ship), follow the coastline. There is no road close by. Follow the large building, and you will find a small road that leads up to a roof. Turn left and you will see the logo.
    San Diego: Almost at the lower right corner at the map, there is a large parking garage. When you are on the street, drive to the bottom left corner of the building. Drive up the ramp, turn left, and drive through the window to find another logo.
    San Diego: To the far left of the map at the roller coaster, drive up the ramp that is located to the north. Ride to find the logo.

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by Lil Dee

    Pedestrians Admire Your Car

    Drive your car and stop beside a pedestrian (DO NOT HIT THEM) after a few seconds they should start looking at your car. They may get on their knees to admire your rims, or walk around your whole car.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Jolley


    If you want to get a backflip first unlock slow mo for tuner cars and then find a big jump. Get some speed and hit the jump, as you are just in the air use slo mo and then hold down L1 (weight transfer) and pull back on the left analogue stick. if done correctly you can hold it down and do backflips. If you use slo mo in the air and push forward on the analogue stick you can do frontflips if you get enough air. And if you push sideways on the analogue stick in the air in slo mo you can do 360's

  • PS2 | Submitted by iplaygamestoomuch

    Start Ahead

    At the start of a race you can start ahead of the other racers. As soon as the race countdown begins hold L1 and x and do a 360(spin all the way around.)This should push you in front of the other racers.And if you do this right you should begin the race as soon as you are done.(Note:This only works with cars, NOT MOTORCYCLES!!!)

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Unlockables

  • PS2 | Submitted by Playstation 2 Fan #1000

    Unlock Bonus Bikers

    Collect all 36 Rockstar logos.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Playstation 2 Fan #8

    Unlock Cadillac Sixteen

    Complete the game 100%.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Jeff

    Car Unlocks

    Atlanta cop: complete the game
    Detroit cop: complete the game
    El Diablo Rigid: complete vanessa three times in career mode
    Nissan Skyline: complete all 13 tuner race tournaments
    Skully bike: complete the Chopper of America Bike Club races.
    Chrysler 300C "DUB edition": Win the Balboa Park tournament in San Diego.
    Cadillac Escalade EXT Dub Edition: Win the Hotlanta tournament in Atlanta. You will get $10,000 out of it.
    Cadillac Escalade ESV: Win the second San Diego tournament.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Angel O

    Krypt Keys

    Koffin Effect Cost or location
    AA Quan Chi Attack art 221 Sapphire
    AB Golden Desert arena E-2 Netherrealm
    AC 297 Gold Koins 63 Sapphire
    AD Edenia Realm Map art 148 Platinum
    AE Unknown amount Jade Koins 137 Platinum
    AF Chou Jaio video Punch Mokap at C-6 Orderrealm
    AG Puzzle Fighter Ladder art 121 Ruby
    AH Torture concept art 159 Ruby
    AI Kabal Storyboard art 201 Gold
    AJ Sindel alternate biography 186 Sapphire
    AK Konquest Layout art 127 Sapphire
    AL Liu Kang Tomb Render art 227 Platinum
    AM Nightwolf alternate costume A-4 Netherrealm
    AN Noob Storyboard art 179 Sapphire
    AO Scorpion Kata Test video 612 Onyx
    AP MK4 Scorpion Render art 202 Platinum
    AQ Jade alternate biography 352 Platinum
    AR Ermac Early concept art 192 Ruby
    AS Sub-Zero alternate biography C-3 Earthrealm
    AT Sindel Storyboard art 155 Platinum
    BA Kira Storyboard art 193 Sapphire
    BB MK4 3D Test video 681 Platinum
    BC Dragon King Render art 108 Sapphire
    BD 602 Sapphire Koins 117 Gold
    BE MK Chess concept art 213 Platinum
    BF Scorpion vs Sub-Zero art 113 Onyx
    BG 297 Sapphire Koins 352 Ruby
    BH Liu Kang's Tomb arena Bridge at H-6 Earthrealm
    BI Liu Kang biography 294 Platinum
    BJ Chamber Death Trap concept art 198 Gold
    BK 4 Player concept art 106 Platinum
    BL Evil Yin Yang concept art 87 Jade
    BM 659 Platinum Koins 97 Gold
    BN Nightwolf concept art 88 Onyx
    BO Bo' Rai Cho alternate biography 269 Ruby
    BP Live at Kuatan music E-5 Netherealm
    BQ Nethership Stern art 227 Sapphire
    BR 461 Gold Koins 129 Ruby
    BS Chess Kombat concept art 56 Jade
    BT Arcade Select music 488 Onyx
    CA 722 Ruby Koins 202 Gold
    CB 374 Gold Koins 338 Platinum
    CC Beetle Lair music A-6 Earthrealm
    CD Beetle Lair concept art 212 Onyx
    CE Dariou alternate biography 422 Jade
    CF Weapon concept art 178 Platinum
    CG Raiden Torpedo Shujinko's Move E-5 Edenia
    CH 254 Sapphire Koins 154 Gold
    CI Li Mei concept art 210 Sapphire
    CJ Falling Cliffs concept art 135 Gold
    CK Chamber of Artifacts Lower Level art 101 Jade
    CL Raiden Lightning Test art 1004 Jade
    CM Undead General art 177 Platinum
    CN Havik alternate costume 1114 Onyx
    CO Dragon King's Throne art 256 Platinum
    CP Carlos Pesina photo 267 Jade
    CQ Ermac Storyboard art 255 Gold
    CR Unknown
    CS Martial Arts Moifah video 521 Platinum
    CT Jim Terdina photo 781 Gold
    DA Kabal alternate costume Fight Kabal at B-1 Chaosrealm
    DB Shujinko biography 331 Onyx
    DC Havik concept art 176 Ruby
    DD Unknown
    DE Ermac alternate concept art 207 Sapphire
    DF Falling Cliffs concept art 205 Ruby
    DG Danny Guitierrez photo 111 Platinum
    DH Chaos Realm concept art 143 Ruby
    DI Tanya unlocked A-3 Outworld
    DJ Sub-Zero Promotional Render art 185 Jade
    DK Outworld Guard House art 137 Sapphire
    DL Shang Tsung's Destroyed Palace art 255 Onyx
    DM Noob-Smoke unlocked 3643 Onyx
    DN Li Mei Storyboard art 177 Gold
    DO Dragon Mountain arena H-8 Outworld
    DP Tanya biography 306 Platinum
    DQ Slaughterhouse Sketch art 66 Onyx
    DR Marketing and Media Team photo 601 Platinum
    DS Living Forest arena 1694 Sapphire
    DT Cinematic Scorpion art 301 Sapphire
    EA Ermac Masked concept art 207 Platinum
    EB Ed Boon photo 144 Sapphire
    EC Portal Arena music 871 Jade
    ED Order Realm City Center art 215 Platinum
    EE Ashrah alternate costume H-4 Netherealm
    EF Shujinko Promo Render art 236 Platinum
    EG Thank You! art 291 Ruby
    EH Nethership Interior map 245 Onyx
    EI Nethership Hanging Bodies art 165 Sapphire
    EJ Noob-Smoke alternate costume 1494 Platinum
    EK Slaughterhouse Death Trap art 288 Gold
    EL Dairou Storyboard art 199 Jade
    EM Unknown
    EN Falling Cliffs Fatality art 294 Onyx
    EO Opening Movie Animatic video 793 Platinum
    EP Falling Cliffs Fatality art 227 Sapphire
    EQ Voice Actors photo 316 Onyx
    ER Unknown
    ES Sektor and Smoke art 234 Onyx
    ET Mileena concept art 141 Jade
    FA Hotaru Character Sketch art 206 Ruby
    FB Martial Arts Monkey video 565 Onyx
    FC Old Shujinko concept art 217 Onyx
    FD MK Mythologies video 628 Ruby
    FE Liu Kang's Tombs concept art 301 Sapphire
    FF Raiden Character Studies art 116 Ruby
    FG Outworld Chess concept art 222 Gold
    FH Game Balance Testers photo 138 Platinum
    FI Martial Arts Zha Chuan video 596 Gold
    FJ Red Dragon Sword art 153 Sapphire
    FK Cliffhanger concept art 293 Platinum
    FL Player Capture concept art 126 Jade
    FM Cinematic Team photo 154 Sapphire
    FN Hua Chuan video E-2 Earthrealm
    FO Sky Temple concept art 456 Jade
    FP 378 Ruby Koins 107 Sapphire
    FQ Quan Chi's Realm Detail art 198 Gold
    FR Double Character concept art 288 Onyx
    FS Slaughterhouse concept art 122 Ruby
    FT 418 Platinum Koins 224 Jade
    GA Baraka alternate biography A-3 Earthrealm
    GB Noob-Smoke alternate biography 390 Sapphire
    GC Jade alternate costume G-4 Outworld
    GD Mileena Storyboard art 133 Ruby
    GE Jon Vogel Painting art 216 Gold
    GF Kuatan Palace arena In a house at A-4 Orderrealm
    GG Quan Chi' Skull Wall video 610 Ruby
    GH Raiden Promotional Render art 299 Sapphire
    GI Kira concept art 182 Ruby
    CJ San Diego Creative Team photo 251 Ruby
    GK Hotaru's alternate biography 267 Gold
    GL Darrius concept art 99 Sapphire
    GM Mileena (Puzzle Fighter) unlocked C-6 Netherrealm
    GN Chaos Realm Water Center art 217 Ruby
    GO Jade (Puzzle Fighter) unlocked 2911 Ruby
    GP Portal arena G-5 Earthrealm
    GQ MK4 Sonya art 154 Sapphire
    GR Jon Greenberg photo 209 Gold
    GS Kira biography 202 Sapphire
    GT Sexy Mileena art 217 sapphire
    HA Adisak Pochanayon photo 186 Onyx
    HB Yin Yang (Puzzle) arena D-1 Earthrealm
    HC Yin Yang Statue art 111 Gold
    HD Jennifer Hedrick photo 168 Ruby
    HE 434 Gold Koins 173 Onyx
    HF Shujinko Sword concept art 183 Gold
    HG 434 Jade Koins 317 Gold
    HH Sareena Render art 54 Jade Konis
    HI Noob-Smoke biography 312 Gold
    HJ Tiles of Death and Whimsy music In a house A-9 Outworld
    HK Sub-Zero Render art 668 Jade
    HL Mileena alternate costume From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at F-7 Earthrealm
    HM Scorpion concept art 136 Ruby
    HN Tanya Character Studies art 194 Jade
    HO Scorpion wire frame from MK4 art 172 Ruby
    HP Sindel Character Study art 156 Platinum
    HQ Liu Kang's Tomb (Puzzle) arena 1515 Jade
    HR Outworld Cottage art 401 Onyx
    HS Herman Sanchez photo 213 Platinum
    HT 361 Jade Koins 324 Sapphire
    IA MKGold Baraka and Mileena art 144 Jade
    IB Bo' Rai Cho alternate costume 2086 Onyx
    IC Animation Sketches art 243 Sapphire
    ID Unknown
    IE Darrius Promo Render art 216 Sapphire
    IF User Interface Team photo 682 Ruby
    IG Mian Chuan video E-8 Netherrealm
    IH MK Deception Teaser Trailer video 556 Jade
    II Konquest Production art 200 Sapphire
    IJ Quan Chi's Realm Portal art 144 Sapphire
    IK Arena Weapon concept art 224 Platinum KOins
    IL Slaughterhouse concept art 199 Ruby
    IM 286 Ruby Koins 133 Platinum
    IN Shujinko's Ice Blast In a building at A-9 Edenia
    IO Good Yin Yang concept art 194 Platinum
    IP Kobra alternate costume Fight Kobra at G-2 Earthrealm
    IQ Dragon King Ending Part 2 art 139 Onyx
    IR Jade Storyboard art 256 Jade
    IS Raiden Solid Model art 164 Gold
    IT Information Technology photo 189 Sapphire
    JA Jim Bulvan photo 324 Onyx
    JB Jay Biondo photo 29 Ruby
    JC Nethership Fight Intro art 376 Sapphire
    JD Nightwolf Storyboard art 186 Ruby
    JE Mythologies Bloopers video 793 Sapphire
    JF Noob alternateernate concept art 217 Platinum
    JG 357 Onyx Koins 175 Ruby
    JH Baraka Render art 235 Platinum
    JI Dead Pool arena 2191 Ruby
    JJ Early Promo art 200 Platinum
    JK Kenshi alternate biography 245 Jade
    JL Tanya from MK4 art 63 Onyx
    JM Baraka vs Mileena Animatic video 640 Jade
    JN John Nocher photo 159 Sapphire
    JO Unknown
    JP Scorpion Storyboard art 134 Jade
    JQ Nexus arena A-4 Chaosrealm
    JR Deadly Alliance Exhibit art 187 Ruby
    JS Havik unlocked In a house at H-4 Chaosrealm
    JT MK Mythologies Sub Zero Dies video 804 Gold
    KA Tanya alternate biography 253 Jade
    KB Noob concept art 225 Sapphire
    KC Unknown
    KD Art Crew photo 212 Onyx
    KE Sindel Promo Render art 178 Sapphire
    KF Quan Chi Realm Approach art 260 Gold
    KG Raiden alternate biography 287 Gold
    KH Liu Kang's Tomb concept art 273 Onyx
    KI Scorpion alternate costume In the town at B-6 Earthrealm
    KJ 477 Sapphire Koins 161 Onyx
    KK Unknown
    KL Shang Tsung Attack art 200 Gold
    KM 242 Platinum Koins 145 Ruby
    KN Shujinko "Powerfist" From 4 p.m. to 4 a.m. at D-3 Netherrealm
    KO Quan Chi Cinema Model art 186 Ruby
    KP John Podalesak photo 401 Gold
    KQ MK Mythologies video 683 Onyx
    KR Ashrah Character concept art 145 Gold
    KS Kabal alternate biography 233 Onyx
    KT Liu Kang's Tomb music A-6 Earthrealm
    LA Facial Animation Test art 165 Ruby
    LB Brian Le Baron photo 170 Onyx
    LC 489 Jade Koins 182 Onyx
    LD Shang Tsung's Chess concept art 67 Jade
    LE Nightwolf alternate biography 265 Platinum
    LF Unknown
    LG Face Damage Demo art 155 Gold
    LH 297 Jade Koins 217 Sapphire
    LI Animation Sketches art 206 Sapphire
    LJ Edenia Realm House art 196 Ruby
    LK Ashrah concept art 170 Onyx Konis
    LL Havik biography 398 Sapphire
    LM Luis Mangubat photo 178 Gold
    LN Baraka Storyboard art 232 Gold
    LO Hotaru biography 342 Jade
    LP Tools Group photo 136 Platinum
    LQ MK Universe Logo art 125 Sapphire
    LR 299 Ruby Koins 201 Jade
    LS Dragon King Face art 200 Jade
    LT Konquest Mission Maps art 200 Platinum
    MA Raiden unlocked E-3 Orderrealm
    MB Mike Boon photo 639 Jade
    MC Fatality concept art 280 Onyx
    MD Order Realm City Center art 99 Jade
    ME Darrius Character concept art 66 Jade
    MF Noob Saibot Demo art 385 Jade
    MG Nethership Plan art 192 Platinum
    MH Unknown
    MI Kabal (Puzzle) unlocked 2425 Platinum
    MJ Chaos Realm Ruins art 139 Sapphire
    MK Kira alternate biography 283 Platinum
    ML Tanya alternate costume Fight Tanya at C-2 Outworld
    MM Shujinko alternate biography 236 Ruby
    MN Dragon King Ending Part 1 art 164 Gold
    MO Unknown
    MP Quan Chi voice test 815 Sapphire
    MQ Mary Qian photo 128 Onyx
    MR Dark Prison music In a house at C-3 Earthrealm
    MS Raiden Demise video 528 Platinum
    MT Mike Taran photo 529 Onyx
    NA 476 Onyx Koins 126 Jade
    NB Sky Temple concept art Unknown
    NC Nigel Casey photo 148 Gold
    ND Bo' Rai Cho (Puzzle) unlocked C-6 Earthrealm
    NE Scorpion Render art 196 Platinum
    NF Li Mei biography 281 Ruby
    NG Ashrah Render art 166 Sapphire
    NH 461 Onyx Koins 144 Platinum KOins
    NI Scorpion's Katana art 227 Jade
    NJ Kombo Krusher music 561 Gold
    NK Jon Vogel photo 245 Jade
    NL 357 Gold Koins 105 Jade
    NM Rock Crusher Death Trap art 129 Sapphire
    NN Nightwolf Promo Render art 499 Ruby
    NO Liu Kang's Tomb concept art 188 Gold
    NP 325 Ruby Koins 144 Onyx
    NQ Bo' Rai Cho Storyboard art 243 Gold
    NR 348 Sapphire Koins 115 Ruby
    NS Nick Shin photo 124 Ruby
    NT Netherrealm Shull Rock art 162 Onyx
    OA Sub-Zero Storyboard art 128 Onyx
    OB Courtyard arena A-1 Netherrealm
    OC Outworld Map art 211 Sapphire
    OD Hell's Foundry art 209 Platinum
    OE Slaughterhouse Render art 152 Platinum
    OF Shujinko "Flip Kick" D-4 Edenia House
    OG 322 Sapphire Koins 148 Jade
    OH Sky Temple Elevation art 178 Jade
    OI Jade unlocked 2417 Jade
    OJ Hotaru unlocked H-1 Orderrealm
    OK Silat video B-1 Chaosrealm
    OL Online Team photo 211 Platinum KOins
    OM Noob and Smoke Demo art 181 Onyx
    ON Kenshi unlocked C-3 Earthrealm
    OO Dragon Mountain arena 452 Platinum KOins
    OP Kobra Storyboard art 282 Sapphire
    OQ Quan Chi Fortress arena In a house at H-5 Orderrealm
    OR Alan Villani photo 272 Sapphire
    OS Havik alternate biography 395 Ruby
    OT Unknown
    PA Raiden concept art 346 Jade
    PB Nightwolf and Sonya from MK3 art 194 Gold
    PC Goju Ryu video 592 Sapphire
    PD Li Mei unlocked In a house at F-7 Outworld
    PE Nethership Interior art 212 Ruby
    PF Kenshi Storyboard art 260 Ruby
    PG Paulo Garcia photo 45 Jade
    PI Ashrah Storyboard art 280 Sapphire
    PJ Ermac alternate biography 254 Gold
    PK Pav Kovacic photo 128 Jade
    PL Slaughterhouse Death Trap art 255 Onyx
    PM Outworld Map art 312 Onyx
    PN Noob concept art 161 Sapphire
    PO Konquest Missions Team photo 227 Ruby
    PP Raiden (Puzzle) unlocked 3604 Gold
    PQ Animation Sketches art 103 Onyx
    PR Kenshi biography 288 Gold
    PS Unknown
    PT Shinnok from MK4 art 171 Sapphire
    QA Quality Assurance, Chicago photo 467 Sapphire
    QB 463 Platinum Koins 189 Sapphire
    QC Havik concept art 169 Platinum
    QD Darrius alternate biography 392 Gold
    QE Chaosrealm concept art 178 Gold
    QF Nethership Cross Section art 126 Gold
    QG Chamber of Artifacts Render art 210 Gold
    QH Li Mei alternate biography 296 Onyx
    QI Unknown
    QJ Chaos Realm Koffins art 207 Ruby
    QK Liu Kang Storyboard art 162 Sapphire
    QL 348 Jade Koins 134 Ruby
    QM Animation Sketches art 377 Jade
    QN Ashrah alternate biography 324 Sapphire
    QO Scorpion Pawn art 197 Sapphire
    QP Ermac alternate costume A-8 Netherrealm
    QQ Quality Assurance, San Diego photo 374 Jade
    QR 227 Gold Koins 123 Platinum
    QS Nethership Bow art 231 Platinum
    QT Hotaru alternate costume 1064 Ruby
    RA Dragon King Storyboard art 169 Platinum
    RB 258 Ruby Koins 215 Onyx
    RC Midway Media, Chicago photo 263 Platinum KOins
    RD Frozen Katakombs art 167 Platinum
    RE Mileena alternate biography F-6 Earthrealm
    RF Sub-Zero concept art 213 Gold
    RG Young Shujinko art 288 Sapphire
    RH 397 Onyx Koins 163 Gold
    RI Sky Temple concept art 320 Onyx
    RJ Falling Cliffs Fatality art 159 Jade
    RK Sludge Pit concept art 148 Sapphire
    RL Beetle Lair Attack art 166 Gold
    RM Unknown
    RN Alexander Barrentine photo 137 Gold
    RO 343 Platinum Koins 124 Jade
    RP Jade biography 258 Jade
    RQ Evil Yin Yang concept art 131 Sapphire
    RR Ryan Rosenberg photo 88 Gold
    RS Dead Pool Arena music 398 Platinum
    RT Scorpion alternate biography D-4 Earthrealm
    SA Raiden biography 319 Ruby
    SB Steve Beran photo 327 Platinum
    SC Kenshi alternate costume A-6 Earthrealm
    SD Deception Preview video 675 Platinum
    SE Liu Kang alternate biography 388 Onyx
    SF Good Yin Yang concept art 167 Onyx
    SG Kira alternate costume 990 Sapphire
    SH Kira unlocked H-2 Earthrealm
    SI Jade Character Studies art 244 Gold
    SJ Sindel alternate costume D-1 Netherrealm
    SK Bo' Rai Cho art 52 Onyx
    SL Val Tudo video 615 Ruby
    SM Edenia Realm Palace art 195 Gold
    SN Shujinko Character concept art 155 Jade
    SO Sound Team photo 198 Jade
    SP Baraka concept art 244 Sapphire
    SQ Shujinko Fatality 2 D-4 Edenia
    SR Baraka alternate costume 2252 Gold
    SS Production Assistance photo 219 Ruby
    ST Chess Piece concept art 298 Ruby
    TA Todd Allen photo 104 Jade
    TB Darrius alternate costume In a house at E-3 Outworld
    TC Living Forest music 682 Sapphire
    TD Noob Demo Version 2 289 Platinum
    TE Unknown
    TF 434 Onyx Koins 150 Sapphire
    TG Tony Goskie photo 135 Onyx
    TH Havik concept art 257 Jade
    TI Sindel biography 269 Onyx
    TJ Death Trap Chamber art 239 Sapphire
    TK MKDeception Trailer Animatic 547 Ruby
    TL Golden Desert music D-8 Netherrealm City
    TM MK4 Promo art 191 Onyx
    TN Early Quan Chi art 191 Onyx
    TO Tony Zeffiro photo 126 Gold
    TP Kobra alternate biography 283 Onyx
    TQ Lower Mines Death Trap art 274 Gold
    TR Kenshi puzzle fighter In shrine at F-4 Earthrealm
    TS Taaron Silverstien photo 365 Sapphire
    TT Choy Lay Fut video A-9/Edenia

  • PS2 | Submitted by kal

    Cars Unlocks

    2003 Acura RSX Type S: North America only, FWD, 200 hp, 7,400 rpm, 142 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.
    2004 Audi A3: AWD, 250 hp, 6300 rpm, 236 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.
    2004 Audi TT Quattro: AWD, 250 hp, 6300 rpm, 236 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.
    2004 Cadillac Escalade: AWD, 145 hp, 5200 rpm, 380 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 2.
    2003 Ford Focus ZX3: FWD, 130 hp, 5300 rpm, 135 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.
    2005 Ford Mustang GT: RWD, 300 hp, 5800 rpm, 315 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.
    2000 Honda Civic Coupe Si: North America only, FWD, 160 hp, 7600 rpm, 111 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.
    2004 Hummer H2: AWD, 325 hp, 3600 rpm, 385 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 2.
    2003 Hyundai Tiburon GT: FWD, 181 hp, 6000 rpm, 177 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 2.
    2004 Infiniti G35: RWD, 280 hp, 6200 rpm, 270 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.
    2002 Lexus IS300: RWD, 215 hp, 5800 rpm, 218 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.
    2004 Lincoln Navigator: RWD, 300 hp, 5000 rpm, 355 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 2.
    1999 Mazda Miata: RWD, 128 hp, 6500 rpm, 110 lbs. torque; unlocked at start
    1995 Mazda RX-7: RWD, 255 hp, 6500 rpm, 217 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.
    2004 Mazda RX-8: RWD, 238 hp, 8500 rpm, 159 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.
    1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT: AWD, 320 hp, 6000 rpm, 315 lbs. torque, unlocked in level 4.
    1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse: AWD, 210 hp, 6000 rpm, 214 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.
    2003 Mitsubishi Lancer: AWD, 271 hp, 6500 rpm, 273 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.
    1992 Nissan 240SX: FWD, 155 hp, 5600 rpm, 160 lbs. torque; unlocked in the start.
    2003 Nissan 350Z: RWD, 287 hp, 6200 rpm, 274 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.
    2003 Nissan Sentra SER Spec-V: FWD, 175 hp, 6000 rpm, 180 lbs. torque, unlocked in level 2.
    1999 Nissan Skyline R34 GTR: AWD, 276 hp, 6800 rpm, 216 lbs. torque, unlocked in level 5.
    2004 Peugeot 106: Outside North America only, FWD, 120 hp, 5500 rpm, 107 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.
    2003 Peugeot 206: FWD, 138 hp, 6000 rpm, 143 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.
    2004 Pontiac GTO: RWD, 350 hp, 5200 rpm, 365 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 4.
    2003 Subaru Impreza WRX STi: AWD, 300 hp, 6000 rpm, 300 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 5.
    2003 Toyota Celica GT-S: FWD, 180 hp, 7600 rpm, 130 lbs. torque; unlocked level 2.
    1987 Toyota Corolla GTS (AE86): RWD, 112 hp, 6600 rpm, 97 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.
    1998 Toyota Supra: RWD, 225 hp, 5800 rpm, 210 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.
    2004 Vauxhall Corsa: Outside North America only, FWD, 125 hp, 6000 rpm, 122 lbs. torque; unlocked at start.
    2003 Volkswagen Golf GTI 1.8T: FWD, 180 hp, 5500 rpm, 173 lbs. torque; unlocked in level 3.

  • PS2 | Submitted by rhys

    Part Upgrades

    Hoods- Get 4 wins on outrun level 2.
    Engine, transmission or tires- Get 3 wins on outrun level 3.
    Rims- Get 6 wins on outrun level 3.
    Spoilers- Get 4 wins on outrun level 4.
    Vinyls- Get 6 wins on outrun level 4.
    ECU, turbo or brakes- Get 9 wins on outrun level 4.
    NOS, weight or suspension- Get 6 wins on outrun level 5.
    Wide body kits.- Get 11 wins on outrun level 5.
    Magazine Cover Unlocks
    Auto Motor- Get 20 wins on level 5.
    AutoMaxx- Get 16 wins on level 4.
    Car Audio and Electronics- Get 6 wins on level 3.
    Chrome und Flamen- Get 27 wins on level 4.
    Elaborare- Get 3 wins on level 4.
    GTI- Get 11 wins on level 3.
    GTI - Get 16 wins on level 5.
    Hot 4's- Get 18 wins on level 3.
    Import Tuner- Get 4 wins on level 5.
    Maxi Tuning- Get 7 wins on level 4.
    Power- Get 32 wins on level 5.
    Spoiler- Get 11 wins on level 4.
    Sports Compact Car- Get 8 wins on level 2.
    Street Car- Get 2 wins on level 3.
    Street Car- Get 9 wins on level 5.
    Street Tuner- Get 34 wins on level 5.
    Stuff- Get 20 wins on level 4.
    Super Street- Get 28 wins on level 5.
    Swiss Tuner- Get 25 wins on level 5.
    Turbo- Get 4 wins on level 2.

  • PS2 | Submitted by shane

    Unlock 68 Corvette

    Beat all of the Muscle Car Races in career mode.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Jeff

    Car Unlocks

    Atlanta cop: complete the game
    Detroit cop: complete the game
    El Diablo Rigid: complete vanessa three times in career mode
    Nissan Skyline: complete all 13 tuner race tournaments
    Skully bike: complete the Chopper of America Bike Club races.
    Chrysler 300C "DUB edition": Win the Balboa Park tournament in San Diego.
    Cadillac Escalade EXT Dub Edition: Win the Hotlanta tournament in Atlanta. You will get $10,000 out of it.
    Cadillac Escalade ESV: Win the second San Diego tournament.

  • Xbox | Submitted by biglou14

    Unlock Ducati SS1000

    Win Hotlanta Tournament.

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by bustum

    Unlock Chrysler 300C "DUB EDITION"

    Win the Balboa Park tournament in San Diego.

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by bustum

    Unlock Nissan Skyline

    Win all tuner racer tournaments.

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