Metal Slug 3 - Xbox Live Arcade review

Hundred-mega shock! This old-school side scroller knows how to blow stuff up

12DOVE Verdict


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    Great difficulty curve


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    Maybe TOO difficult

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    Tough achievements

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    Not playing the first two

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Jan 4, 2008

SNK Playmore’s previous Xbox Live Arcade effort was less than stellar, and that’s being charitable. And that’s not because the port was bad so much as the game itself just didn’t stand the test of time. Metal Slug 3 doesn’t suffer from that problem…the real issue here is that a lot of folks may never have heard of this fantastic, old-school NeoGeo shooter.

Metal Slug is like Contra if Contra had been released about a decade later and featured downright incredible hand-drawn, 2D graphics and animation. This game really is one of the prettiest shooters you’ll ever see, and has lost absolutely nothing in the translation to Microsoft’s Live Arcade service. The animation is fantastic, and the game suffers no slowdown whatsoever despite the huge, screen-filling bosses and various effects throughout.

More info

DescriptionA classic side-scrolling shooter that has lost absolutely nothing in the translation to 360.
Franchise nameMetal Slug
UK franchise nameMetal Slug
Platform"Xbox 360"
US censor rating"Teen"
UK censor rating""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)