Metal: Hellsinger blasts and headbangs its way to the Best Audio gong at the Golden Joystick Awards 2022

Metal: Hellsinger has won the Best Audio award at this year's Golden Joystick Awards.

The headbanging, riff-laden FPS saw off some strong competition with the shortlist being stacked with audio pedigree. The nominees in full were:

Metal: Hellsinger's epic rhythm shooter gameplay channels the spirit of Doom in its apocalyptic, hellish landscapes and monster-slaying action, all carried out in time to excellent heavy metal tracks. The more you shoot in time with the music and the beat, the better your demon-slaying experience, and the more intense the music gets leading to downright outrageous levels of destruction and mayhem - and headbanging. The journey across hell fighting through hordes of demons and bosses all to the scintillating soundtrack heightened the experience and really scratched that Doom-like itch for many this year. Throw in a mighty story narrated by Troy Baker and you've got a real recipe for success.

The game's audio is, naturally, what makes it so excellent, and is crucial to the experience. Featuring a score composed by Two Feathers and featuring the likes of heavy metal gods Serj Tankian from System of a Down, Matt Heafy from Trivium,  Alissa White-Glüz from Arch Enemy, Randy Blythe from Lamb of God - and many more - and you can see why this game and its sublime audio and soundtrack captured the votes of so many players this year.

Discover the best games of 2022 at the best prices by checking out the Golden Joystick Awards Steam sale page

Rob Dwiar

Rob is the Deputy Editor of sister site, TechRadar Gaming, and has been in the games and tech industry for years. Prior to a recent stint as Gaming Editor at WePC, Rob was the Commissioning Editor for Hardware at 12DOVE, and was on the hardware team for more than four years, since its inception in late 2018. He is also a writer on games and has had work published over the last six years or so at the likes of Eurogamer, RPS, PCGN, and more. He is also a qualified landscape and garden designer, so does that in his spare time, while he is also an expert on the virtual landscapes and environments of games and loves to write about them too, including in an upcoming book on the topic!